What is Self Defense? (Kenpo-Jiu Jitsu)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Karazenpo
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Karazenpo said:
Todd, again, to be fair to all parties, I think the teaching was pretty much like that back then. I'd rather not give names but one of the seniors out here on the east coast was relating a story that when performing a kata back in his early years he questioned his instructor on the effectiveness of using the upward (rising) 'chicken wrist' (crane's head strike) up under the chin, stating it would injure the wrist. He told us his instructor's response was to beat him up, I guess with 'chicken wrists', lol. He said he never mentioned it again. I know his instructor and to this day and he is a super nice guy and a helluva martial artsit with an excellent reputation but I honestly think that's how things were done. I bet many of the seniors here on this forum have heard or even witnessed many stories like that.
Hell, I even remember some of that type of training. In Shotokan, back in 78 or 79, we were being taught gun disarms and I foolishly asked, "what if the guy has two guns?" and held out my hands in the appropriate manner. My instructor just gave me a back kick in the midsection. I went flying backward about 6 feet. No more stupid questions from me!
Hi Professor,

I agree with you, it is just now turned to, he has no correct body movement, not in the right position, his mechanics are all off. Like I just said about Infinite Insights #2 it has quite a bit of information with out reading, just look at the pictures...Transition and not the best picture etc...

I have sold Horse's they pose crummy, you do the best you can, even when your best Stud is bought by the largest Paint Stud Farm in Denmark, he has some pictures that arn't so good. OSO X is his name in USA, now he is Mr. X...

# 1 Principle OK... Take care, Gary
GAB said:
Hi Professor,

I agree with you, it is just now turned to, he has no correct body movement, not in the right position, his mechanics are all off. Like I just said about Infinite Insights #2 it has quite a bit of information with out reading, just look at the pictures...Transition and not the best picture etc...

I have sold Horse's they pose crummy, you do the best you can, even when your best Stud is bought by the largest Paint Stud Farm in Denmark, he has some pictures that arn't so good. OSO X is his name in USA, now he is Mr. X...

# 1 Principle OK... Take care, Gary

I'm just wondering, Gary, just wondering that somewhere, someone is sitting on an old 8mm film can of James Mitose doing his kenpo, wouldn't that be something?
GAB said:
Hi Dave,

Yes, I would like to meet and talk as travelers, one going one way and another go his.

I guess big to me is different then to others One son is 6-4 + another 6-7 My brother 6-6 my brother in law 6-5 my self 6-2 my grandson 6-2+ he is 16. another brother in law 6-4+ Weight, well we won't go there. But me I am one of the smaller a petite 220...

Look at the Basket ball players the foot ball players big and small all doing a great job and taking some massive hits...

Ed Parker was a big man among small men in height..I am talking stature not what they have accomplished...

Choki Motobu was reported to be well over 6-0. Wrong 5-4....

What does it really matter, it matters because it is not the truth and that is the problem with people talking about their hero or the fish they caught...

It is not in the 1st principle of Tracy Kenpo 'Think Without any Dishonesty'...

Yea Kai, what crop, I just finished Infinite insight #2 read that and then tell me about the sect of Parker. LDS was called a cult also, is it.

Don't go there Kai, I will eat you up...

Regards, Gary
First off GAB thank for given us your family statsics

Where do you not want me to go? If you want I can lend you a spoon! Was the comment about the book-truth be told most of the documentation revolves around the 60's and 70's.

The comment about travelers meeting each going thier own way, makes like zero sense.
The reference to Basket ball players, again zero sense.
Now Ed parker was a big guy, but small in spirit? Wow, you really are a fair guy!
I haven'tread the Infinite series lately, but I don't recall any membership drive for any church

The rules of Kenpo (as you call them)are actually Mushaii's precepts,by the way. I think you need to quote your sources a tad more honestly.
How tall is Motubu, or parker who really cares!
The Kai said:
I doubt film was rather expensive back then.

Would it be good to see or not?

Well, Todd, it would certainly answer a lot of questions. I'm sure it would still be debated somewhat but it would give us a better idea of Mitose-'the martial artist',.
Judging by the fact of the photo's in the book well....

Mechaics are the key ingredent to Kenpo, the idea that it is frozen should'nt lead to a picture of misalinements, but a picture of alinements. The idea that cuz Boxing flows the fighters are out there windmilling thier arm and flailing around is really wrong! I remember Tyson fought some one in the 80's the knockpunch was a left hook. The overhead camera got it on film, the stills could been used to illustrate how to connect your punch to your body!!
The Kai said:
Judging by the fact of the photo's in the book well....

