What are some of your laws when you hurt someone?

still learning

Senior Master
Hello, In Hawaii, the law regarding hurting someone in a fight. (causing injury), from what I was told, each case will be a little different.

If you break someone bones, even if you did not start the fight and was only defending yourself.....you may be paying for the damages,loss of work,medical bills and the lawyers fees of the other person.

So one instuctor says, " break the baby finger...cheaper than the thumb"!

There are and can be so much different possiblie of each incidents, the who,what,where,when, how? to have an idea of what YOU can be charge with. (that why it is a must to get the best lawyer you can afford).

before an incident....do not be the aggressor....say out loud so people nearby can hear you say "I DO NOT WANT TO FIGHT YOU" ....PLEASE LET ME GO... CAN WE SETTLE THIS ANOTHER WAY.........things like that...so when the police and lawyer show up...you will look like the good guy! and the witness will be on your side!

and keep you hands up and palms facing him.....so you do not look like the aggressor too! ...but you will be ready to defend,block or strike him.

ALSO....do only enough to end the fight.....each sitution will be different and only you at the time can make the right judgement for yourself. Some guys may need more attention before they get it.

No one want to go to Jail......we need to learn the laws of our state...so we can make the right decisions..........Aloha

PS: I am selling one "Get out of jail card" to the highest bidder? ....
still learning said:
PS: I am selling one "Get out of jail card" to the highest bidder? ....
Are you a judge or a lawyer? :D The answer will help the validity of the card ya know. Besides it'll only probably work in Hawaii anyway. I don't see myself going there anytime soon. Also don't see myself hurting someone or anticipating a physical confrontation anytime soon. But as we all know ... you never know. True, nobody wants to go to jail. But in the "heat of the moment" I'm going to worry about getting away from the guy or stopping the fight as quickly as possible. THEN I'll consider the ramifications.

For what it's worth I personally do not know the laws per-se on what will happen to me if I hurt someone at least here in Utah anyway. A sheriff's deputy friend of mine says that it will largely depend upon the officer at the scene. He will assess if charges need to be brought up or not. He told me that if I play my cards right I can make it look like (and it probably will be anyway) total self-defense and thus the other guy will be charged with assault or any of the variations there-of.
If the officer on the scene gets enough (accurate and true) information then they'll know (or at least get advice from a senior) on whether charges need to be brought up (against me) or not.
Usually when I was in Dallas and was "jumped" I managed to hurt the assailant enough to "get-away" and leave them where they be, and I'm far-far away that any officer arriving to the scene of a guy on the sidewalk/street hurting isn't going to know who's who and what's what.
In-so-far (here) it hasn't happened. I'll keep praying that it never will.
Hello, I am not a lawyer and the "get out of jail card" is from my monopoly set.....this is just a joke!

Please if you took this seriously...I am sorry.....Aloha
All you need to morally know and understand is that when situations presents itself that one has to do what's gotta be done is to protect yourself, your loved one's and those in need. Worry about the court of law afterwards but, and I sadly state this, what one does after the situation, and I mean further stuff, will legally come back to you. I will end this by saying, " I feared for my life and others." Also, learn how to really deal with explaining your actions afterwards, which is for further study do to the BS liberal laws and those a-holes who many times seem to defend the psychopaths and sociopaths who prey on us law abiding citizens.
In most cases in the states the letter of the law isn't very important. Our laws are enforced pretty subjectively and it will be how the fight looks, months later, in front of a jury that matters. Or, better yet, how the cop chooses to handle the matter when he arrives -- he may not choose to arrest at all.

Remember also that regardless of whether or not you're acquitted, you'll miss work and pay money for a lawyer -- not to mention soiling your reputation and that of your instructors.

IF you have to fight, follow these steps:

1. As you say, say loudly that you don't want to fight. Maintain a protective and non-threatening stance.

2. As you say, do as little as possible while still ending or avoiding the fight.

3. When authority (police, bouncer, security) shows up, be polite, non-aggressive and patient. This will be difficult, as you'll be amped from the fight. But sit down, wait for them to come to you, and say 'sir' or 'ma'am' a lot. If you have witnesses that you were only defending yourself, and the cop likes you, you're much less likely to be arrested.

4. If you're arrested, remain polite. Find a real lawyer and ride it out, taking care to not do or say anything that will later hurt your case. Do not, for instance, go around bragging about how you 'kicked this dude's *** all over the bar'.

Hope that helps. Just my 2 cents.
Hello, In Hawaii, the law regarding hurting someone in a fight. (causing injury), from what I was told, each case will be a little different.

If you break someone bones, even if you did not start the fight and was only defending yourself.....you may be paying for the damages,loss of work,medical bills and the lawyers fees of the other person.

So one instuctor says, " break the baby finger...cheaper than the thumb"!

There are and can be so much different possiblie of each incidents, the who,what,where,when, how? to have an idea of what YOU can be charge with. (that why it is a must to get the best lawyer you can afford).

before an incident....do not be the aggressor....say out loud so people nearby can hear you say "I DO NOT WANT TO FIGHT YOU" ....PLEASE LET ME GO... CAN WE SETTLE THIS ANOTHER WAY.........things like that...so when the police and lawyer show up...you will look like the good guy! and the witness will be on your side!

and keep you hands up and palms facing him.....so you do not look like the aggressor too! ...but you will be ready to defend,block or strike him.

ALSO....do only enough to end the fight.....each sitution will be different and only you at the time can make the right judgement for yourself. Some guys may need more attention before they get it.

No one want to go to Jail......we need to learn the laws of our state...so we can make the right decisions..........Aloha

PS: I am selling one "Get out of jail card" to the highest bidder? ....

I think if anyone is dumb enough to start something in the street well your dead. At least were I live you have the right to pump your full clip if felt threatned.