What is the problem with Kukkiwon?

Good question. TF seems to have dropped off lately as well.


And so has the hypocrisy....
NPTKD is a good guy and speaks his mind. Actually I like him and miss his opinions. (HINT, HINT)

p.s. He can actually throw a high side kick too! More than some.

You know, Ron, you can stop with the digs towards Twin Fist. I doubt he's checking this thread. Just stop it.

It was too late to edit, but I did not realize that this was a necro-ed thread. Please disregard my question and comments about whether or not there is a point to this thread, as at the time when you posted it, KKW critique was going pretty strong. Once I realized that it was an old thread (Thanks to Djinx), the point made sense.

My bad.


Yeah, I found myself thinking it was new and then i realized the date. And NPTKD was banned so I thought for a second that maybe they allowed him back.

I liked him too.
Anyone under 30 get Terry's quote/joke? :)

FWIW, I miss NPTKD too.

Older than 30 but I didn't get it. I plead cultural ignorance. Also, for historical knowledge, context, and just plain thirst for old juicy gossip: How far do tensions between TF and Master Southwick go? Have blows ever been exchanged?
Anyone under 30 get Terry's quote/joke? :)

FWIW, I miss NPTKD too.

For those of you that did not understand the humor here it is, Tricks is a brand of cereal that has a Rabbit always trying to get them, the reference was to d1jinx comment about {silly Rabbit} which the kids would say so I finished it with the rest of the phase ( Silly Rabbit tricks are for kids) I hope this explains everything.
Older than 30 but I didn't get it. I plead cultural ignorance. Also, for historical knowledge, context, and just plain thirst for old juicy gossip: How far do tensions between TF and Master Southwick go? Have blows ever been exchanged?

I would not waste my time. There is no conflict between us; I just call BS when I hear it.
Thanks I believe the picture is better than me explaining.

Pictures are easy.... aint technology grand! google, copy paste... ahhh the good life.

And Do They still make that ? not sure... havent eaten cereal in years. actually I try to avoid the grocery store so It wouldnt matter if I ate cereal or not..

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