Then you don't have much of a grasp of what you're talking about when you bring up "fighting". And you are completely out of your depth in discussing anything aside from MMA training ideas and concepts. Perhaps it's time you realised that your corner of "martial arts"/"fighting" is neither representative of the vast majority, nor particularly relevant to most of it… and open yourself up to the idea that other understandings, perspectives, and insights can help you improve your own. Of course, if you just want to live in your bubble, that's fine… but expect to be called on the lunacy you often come up with, as it's based on no actual knowledge at all.
I wouldn't be so sure about the MMA ideas and concepts either tbh.
Yeah… see above.
Ha, that's what you thought you were doing? Really? So, in order to argue against me saying that your ideas weren't based in reality, you say something even more removed from reality, and think that proved me wrong? Dude, you do realise that the first thing I thought of was samurai arts when you started talking old historical arts… it's my immediate frame of reference… and you, my friend, are absolutely nowhere near able to converse with me on that level, let alone think you can correct me. I mean… you're arguing with me over samurai history? Really?
God, I needed that laugh…
Lovely… completely rubbish, of course, but lovely.
Mate, they're still "average men" (and women)… that's a great part of the strength… it's normal, average, everyday people who volunteer to sign up… who choose to make the sacrifice they do… but they don't suddenly become uber-humans… they have a particular training, but I gotta say… jingoistic hyperbole and rhetoric aside (and look, I get that…

, it's simply not true. Perhaps you might want to take a closer look at reality before you decide to continue along this path, yeah?
They are totally normal trust me, if they weren't I wouldn't have had a career for the last 20 odd years but I like the idea that when I was in the military I was superhuman roflmao.
Go back to my list (I note you've ignored my question about them…

, and see if you can spot them… again, I'll wait.
There was the implication that boxing (and only boxing-style training methodologies) have that benefit. And that simply showed a complete ignorance of a huge portion of other systems, training methods, and so on.
Cute. Want to try actually answering the question now? If you don't train for sport, and don't train for reality application, what are you training for?