3rd Black Belt
Hi Doc.Doc said:The key word is not "documentaion," but credible documentation, which apparently none of it existed before Parker passed away. The Tracy's have a history of bashing Parker to make their switch to the Mitose Lineage, (bazzar in itself) reasonable. Yeah sometimes word of mouth is better, especially if you heard it from the horses yourself because you were there, much like I was. Believe what you want. Gary has accomplished his mission. Dragging up old garbage that has been settled here many times before about an art he doesn't study.
If some spent as much time on their art as they do rehashing the same old bogus history, we'd all be better off.
I had a great thread and it went off the screen because of this lack of Ram unit..Oh well... Or else the goblins got me..Probably better, cause I like this board and I can't wait for the Grand opening of Kenpotalk...
Don't study' Yea right..I don't hack on you about BKF or Sub level 4 so give it a break..I study...I train...
One thing I will say that was in the thread that went out is ...
Ed Parker did an interview in the "Masters Speak"...he said, he was the first commericial Martial Arts School ...Right.. and he said this in the 90s...
He copied Robert Trias, he even wanted to join his org. when his fell apart, and he gave it to the Tracy's, Along with his Crest that he didn't do all by hisself...And got copyrighted by Will...Or maybe that was later, it is so confusing...
He even copied Robert Trias get togethers and had them in Long Beach..
So lets get back to "James the criminal Mitose"...
You guys don't buy what Dr Ted Sumner is posting either...I will have to talk to him about that the next Time I e-mail him..His last e-mail to me said stay out of the cross hairs..Hmmmm I wonder what he ment...I am sure someone has done that before, must be why my ears ring...
More information to come when George Santana retires and writes his book, it will be interesting to say the least...
I sure do like the History of the Samurai, warriors and all...I like the history of FMA also so I train in both..OK...I talk the talk and have walked the walk.
But I will not bore you with my days at Metro and LAPD and the Hood and 77th and University and all that personal stuff. Semper Fi, while I am at it....
Doc when you are in the "hood" ask some of the old timers if they remember the "Tinman" will you???
Remember the Murder of the Pawn Broker in University Division (70s) and him living in the Newhall area ???
Regards, Gary