Doc said:
This thread is probably going to get locked as well. Discussion out of a desire for knowledge, or even simple curiosity is fine, but this is way too much rambling non-sensical rhetoric from someone who doesn't study any form of kenpo and whose true art is "baiting discussion" for mental therapy.
Hi Doc,
Actually that is an art form in Kosho Ryu. But I don't know that it is something I do any more then others on this board who are older and have been around the block a few times...
What is your description of study??? Why do you say that? Just because I talk FMA and other MA? Could you do me a favor and explain Kenpo???
If it is "Law of the Fist" or Fist Law, as others claim... I do it quite a bit...
I just answered two different persons questions...I am wondering what you would like? (yea I know) But other then that...
Kosho Monk,
I was talking to Hanshi last night and he does admit to inovation, He talked about Ed Parker last night regarding inovation and feels it is something that has been left behind due to the lack of creativity.
He praised Parker and said that he was the best thing that ever happened to Kenpo. But he feels it is stagnating and needs more creativity...
He is afraid that Kenpo will go the way of other arts that stagnate and fail to continue to teach new information...Similar to a student who does not continue to search for what his teacher sought, continue to learn, not
just duplicate...
We are a demanding society and fickle, it is not bad in his opinion. Just in order to keep up with it you must be able to rise to the occasion...
Similar to finance end of the year shuffle and start of the quarter sale...
I believe that is one of the reasons Guro Dan Inosanto is doing so well, he is very inovative and continues to learn from others, to incorporate it into his
FMA and JKD...
The foot work of the octagon or the triangle is not new, it is something that you find in most martial arts.
I am reading a book about Capoeira. It is very interesting nothing new, just now coming to the forefront and has been around for along time...
To discredit any of the arts and there teachings is sort of funny, we do have differences in styles and tech's but they are very similar.
That is a soft move, no that is hard, that was linear, no there are no linear movements in a circle, blah, blah.
Hey, that is what a lot of it is about, get used to it, train, study and learn...And try not to stagnate...
Regards, Gary