Many good points have been made.
I would like to address the teacher who may not want to teach their student how to fight.
I have fallen into this and it is always the student who comes to me and says I want to learn to KNIFE FIGHT!
Or they come to me and ask to be an assassin.
So no I do not teach them.
If while teaching them a curriculum and I cannot trust them then I will not teach them.
It is not because I have a superior mindset for others. It is because I do not want to be dragged into a court room for turning out murderers.
As to Master in general, I have also recognized that some may teach better than they fight.
Or they may have fought earlier in their life and are now teaching. And because of injuries or such they may not be able to fight to the best ability, yet they do know it and understand it and can teach it.
I also recognize that one maybe really good with their skill set and timing and suck at teaching.
The first is easier than the second one, as they usually do not have the patience now the wisdom to share.
A couple of examples of the title associated with me.
The first someone gave me a certificate after many years of training and testing with a rank that most would consider master level.
When first used in a seminar format some people cried foul and were upset.
I explained off the mats I am Rich. On the mats, call me by your systems respectful title or saying or say a simple sir or even a raised hand with an "um" referenced and I will do my best to answer your questions and help.
After time of me working with more people the complaints or jealousy either went away or was more quiet.
In a different art where our instructor did not use titles or even official ranks.
There some unofficial ranks.
Allowed to have a training partner.
Allowed to have a training group.
Allowed to teach.
and finally asked to teach the system as the founder had asked my instructor.
No where in there is a rank or official title.
So how did I get the rank/title of Master in that art?
A person from a different lineage and modified system wanted to visit out instructor.
They could not make their first couple of attempts.
Later he could only he had a stroke a month to two months prior.
So he staid at my house and of course we trained.
He was moving and I asked what some things were and his response was I am hitting you in the head and you are not even able to respond.
I had not responded to his movement as it was no where near my engagement zone.
While talking him I gave him a small little tap with the cane/stick backhanded to his shoulder.
Then I asked him to hit me in the shoulder.
He did softly.
I said harder, a little bit.
he did.
I said again same step up.
He did.
I said I did not die.
So every time you hit me in the shoulder it is a head shot.
And no matter what happens after this you can always say you hit me three to my one on you.
He laughed and appreciated the joke and the sentiment.
He then provided input I could react to and counter.
I place my strikes and did not hit him yet he knew his blocks were non-existent or late and he started calling me Master Rich.
I asked him not too. He did stop after a while.
The next day he saw our instructor and many of the current active students in the area.
He had explained to him what had happened and he was impressed by me and told my instructor that.
He was recognized as a Master in his system already.
Therefore I had to be a Master to be able to not get hit and place my strikes so we both knew.
I showed up late as I could not take the complete day off of work.
I was able to get there about 2 PM. Many people (almost all of them) were mad at me for the title usage by this visitor.
Even when I asked him to stop he continued. My Instructor who like I said was still recovering from a stroke, turned what he could and place a hand on mine and said it was OK. Let it go.
I staid until everyone had left. I had dinner with the family.
I asked him why was it ok.
He said I was recognized outside of our group for my skillset, so it was not self imposed and internal imposed.
I said we don't use them or at least he didn't.
His reply was if the others wanted to get that respect that could pick up a stick and cross it with people like I had been doing and was doing.
Nothing was stopping them from doing this.
They All wanted the title. And were jealous and upset when someone else had it.
Yet they were not willing to do the work.
I didn't do the work and exposure for title or rank.
I did it to learn and test myself no one else.
I mention these variations only for reference.
Mileage may vary.
Ignore if not what you are looking for.