WTF - Kukkiwon Certificates

I don't want to probe too much, but I was wondering what a 3rd Dan in Goju Ryu was trying to get from a Taekwondo master that cost $400? What exactly where you trying to buy and why did it require a contract?

I received my Goju-ryu rank many yrs ago and have since, studied other disciplines and styles. At the time, (with the TKD school), I was studying WTF TKD. To broaden my knowledge, so to speak.

The instructor ranked me as 1st Degree BB and asked for $400 to apply for Kukkiwon Certification.

I have since found out, that he doesn't even have the credentials to apply me to the Kukkiwon, which is why I asked him for my money back.
I don't want to probe too much, but I was wondering what a 3rd Dan in Goju Ryu was trying to get from a Taekwondo master that cost $400? What exactly where you trying to buy and why did it require a contract?
The four hundred dollars was probably the cost of the first dan test for which he has not received a KKW cert.

So you'd freely give your Instructor $400 for something he promised in return, and then when you didn't get what you paid for, you'd just call it a loss???

And what if you found out that your instructor had illegally manipulated your contract to charge you more than you originally agreed to pay? Would you just say, "well that's ok too"? How about just give him all of your money? No questions asked...

Sounds like a good candidate for a cult follower.

See, when I spend money for something, I expect to receive what I spent it on.
You may view it a matter of principle, but chances are, suing him for the money you've paid will cost you more than the money you've paid.

One question that I have for you is this: what was the nature of the training that you received up to first geub? How does what you saw in the classes you attended compare with what you see in other dojangs/dojos that you perceive as legit?

Another question is what you mean when you say that he has no accredidation to instruct the Kukkiwon curriculum? Further back, you said that he was a fourth dan from the ROK special forces. Chances are that his fourth dan was issued by the Kukkiwon (if anyone knows better on this, please comment). If he holds a Kukkiwon fourth dan, then he is not only accredited, but is capable of filing dan applications up through third dan.

In any case, there is nothing magical or mystical about the Kukkiwon curriculum and learning WTF sparring in a basic sense is not all that hard. If the man had the skills and taught you those skills along with Taegeuk pumse and sparring under the WTF rule set (which are not, so far as I know, protected in the way that the Songahm system is), then it would seem that the only loose end is the Kukkiwon cert that you should have received.

At this point, it will probably be more bother than worth to get back the four hundred bucks, though again, that is a decision that you will have to make.

Further back, you said that he was a fourth dan from the ROK special forces. Chances are that his fourth dan was issued by the Kukkiwon (if anyone knows better on this, please comment).

Depends on when the instructor in question received his promotion. It could have been an ITF certificate, a Kwan certificate like Kuk Mu Kwan or Oh Do Kwan, a KTA or Kukkiwon certificate. We need more information.
If you take him to small claims court and he failed to fulfill his end of the bargain it would probably not cost you very much and you would more than likely win and get your $400 back.
Thanks to Master Miles helping me find the spot on their site I received my sons certificates directly from the kukkiwon : )
Thanks to Master Miles helping me find the spot on their site I received my sons certificates directly from the kukkiwon : )

hahahaha. good deal.

just outta curiousity, was it dated close to the testing date?
Yikes, I would have to remember when that was but off the top of my head it looks close. I think the Teacher did order it right away. He just holds them.
More impressive is that going direct with the Kukkiwon and by snail mail both ways I had documents in hand after 2 weeks.
If anyone is having delays its certainly not due to the Kukkiwon.
Yikes, I would have to remember when that was but off the top of my head it looks close. I think the Teacher did order it right away. He just holds them.
More impressive is that going direct with the Kukkiwon and by snail mail both ways I had documents in hand after 2 weeks.
If anyone is having delays its certainly not due to the Kukkiwon.

You're absolutely right...

I got promoted in December and snail mailed the application form in and had my certificate by early February. One of our students graded with the national association and it took 13 months to get the certificate back (with the excuse it was the Kukkiwon...).
I find I even have a good turn around using snail mail for skip-dans and above 4th dans. Really depends on when the KKW testing dates are.

Ive been waiting on a couple for two months now. Been expecting to see them anytime but so far they have not shown up. Did them online so usually are pretty quick that way.
Ive been waiting on a couple for two months now. Been expecting to see them anytime but so far they have not shown up. Did them online so usually are pretty quick that way.
yeah me too. I dont get it. sometimes superquick, like around 2 weeks. this time i submitted on the 2 of May, and it just cleared from the confirm apply page (which is the sign they were processed) and shows in the dan check page as being promoted. so now it "should" be in the mail... but still over a month? 1 time I did it on the 1st, was completed on the 5th and at my house by the 15th...

guess it all depends.
I think they do them on the 5th and the 20th each month as long as the dates fall on Monday - Friday. I do not think they process them on weekends... i think

I am at a loss...
My TKD Instructor has let me down.
He has shown his true colors and after 3 yrs. I have moved on.

My question is this.
Is it possible to verify Kukkiwon/WTF credentials through a Kukkiwon number as opposed to a name?
I have searched the Kukkiwon data base and come up with nothing...but a friend sent me a number form "Grandmaster Chun Im" Dan certificate, which I believe to be bogus...

Can someone help?

The Number on his Certificate is 5056783

Why do you say he let you down? Was what you learned of no value?
hi, i'm a new coach, how can i sign my student
If you are a 4th dan kukkiwon then you have to go to the kukkiwon website and look for the dan/poom promotion tab. Join, provide needed documents and once approved you log in and apply.

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