Senior Master
I was working the overnight shift one night, and i'm taking my lunch break at my house. It's about 11:45pm and I go to leave. I had parked my patrol car on the east side of my house, so it was obscured from the road that runs along the southside, which will be important later.
Anyway, i'm walking out my front door and down my walkway, when out of the corner of my eye I catch sight of movement. I turn and there is a guy running toward me through my yard with a BASEBALL bat in his hand! The world kind of slowed down, and i'm looking at this guys face and I realize i've NEVER seen him before in my life. I'm kind of having this mental conversation with myself about why this guy is running at me with a bat.
Fortunatley for me not all of my mind was engaged in this mental conversation, because my GLOCK 22C was out of my holster, and I was moving behind the large tree in my front yard to buy me some time. This guy was less than 10 feet from me, when I yelled at him to 'DROP THE F'n BAT' and get down on the ground! Well, I guess he was close enough at that point to actually see
A) That I was a uniformed police officer
B) That I was pointing a gun at his chest
C) I was taking up the slack on the trigger
So he SLAMMED ON THE BRAKES and slid to a stop on his face about 4 feet in front of me!
At any rate, I jump on this guy, handcuff him and ask him what the HELL he's doing coming at me with an aluminum baseball bat! He launches in to a paranoid diatribe about folks with guns chasing him, and I realize pretty quick that this guy is METHED OUT to the GILLS!
I track him back to his sisters house down the block, where he's been staying for a few days. He still wasn't saying exactly what he was doing, but i'm confident that he was looking to jack someone up to take their car, when he happened to see me walk out of my house. It was dark enough that he didn't see I was a cop, he just saw a shape walk out of the front door, and remember my car was parked around the side.
So, his intent was to charge in, wack someone a few times with the bat, jack them up, and steal their car! He was just stupid enough to pick ME to do it to!
At any rate, it was an interesting experience, and it goes to show how fast these things can happen, and how surreal they are when it happens to you!
For those that do scenario training, put that one in your goody bag.....what would you do if you were walking out of your house in the middle of the night and some guy came charging across your yard with a baseball bat without saying a word?
Anyway, i'm walking out my front door and down my walkway, when out of the corner of my eye I catch sight of movement. I turn and there is a guy running toward me through my yard with a BASEBALL bat in his hand! The world kind of slowed down, and i'm looking at this guys face and I realize i've NEVER seen him before in my life. I'm kind of having this mental conversation with myself about why this guy is running at me with a bat.
Fortunatley for me not all of my mind was engaged in this mental conversation, because my GLOCK 22C was out of my holster, and I was moving behind the large tree in my front yard to buy me some time. This guy was less than 10 feet from me, when I yelled at him to 'DROP THE F'n BAT' and get down on the ground! Well, I guess he was close enough at that point to actually see
A) That I was a uniformed police officer
B) That I was pointing a gun at his chest
C) I was taking up the slack on the trigger
So he SLAMMED ON THE BRAKES and slid to a stop on his face about 4 feet in front of me!
At any rate, I jump on this guy, handcuff him and ask him what the HELL he's doing coming at me with an aluminum baseball bat! He launches in to a paranoid diatribe about folks with guns chasing him, and I realize pretty quick that this guy is METHED OUT to the GILLS!
I track him back to his sisters house down the block, where he's been staying for a few days. He still wasn't saying exactly what he was doing, but i'm confident that he was looking to jack someone up to take their car, when he happened to see me walk out of my house. It was dark enough that he didn't see I was a cop, he just saw a shape walk out of the front door, and remember my car was parked around the side.
So, his intent was to charge in, wack someone a few times with the bat, jack them up, and steal their car! He was just stupid enough to pick ME to do it to!
At any rate, it was an interesting experience, and it goes to show how fast these things can happen, and how surreal they are when it happens to you!
For those that do scenario training, put that one in your goody bag.....what would you do if you were walking out of your house in the middle of the night and some guy came charging across your yard with a baseball bat without saying a word?