I'll be teaching in Dallas in July. Here is the information.
To my fellow martial artists,
Please mark your calendar to below event. I have invited Datu Tim Hartman of “World Modern Arnis Alliance” to conduct a four seminar at the school. Please see below for more information. Flyer is posted on website at ARNISDELEON.com.
When: July 13, 2002 (Saturday), 1 – 5PM
Where: Garland Martial Arts Center (International Arnis de Leon Federation – IADLF) headquarter
107 N. First Street, Ste., B
Garland, Texas 75040
(972) 494-1663
Seminar Fee: $60, if paid before June 22 (June 22 and after is $80), spectators $10
Notes: “Certificate of Participation” will be awarded. Arnis sticks, training knives, T-shirts,
patches can be purchased at the center. Space is limited, so please register ahead to save your spot. No video recording please.
Who can attend: Adults and teenagers. No previous martial arts training necessary.
All Martial art styles are welcome.
and Information: Please send form below with check,
payable to Garland Martial Arts center at address shown above.
To my fellow martial artists,
Please mark your calendar to below event. I have invited Datu Tim Hartman of “World Modern Arnis Alliance” to conduct a four seminar at the school. Please see below for more information. Flyer is posted on website at ARNISDELEON.com.
When: July 13, 2002 (Saturday), 1 – 5PM
Where: Garland Martial Arts Center (International Arnis de Leon Federation – IADLF) headquarter
107 N. First Street, Ste., B
Garland, Texas 75040
(972) 494-1663
Seminar Fee: $60, if paid before June 22 (June 22 and after is $80), spectators $10
Notes: “Certificate of Participation” will be awarded. Arnis sticks, training knives, T-shirts,
patches can be purchased at the center. Space is limited, so please register ahead to save your spot. No video recording please.
Who can attend: Adults and teenagers. No previous martial arts training necessary.
All Martial art styles are welcome.
and Information: Please send form below with check,
payable to Garland Martial Arts center at address shown above.