What is Self Defense? (Kenpo-Jiu Jitsu)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Karazenpo
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The Kai said:
BTW What is the first principle of kenpo?

What is LDS?
Hi Kai...

Bill Lear is correct on LDS...

The first principle of Kenpo as practiced in the Tracy system and one that I like because they took the nine Principles from the writings of Miyamoto Mushashi...

It is in the "Book of Five Rings"... I have read much of his writings and there are two different translations out regarding the one mentioned here..

I personally like the thought, replacing the word, rings with spheres.

But any way it is from that book, Mushashi was famous for his ability to yield a Sword... His first principal or Rule "Think without any dishonesty"

He was much more then just a swordsman, He was a true Samuri in the most honorable way to explain it...

The book is on the web you can go to google and read it, or buy a copy or two...

Bill Lear said:
I thought Mitose was a model prisoner. I had no idea he was beating people up in prison.

He didn't even have a scratch on him? No busted knuckles from punching out the inmates or anything? Did anyone ever have to go to the medical ward for treatment?

I'd love to hear more. :rolleyes:

Go to www.Sanjoekenpo.com

Read some of the information that is being put up in the articles and on the board.

Dr. Ted Sumner is a very Honorable man and has given out much good information, take it with a grain of salt or not...

If you want to hear more about my findings e-mail me or I will tell you in a thread on Mitose and his life, Hanshi Bruce Juchnik has given me permission to do this...I am limited to say my own opinions, I can only write what he tells me...Sure LOL...There will be some restrictions due to my respect for his thoughts and his feelings....

He had a broom in his hand Bill, he was truly a gifted person regarding MA, just as Ed Parker was...You just don't seem to read that part of my threads about my respect for the man as far as MA goes and his abilities...

If I did not respect Hanshi for his talent, I would not post in his behalf...
I have said some things about Hanshi that I have been chastized for, well the truth is the truth...

I have done many things I wish I did not have to do, but then I was being paid to enforce laws and that ment hurting people...I still am able to sleep just fine...I have monsters, but hey that is life...

Regards, Gary
GAB said:
Hi Kai...

Bill Lear is correct on LDS...

The first principle of Kenpo as practiced in the Tracy system and one that I like because they took the nine Principles from the writings of Miyamoto Mushashi...

It is in the "Book of Five Rings"... I have read much of his writings and there are two different translations out regarding the one mentioned here..

I personally like the thought, replacing the word, rings with spheres.

But any way it is from that book, Mushashi was famous for his ability to yield a Sword... His first principal or Rule "Think without any dishonesty"

He was much more then just a swordsman, He was a true Samuri in the most honorable way to explain it...

The book is on the web you can go to google and read it, or buy a copy or two...

Tracy's kenpo, so now you are a Tracy's Kenpo man?

Actually I read the book-Don't know where the connection between Mushashi/Book of 5 rings and Kenpo comes in, much less suddenly there are the principles of kenpo.
Actually off the top of my head, another of Mushashi's principles is "Do nothing of no use (or purpose)".
What is your goal GAB, ??
The Kai said:
Tracy's kenpo, so now you are a Tracy's Kenpo man?

Actually I read the book-Don't know where the connection between Mushashi/Book of 5 rings and Kenpo comes in, much less suddenly there are the principles of kenpo.
Actually off the top of my head, another of Mushashi's principles is "Do nothing of no use (or purpose)".
What is your goal GAB, ??
Hi Kai,
Like one of the Masters I have studied under said to me, It is all chicken,
just different flavors...

This particular GM was talking in reference to Escrima and Arnis, same applies to Kenpo or all the martial arts for that matter...

My goal, live to ripe old age still being able to have good health and drop over dead doing what I like best....

Regards, Gary
This thread is probably going to get locked as well. Discussion out of a desire for knowledge, or even simple curiosity is fine, but this is way too much rambling non-sensical rhetoric from someone who doesn't study any form of kenpo and whose true art is "baiting discussion" for mental therapy.
Doc said:
This thread is probably going to get locked as well. Discussion out of a desire for knowledge, or even simple curiosity is fine, but this is way too much rambling non-sensical rhetoric from someone who doesn't study any form of kenpo and whose true art is "baiting discussion" for mental therapy.
Hi Doc,

Actually that is an art form in Kosho Ryu. But I don't know that it is something I do any more then others on this board who are older and have been around the block a few times...

What is your description of study??? Why do you say that? Just because I talk FMA and other MA? Could you do me a favor and explain Kenpo???

If it is "Law of the Fist" or Fist Law, as others claim... I do it quite a bit...

I just answered two different persons questions...I am wondering what you would like? (yea I know) But other then that...

Kosho Monk,

I was talking to Hanshi last night and he does admit to inovation, He talked about Ed Parker last night regarding inovation and feels it is something that has been left behind due to the lack of creativity.

He praised Parker and said that he was the best thing that ever happened to Kenpo. But he feels it is stagnating and needs more creativity...

He is afraid that Kenpo will go the way of other arts that stagnate and fail to continue to teach new information...Similar to a student who does not continue to search for what his teacher sought, continue to learn, not
just duplicate...

We are a demanding society and fickle, it is not bad in his opinion. Just in order to keep up with it you must be able to rise to the occasion...

Similar to finance end of the year shuffle and start of the quarter sale...

I believe that is one of the reasons Guro Dan Inosanto is doing so well, he is very inovative and continues to learn from others, to incorporate it into his
FMA and JKD...

The foot work of the octagon or the triangle is not new, it is something that you find in most martial arts.

I am reading a book about Capoeira. It is very interesting nothing new, just now coming to the forefront and has been around for along time...

