Master Black Belt
There are a couple of phrases that highlight the problem that religion evolved from.Flatlander said:"What is religion good for?" on a societal, rather than personal scale.
Does anyone have an answer?
'Too many cooks spoil the broth'
'Too many chiefs, not enough indians'
Basically, when too many people feel they know what is best for everyone, no one agrees and nothing gets done. When a sabertooth tiger is running after you, you dont stand around and debate the best path to run away from it, you just run and hope you run faster than the guy behind you. It is natural human behaviour to allow people who desire power to have it.
We are naturally lazy. Doing more work than we have to is bad. Thus we let people lead us, to a certain extent.
We are also inventive. We have minds that come up with all kinds of wierd stuff to solve percieved problems. I once read about a guy that made a jet-engine powered beer cooler to keep the beer in his shed cool. Because you need a cool beer when there is a JET ENGINE going in the same room.
When faced with bizarre questions like 'Where did we come from?' 'How did the earth come to be created?' 'What happens when we die?' we make stuff up. Eventually, people take the ideas they like best, and other folks start to listen to them. It's no coincidence that all major religions have creation myths, and try to explain what happens when you die. Without curiosity about those things, there would be no religion.
So, we have people with ideas about the spiritual world, and we have humans too lazy to organise and lead themselves. It follows then that organised religion springboards from shamanistic witch-doctors into the massive organisations we see today.
Religion itself is not genetic. It has next to nothing to do with evolution. It is a temporary side effect of the basic pack mentality and our curiosity.