A Fond Memory of Santa Claus

Kembudo-Kai Kempoka

Senior Master
With the holiday season on hand, I'm reminded of one of the funniest nights I ever spent as a bouncer/bar-back. While working in a biker/blue-collar bar, I met a Harley biker named Santa Claus...had his name legally changed, the drivers license, the whole deal. Made most of his years' income over the X-mas season.

A couple of beers later, some guy wanders into the bar and places a bowie to the low back (near the kidney) of another guy, who happens to be sitting at the bar next to the knife-wielders girlfriend. My bartendress is panicking and pretending not to notice. I tell her to go call 911, and proceed to fetch my spring-loaded telescoping baton out from beside the register, and cuff it to walk close to the knife guy. I get close enough to start my swing and open the baton at the same time, and crack the guy on the wrist of his knife hand. He drops it in pain and surprise (I'm not good at much, but this stroke I practiced often), and Santa leaps out of his seat without missing a beat (he had been watching frmo the corner of his eye and waiting for an opportune moment to intervene) and drags the guy to the floor. Several guys who had just got off duty from the club next door were following this out the corner of their eyes, and jumped in to join Santa.

When done, they drug the guy outside, and unceremoniuosly deposited him in a dumpster, out cold. Within minutes, the PD arrives doing the "hut-hut" thing. I told them to relax...Santa threw the bad guy out into the trash heap. Obviously, it took me a few minutes and the help of the guys from next door to convince them that I hadn't been drinking, and that they would find the perp outside in the trash. One cop, taking the report as his partners linked the guy up and put him (stinking) into the back of a car, started to chuckle heartily as he took the information from Santas drivers license. I think I had the bigger kick going home that night to tell the little woman that me and Santa disarmed a guy, then Santa dumped him in a Dewey Dumpster.

Just on my mind...had to share.

Happy Holidays, and may Santa Claus bring you everything you desire.

Great story!! :lol:
Thanks for sharing it with us, Dr. Dave. Merry Christmas to you too (and to Santa Claus, wherever he is...) ;)