To discredit any of the arts and there teachings is sort of funny, we do have differences in styles and tech's but they are very similar.

That is a soft move, no that is hard, that was linear, no there are no linear movements in a circle, blah, blah.

Hey, that is what a lot of it is about, get used to it, train, study and learn...And try not to stagnate...

Regards, Gary
I'll agree with Doc on this one. This topic has started to take a different path from the original post, which was a discussion about the book.

Lets try to re-direct ourselves back to that path.


1.) Then you never did Kenpo
2.) Then you son did Kosho
3.) Then you did a little Kosho
4.) Now you do a ot of Kosho
5.) Then you knew Ed parker
6.) Then you did'nt
7.) Then you knew quite knowledgable with the kajukenbo
8.) Then you were, like, a yellow belt-back when
9.) Then it's FMA, when you don't want to answer the kenpo questions
Hi Kai,

Well you have some of it correct, and some wrong...

Just like when you... quote someone take two or three words out of a paragraph couple them up with one or two out of another and then quote the person...

I never have been a yellow belt... If I would have mentioned it, it was in relation to another...

I have done a little bit of all the arts and still do, I asked Sensei Pat last night at class and we talked about what Kenpo was and Kosho and Shorei and Ryu...

I work out with many people, at my house, at the dojo, at my son's house, in the car, at the restaurant, in the parking lot, at a family gathering, at a Gym...

To know Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo is to know what I am talking about, all these things we talk about are pieces of the puzzle and that is what I do...

What if I go to a seminar, pick up information and physcially work it for that day, I then discuss it, I work it again, I go to bed thinking about it I wake up in the morning thinking about it, I call some one and ask a question, I talk about it on a board, I do it in a dojo...

Then I notice they are similar to something else I bring it up at a conversation, It's all chicken different flavor??? OK, say that one hundred times to your self Todd... It is all martial arts only different twist??? Say that one hundred times Todd...

It is all in how you want to look at it Todd...I learn, study, mentally or physically every day, much times 8 hours, numerous days in a row or more or less....

Regards, Gary
Actually i could say 1 or 100 times there is a vast difference between arts like karate and Aikido, Judo and Tai Chi. Are there smiliarities? sure there is also a simlarity in the way we walk and the way we swim! To say walking and swimming are the same thing would be ludicrouis.

To say that I know a little about Kenpo is to say a know something about all the styles of martial arts out there?? Ludicrous
Sorry, I didn't mean my post to take this twist. I just wanted a friendly discussion on the book itself, that's all, just more research into the Mitose enigma.
Karazenpo said:
Sorry, I didn't mean my post to take this twist.
Nothing to be sorry for, Professor, since you didn't twist it :).
One thing I noticed about the book was how often Mitose referred to using nerve strikes in the techniques, without actually showing or describing those strikes or their intended target(s). Seems as though Mitose felt the need to hide things even in a introductory text.
Randy Strausbaugh said:
Nothing to be sorry for, Professor, since you didn't twist it :).
One thing I noticed about the book was how often Mitose referred to using nerve strikes in the techniques, without actually showing or describing those strikes or their intended target(s). Seems as though Mitose felt the need to hide things even in a introductory text.

True, Randy, I noticed that too. Thanks, 'Joe'
Karazenpo said:
Sorry, I didn't mean my post to take this twist. I just wanted a friendly discussion on the book itself, that's all, just more research into the Mitose enigma.

Hey Joe -
It's been a busy couple of weeks, but I plan to dig my copies out (of the three versions) and give them some thought based on your first post, and then I promise I'll actually talk about the book on this thread. I just hope the thread doesn't get killed before I have a chance!

Matt said:
Hey Joe -
It's been a busy couple of weeks, but I plan to dig my copies out (of the three versions) and give them some thought based on your first post, and then I promise I'll actually talk about the book on this thread. I just hope the thread doesn't get killed before I have a chance!


Great Matt, I'll be looking forward to your input! This is what I wanted. Take care, "Joe"
Bravo :) Now back to our topic..

By keeping personal feelings off the threads. Topics will remain open.

Hi Joe,

I was talking about the new subject (this) that you brought up and I thought it would be good... So I told Hanshi, he was glad that it was being talked about instead of being bad mouthed...

James Mitose was a very secret person, quite a lot of hidden agendas...

One rumor was he said, I did not teach a lot of my family art, I did teach some, why would I want to give away my Art??? Something like that...

I can understand that...It will come out more, now that there are more persons taking a harder look at it and not just to bad mouth it but to find the truth...

Regards, Gary
GAB said:
Hi Joe,

I was talking about the new subject (this) that you brought up and I thought it would be good... So I told Hanshi, he was glad that it was being talked about instead of being bad mouthed...

James Mitose was a very secret person, quite a lot of hidden agendas...

One rumor was he said, I did not teach a lot of my family art, I did teach some, why would I want to give away my Art??? Something like that...

I can understand that...It will come out more, now that there are more persons taking a harder look at it and not just to bad mouth it but to find the truth...

Regards, Gary

Thanks, Gary.
Randy Strausbaugh said:
Nothing to be sorry for, Professor, since you didn't twist it :).
One thing I noticed about the book was how often Mitose referred to using nerve strikes in the techniques, without actually showing or describing those strikes or their intended target(s). Seems as though Mitose felt the need to hide things even in a introductory text.

There are several photo sequences that show Mitose using a single knuckle strike, although the text says "punch." He did not define the nerve centers too specifically, though, likely because they were available elsewhere.

It is my understanding that the photo sequences were done "begrudgingly" at the request of publishers who thought the book would sell better. The 2nd book is the one he wanted to write.

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