What are you gonna do, bounce me?


Orange Belt
This is more for comic relief than anything else.

One night I was working at my bar and I was working with the second line that we have. So here is a little background. My bar is mainly upstairs with a small bar downstairs. Rather than having the line always be outside we form a line at the down bar so that people can come in and drink, waiting to go uptairs. This really irritates people and one night a guy came in and saw the line after he paid the cover charge. He was intoxicated, not incapacitated but had been drinking for a few hours. He paid the cover and tried to go upstairs and I said I am sorry but you have to wait in line. He was not happy. He proceded to say "F this city, f this bar " and then extended his hand and middle finger " F you" At this point I tell him that he has to leave the bar. Again he was not happy. He asked for his money back and I told him no because of his behavior.

At this point he reached out and grabbed my stomach (i am fat and there is enough to grab) and said "What are you gonna do, bounce me?" At this point I got so mad and the guy working next to me saw me go from my normal friendly demeanor to i am pissed. He then stepped in front of me and someone from the front door came over and this gentleman was escorted from the premises utilizing his head to open the heavy door.

This is more for comic relief than anything else.

One night I was working at my bar and I was working with the second line that we have. So here is a little background. My bar is mainly upstairs with a small bar downstairs. Rather than having the line always be outside we form a line at the down bar so that people can come in and drink, waiting to go uptairs. This really irritates people and one night a guy came in and saw the line after he paid the cover charge. He was intoxicated, not incapacitated but had been drinking for a few hours. He paid the cover and tried to go upstairs and I said I am sorry but you have to wait in line. He was not happy. He proceded to say "F this city, f this bar " and then extended his hand and middle finger " F you" At this point I tell him that he has to leave the bar. Again he was not happy. He asked for his money back and I told him no because of his behavior.

At this point he reached out and grabbed my stomach (i am fat and there is enough to grab) and said "What are you gonna do, bounce me?" At this point I got so mad and the guy working next to me saw me go from my normal friendly demeanor to i am pissed. He then stepped in front of me and someone from the front door came over and this gentleman was escorted from the premises utilizing his head to open the heavy door.


Very bad line to use: 'What are you going to do, bounce me?'. It kind of invites (begs for?) an affirmative answer, probably by demonstration as in this case...

At least he wasn't left standing there waiting in vain for someone to answer his question! :D
This is more for comic relief than anything else.

One night I was working at my bar and I was working with the second line that we have. So here is a little background. My bar is mainly upstairs with a small bar downstairs. Rather than having the line always be outside we form a line at the down bar so that people can come in and drink, waiting to go uptairs. This really irritates people and one night a guy came in and saw the line after he paid the cover charge. He was intoxicated, not incapacitated but had been drinking for a few hours. He paid the cover and tried to go upstairs and I said I am sorry but you have to wait in line. He was not happy. He proceded to say "F this city, f this bar " and then extended his hand and middle finger " F you" At this point I tell him that he has to leave the bar. Again he was not happy. He asked for his money back and I told him no because of his behavior.

At this point he reached out and grabbed my stomach (i am fat and there is enough to grab) and said "What are you gonna do, bounce me?" At this point I got so mad and the guy working next to me saw me go from my normal friendly demeanor to i am pissed. He then stepped in front of me and someone from the front door came over and this gentleman was escorted from the premises utilizing his head to open the heavy door.


I agree with Exile and Big Don, "what are you gonna do, bounce me?" is a stupid thing to say.

The fact that he obviously wanted to start trouble shows that he's not a martial artist (he may have trained in a martial style, but he's not a martial artist). Martial artists never begin the fight. We may land the first physical trauma upon our opponent (pre-emptive striking or counter-striking), but we never begin the fight by being the rufian or the thug and talkin' "smack".

"What are you gonna do, bounce me?" is a simple question and requires a simple yes/no answer. That leaves little for the mind to think about. A simple "yes", a wrist lock, and a subtle, but deserved strike to subdue the man would have been a quick response (though I'm glad the issue was resolved so peacefully and no one wa injured). If I get into a confrontation, I try to remember to use questions that require the most drawn-out answers possible. That keeps the other person thinking. "Why are you starting a fight, man?", "why are you doing this?", and "what do you hope to gain from this?" are all acceptable queries.

"the force can have a great influence on the shallow minded" - Obi Wan
Astro I will have to disagree with that martial artists are never the ones to start the fight. In my personal experience many are more apt to start a fight than to defend themselves in it. Just my experience. Seems they are more willing to go to blows than to just walk away. Pride you know, that whole thing.