What are your typical classes like?


Master Black Belt
Hi all,

Just wondering what everyone's classes are like. With all of the different martial arts that everybody on here does, it'll be interesting to see similarities.

People in my dojo usually get to class early and we all do our stretches before it starts. Sensei starts the class, we bow in, and spend 2 minutes or so on relaxing breathing. Then we usually get our bokkens and practice cuts and turns. Next we practice rolls (forward and backwards) around the mat and occasionally we do some shikko too (samurai knee walking--hurts!). Then sensei demonstrates a technique and we'll either spend most of the class doing that technique with variations or we'll build off of the attack and do different techniques from the same attack. At the end we line up again and bow out.

So what do ya'll do? I don't have a seperate weapons class but whoever does can post about it too.

Robyn :wavey:
My class usually lasts about 2hrs.
It will consist of a PT class for 15 min-20mins max.
Then another 15-20min for stretching.
I explain in major detail the biomechanics of whats being done to the body,what muscles are being used and the effects of the excercises.
Once the MA part starts.....
I also go into detail on whats being used for the techniques(muscle wise) and give theory and practical application.
I make sure people understand the physiology and the kinesiology of the body in relation to the martial arts.
It helps alot in preventing injury.
My kids class is only an 1 hour. Its no where as intensive as the adults class.
I just yak for 2 hrs!
Mine run about a hour jumpin jacks (100) running in place with switching drills for 3 minutes, stretching, basics from horse basic blocks 1 2 3 5 7 25 and down, punches 1 3 5 7 25 and down demo and practice a new srtike and review the ones previously taught. Kicks, from tad stances, new trad stance, combos sparring if applicable or timing /distance/footwork drills and a self defense technique......
We have 2hr classes, we stretch for about 20mins, practice techniques and kata for about 40 minutes, then about 50 minutes of sparring. and about 10 mins to cool down and clean up anything that needs cleaned up.
2 hour classes.
15-20 minutes of aerobic work, then about 15 minutes to stretch out. Linework and techniques about 30 minutes, then about 30 minutes sparring or bagwork, then about 25-30 minutes of patterns or breaking.
My classes last anywhere from an 1-1/2 hr to 2 hrs. We do Kyan Sensei's 10 exercises followed by kihon drills. We then do kumite and self-defense followed by kata. It is a great class and it varies everytime I go.
We do Taekwondo, probably non-traditionally. Every class seems different but only occasionally now after being in 8+ years that some new ways are introduced. It makes class more exciting that way, also gives new ways to learn skills. We bow in and out, do our warmups prior to class, situps and side splits done at the end of class.

Examples: standup bag workout, one on one bag with different techniques, kicking and punching, 360 spin and kick etc.-strength building and technique. OR bag workout with a line of people kicking down the line of bags, it moves fast, more cardio.

Paddle workout with partner-technique and strength, done fast, cardio
Paddle workout with stations, line of people following leader doing different strikes at each station.
Paddle workout with partner moving together, he holds and walks backward and you strike the paddle, starts front kick, then goes into the jumpiing and spinning kiks. very cardio, non-stop

Air kicking-we line up side to side (with space) down the long side of the dojang and practice kicks and punches, stances as instructor calls them out

Forms practice, front stance deep stepping to front stance, etc., with kicks in between, punches, blocks, also back stance to opposite back stance...these are done down a line with 2 or 3 in line following the leaders. Variation-more technique practice -we do combinations, down block, step-punch, spin side, 360 side is one, can make up any combination according to makeup of class.

Kids class-(also for adults) monkey walk, pushups, crab walk, hopping on one foot, jumps from target to target, rolls, running around cones, kicking over cones, jumping over obstacles, flying side against bags, paddles, triple front kick on paddles, dodge ball

Sparring-round robin with all students, matches 3-5 min., red/black belts spar more opponents at once.

Partner sparring drills-with or without chestgear, headgear determines how hard we hit. Different combinations, also with free countering, also moving diagonally, different ways before countering.

Self-defense drills-different types of attacks other than our normal 2-3 moves learned at each belt. Locks, grappling included.

Beside the workout section-30-40 min., we do forms, self-defense for belt level, and technique practice for breaking either on bags, or rebreakable boards.

We have hanging balls for air kicking/target practice. We have large bags to hold for higher impact kicking, we have bungee cords to attach to our legs for strength and resistance training, we have foam balls to toss in the hair to do spin heel striking. We have a pad on the wall so that we can do flying side and plant two feet as high up as we can as in a flying sidekick.
Or we line up to round kick the hard paddle-feels like cloth covered board until we are members of the pink foot club.:D

Or as our instructor sometimes does, arrghh, we do all frontkicks for an hour-belt level- 6000 of them. I like music better with them.

I never know what we are going to do but sometimes he gets into a rut of these front kicks and we do these more than once in a week-double arrrgh!
Classes are one hour.

Technique Class
I start with forms done slowly with full range of motion to start stretching and then faster as a brief arobic warm up. Then we do basics followed by a review of at least one earlier form and the current form the students are testing for. Then we review the recently learned techniques and when the students are ready we teach the next technique on their list. I deally time will still be available and we can take some earlier techniques and practice them with good intent and in a more live manner.

Skills Class
Warm up with forms.
Practice drills to improve problems that students are having and or work technique lines with appropriately increased intensity and resistance or combinations of related technique. Recently I've been playing with Clyde's concept of "even if" appoach to forms.

Sparring class
Push ups, sit ups, Kicking or punching drills. Then concentration on a particular trick or concept in sparring. Ideally they then pad up and start slow sparring freestyle. When every one is warmed up we do full speed sparring the rules change depending on our goals. Point sparring, hand vs foot, only score combinations. Tie retreating students together to force close fighting, continuous fighting, etc. Never enough time but always fun.

Our classes used to go for an 1.5 now they only go for an hour. Its a bit hard to fit everything in. We normally start off with a hard out warm up, then a stretch and then we do whatever our criteria is ie this week we are concentrating on our spinning hook kicks and our wrist locks, finger locks and our Group 2(which is a bit of grappling sort of) cant really explain it that well.
Our Dojo also has separate Hyungs, Sparring, Stretch & Pad Work classes, so we can get extra training in those areas if we like.

And it also depend who is taking class, quite often the BB will take warm up, and boy are they tough.

Also occasionally you will just have hard out physical classes with no technically focus, they can be quite brutal!

Raisin said:
Our classes used to go for an 1.5 now they only go for an hour. Its a bit hard to fit everything in. We normally start off with a hard out warm up, then a stretch and then we do whatever our criteria is ie this week we are concentrating on our spinning hook kicks and our wrist locks, finger locks and our Group 2(which is a bit of grappling sort of) cant really explain it that well.
I generally teach privately so the material changes with the student for 2 hour classes.

If I'm teaching arnis (FMA) then I will generally start out with a lite warm up and then double stick work (to get the body totally warmed up), then move into blocking and striking drills with double sticks and then disarming.

After we cover the double stick material I'll move into single stick/knife or empty hand techniques. Genrally though I stick with the single stick (striking and blocking drills) or empty hand techniques (locking and take downs).

Again though it depends upon the student and really what they want to work on.
