Been a while since I told any bouncing stories but I think this is one I should tell.
New Years Eve was not a good night for my security staff. The action started shortly after midnight. I had a patron who was wrestling with a friend attempt to push me after I asked him to stop. Quick pop to the shoulder and spin and I put the guy in a three-point head lock. Unfortunately, as I tried to walk him to the door, he managed to knock me off balance and I fell to my back with him still in the choke. Not the best place to be but I still had control. I wrapped my legs and waited for the Calvery. Seconds later help came and grabbed the guys ankles and pulled him off me allowing me to stand and get the shoulders of his shirt and we carried him out like a sack of potatoes.
Later that night with about twenty minutes to go before close, five minutes til last call, I was taking pictures of some of my security staff when some drunk dude steps in front of my camara and poses just as I was taking the picture. We laughed it off and asked the guy to step aside and let us take some 'employee pics'. The guy persisted and tried to step in my way again. I put my camera up and confronted the guy. It's obvious he's waisted and he was pretty non responsive when I started talking to him. Any other night I'd have cut him off right then and kicked him out. However, it was New Years, and we had had a long night and plenty of excitement already. Knowing last call was five minutes away I asked him to step back to the bar for last call and told him we'd be closing soon. I told the bartender not to serve him anymore (he had a beer anyway) and went back to taking pictures. Ready, set, cheese, here he comes again! So again I put my camera away and this time I ask him to leave. Another doorman steps up and gives me some support. He's not responding, trying to step back up to the bar and 'get away'. My co-worker steps up and put a hand on the guys shoulder to turn him towards the door and the guy smacks his hand away and tries to tackle me but I didn't fall so he ends up with his right arm around my waiste and starts throwing completely ineffective body shots to my right rib cage with his other hand. The moment he got a hold of me two of my co-workers had a hold of him. Pulling at his waiste band they and I start walking towards the door. The guy stops throwing the body shots and just goes to latching on to me for dear life. Having experienced this before I know that once at the door they are going to push him out and if he still has a hold on me I'm going too so I really wanted to get this guy off me first. All I can see is the top of his head barried against my chest and the door is coming fast so even though my first instinct when drawing back was to throw a fist I had sense enough to open up my hand and smack the guy four, maybe five times in the top of the head/forehead region but it had no effect on his hold. There's the door and I get pushed through with him. As we go out I'm peeled off and the guy lands face down on the sidewalk and I stumble over his feet before I hit the ground and pop back up and turn around. Turn around and I see my guys helping one of our guys off the top of the drunk dude and I go over and tell my guys to go inside. As I close the door the guy looks up at me and I see his face. There's a little blood coming from his nose but other than that he just looks drunk. I figured his nose hit the sidewalk and I went inside.
Two days later I find out the guy had the veneers knocked off his front teeth and is saying we jumped him on the sidewalk outside the bar. :shrug: Says we never asked him to leave or even escorted him out. He's sueing our bar. After going through a internal review my employeer determined we were not at fault. I've had to make statements to two insurance companies and may end up testifying in court.
Since then I've been a lot more prone to go get our LEO and have him stand by as I talk to patrons. It's funny, six guys in security shirts with mag lites doesn't scare some guys but on guy with a badge and taser goes a long ways! I've also started a policy that we will write reports anytime there is a major altercation or someone has to be physically removed from the bar, with dates, times, and witnesses. The owners also changed our policy on cutting people off. Before we could cut someone off and not kick them out. Trouble with that is now you have to watch this guy like a two year old kid and make sure no ones slipping him drinks or essentially you must baby sit the drunk. No more, now if you can't drink, you can't stay. Another good thing that came out of this is that I've noticed our bartenders stepping up and cuttting more patrons off before they get 'waisted'.
I feel sorry for this guy because I know he probably don't remember any of it. He woke up with a hang over needing dental work and can't remember why and I'm sure that really sucks. But people must maintain themselves. By alowing himself to get in that state and putting us in a position where we have to physical remove him he put himself in a dangerous position. It takes two seconds to fall and hit your head on a sharp table corner or chair leg. Could of just as easily been my teeth laying in the sidewalk and bet you my employer wouldn't be buying me a new set. These are the things that can happen when you don't play nice.