Mechaics are the key ingredent to Kenpo, the idea that it is frozen should'nt lead to a picture of misalinements, but a picture of alinements. The idea that cuz Boxing flows the fighters are out there windmilling thier arm and flailing around is really wrong! I remember Tyson fought some one in the 80's the knockpunch was a left hook. The overhead camera got it on film, the stills could been used to illustrate how to connect your punch to your body!!
oh really...

because something looks "misaligned" to you doesn't necessairly mean it's wrong.
No you could be going with misalinement cuz you are afraid of hurting someone, you like to swat at things. Again Kosho was based on sword work, and alot of swordmans liked to turn the body at odd angles to make it hard to employ thier blade. Stepping back you like to swing you foot behind yoourself, cuz positioning don't really matter

By the way I'm not being cyrptic merely ironic
koga ha said:
oh really...

because something looks "misaligned" to you doesn't necessairly mean it's wrong.
Actually i'm sorry I did'nt let you post an analysis. I know you probably wanted to talk principles and concepts rather than cryptic half sentences... Reason rather that riddles.
So... Well ... Go ahead
why you you turn half away??
The Kai said:
Actually i'm sorry I did'nt let you post an analysis. I know you probably wanted to talk principles and concepts rather than cryptic half sentences... Reason rather that riddles.
So... Well ... Go ahead
why you you turn half away??
do you have a crystal ball? didn't think so...how do you know what i want to talk about?

well, since your small mind knows so much i don't think i need to shed anymore light.
Michael Billings said:
I think he was also there when Bruce Lee was thrashing the tree out in back of the South Pasadena school ... but that is another story for another thread.

Yes he was, and I have heard those stories.:asian:
The Kai said:
First off GAB thank for given us your family statsics

Where do you not want me to go? If you want I can lend you a spoon! Was the comment about the book-truth be told most of the documentation revolves around the 60's and 70's.

The comment about travelers meeting each going thier own way, makes like zero sense.
The reference to Basket ball players, again zero sense.
Now Ed parker was a big guy, but small in spirit? Wow, you really are a fair guy!
I haven'tread the Infinite series lately, but I don't recall any membership drive for any church

The rules of Kenpo (as you call them)are actually Mushaii's precepts,by the way. I think you need to quote your sources a tad more honestly.
How tall is Motubu, or parker who really cares!

Kai see you must read it and then read it again then post...

It was about size, you hear about the strong mighty such and such...
Many quotes about how large Ed Parker was, not true... Read it again Todd.

It is the 9 principles of Tracy Kenpo...Taken from Musashi's "The Book of Five Rings," I have said that like 3 times Todd...Read it three times, then we will talk about it...OK. They Borrowed Just like Edmund K. Parker...Maybe just like James Mitose or Charlie Chaplin???

How tall? Is not the point, Truth is the Point...so I will agree with that one anyhow...I was talking to Dave and had his name there Todd, I am sure it makes sense to him...

I know, yea, you must not live in a community of bicycleist, on there mission going around the neighborhood...

Regards, Gary
koga ha said:
do you have a crystal ball? didn't think so...how do you know what i want to talk about?

well, since your small mind knows so much i don't think i need to shed anymore light.
Fantastic, and here I thought you wanted to sit at the adult table. Well, I don't have a crystal ball-but since you were commenting about the post on alinements you would have the decency to reply on the same topic.
BTW you are mixing Cliches
Small mind cant be filled anymore
Your ignorance is a shadow I con't shed any light on works better

I am waiting your next half sentence, partial statement

Honestly where to start
Wow you are sounding even more "nutsie" than before
If you get cut do you bleed babble?
Actually I read post a few times, I think most people do in a need to follow the convoluted way yoiu present your bias. of course there is misspelling's and the use of there and thier interchangingly.
Kai, How are doing? Are you OK? Just wondering have you seen, the post from Kelly? Make any sense??? Bashing is not good and talking about it is better, I am a firm believer if we will not take it personally we will do better...

What is your take on that???

I vote for Joe Shuras to be a Moderator...Regards, Gary
Nope have'nt seen the post

I don't like taking things to a lower level, but man you can't talk about the facts
Prof Joe's cool by me
The Kai said:
Nope have'nt seen the post

I don't like taking things to a lower level, but man you can't talk about the facts
Prof Joe's cool by me
The facts, like Mitose was a criminal? OK, Is Hanshi Bruce and his teachings from a criminal make him one?

I have been given the keys to Hanshi's Information, It will be forth coming.

This time I am not depending on anyone but Hanshi and me...I will be talking to him tonight stay tuned...

Regards, Gary
No< Bruce Juchnik is a good, clean instructor. He did not learn the crimianl stuff, probably because that's not what he went to learn. He went to met James Mitose the martial artist, not the mitose the con man
Moderator's Suggestion:

We have been having a excellent discussion on the topic of James Mitose's first book.
Let's please try to stay on this topic.
Please refrain from making snide remarks toward each other.
Discussions of religion (other then those mentioned in the book), or somebody's actual height (unless it's in reference to illustrations in the book), have nothing to do with this topic.

Nobody has to agreed with everyone, so if you have something to contribute to the discussion, or a well thought out question, please post it.
A short insult here and there contribute's absolutely nothing to the discussion.

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