Well, I did my best...Sorry, America.


Brown Belt
Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score
I am in the hospital and I will be discharged for medical purposes. I didn't even see it, but they say that you never see the bullet that kills you (or any bullet for that matter :lol:), and at least that proverbial bullet didn't kill me. Friggin thing tore up my shoulder, but it couldn've been much worse, at least it didn't go farther or hit my spine. I should make a full recovery, but my military career is definitely over. So, all that I can say is, I am sorry that I wasn't more careful and that I won't be able to serve my country and protect my family, friends, and heck, a lot of my fellow MT members from those who threaten freedom and human rights. I will be undergoing more surgery and the like, so forgive me if I can't post for awhile. I am really growing tired of all of these needles that they keep sticking me with, though :lol:. They say that hopefully I will make a speedy recovery and I will be able to begin rehab. At least the nurse is nice.
I am glad that it wasn't worse and that you should make a full recovery. I recently had surgery and I understand about all the needles!
Please post when you can and let us know how you are doing.
A nice nurse makes a big difference! :)
Get well soon.
Thank you to you, and all those who put yourselves in harms way on our behalfs. Speedy recovery to you!
Thank you for your service, friend, and may your recovery be swift and full.

Remember, take your rehab sessions seriously, and follow them exactly to the letter.
I am in the hospital and I will be discharged for medical purposes. I didn't even see it, but they say that you never see the bullet that kills you (or any bullet for that matter :lol:), and at least that proverbial bullet didn't kill me. Friggin thing tore up my shoulder, but it couldn've been much worse, at least it didn't go farther or hit my spine. I should make a full recovery, but my military career is definitely over. So, all that I can say is, I am sorry that I wasn't more careful and that I won't be able to serve my country and protect my family, friends, and heck, a lot of my fellow MT members from those who threaten freedom and human rights. I will be undergoing more surgery and the like, so forgive me if I can't post for awhile. I am really growing tired of all of these needles that they keep sticking me with, though :lol:. They say that hopefully I will make a speedy recovery and I will be able to begin rehab. At least the nurse is nice.
You HAVE served your country.

You say you expect to make a full recovery; there are lots of ways to continue to serve your community without serving in the military. You can be a police officer, or firefighter, or corrections officer, for example. You can run for public office. Or you can simply come home, find the right partner (if you haven't already) and make babies, seeing that they grow up to be contributing members of society.
No one who puts there life on the line for others EVER has to apologize or feel he hasn't done enough.

I am so glad to see you posting as opposed to having your name added to the list of fallen soldiers.

Thank you for your service - it is in no way your fault, nor is it to your detriment, that you were injured in the performance of that service. I wish you a complete and speedy recovery!
Don't even think of apologizing, SG—we owe you. Get better soon, soldier.
Everyone else has expressed my feelings for me Sage.

I've never been shot but I have been torn up pretty badly (such that the guy with the scythe might have been getting a call) and all those months in hopital being fussed over by pretty nurses was a trial :D.

All my best wishes and I think Lisa expressed it best for me when it comes to self-reproach - nothing to fault yourself for, sir.
Don't ever apologize for doing your best. Never!
Telling us about it is a hellva lot better than being in a box.
Thank you and welcome home. :asian:
Stop apologizing right now. You put yourself in harm's way for people who will never meet you, many who will never thank you, some who will even chastise you for doing it.

Sincere thanks from me and my family. Please know that you can (and I'm sure you will) continue to serve your country in other ways as a civilian.

Thanks for coming back alive.

Stop apologizing right now. You put yourself in harm's way for people who will never meet you, many who will never thank you, some who will even chastise you for doing it.

Sincere thanks from me and my family. Please know that you can (and I'm sure you will) continue to serve your country in other ways as a civilian.

Thanks for coming back alive.


Amen to that.
I am in the hospital and I will be discharged for medical purposes. I didn't even see it, but they say that you never see the bullet that kills you (or any bullet for that matter :lol:), and at least that proverbial bullet didn't kill me. Friggin thing tore up my shoulder, but it couldn've been much worse, at least it didn't go farther or hit my spine. I should make a full recovery, but my military career is definitely over. So, all that I can say is, I am sorry that I wasn't more careful and that I won't be able to serve my country and protect my family, friends, and heck, a lot of my fellow MT members from those who threaten freedom and human rights. I will be undergoing more surgery and the like, so forgive me if I can't post for awhile. I am really growing tired of all of these needles that they keep sticking me with, though :lol:. They say that hopefully I will make a speedy recovery and I will be able to begin rehab. At least the nurse is nice.

My family and I both thank you from the bottom of our hearts!! The courage of you and your military peers have provided me with all the freedoms and oppurtunitites we enjoy!

You are a true american hero! Please don't feel the regreet or that you let us down.. I understand why you feel like that and that IMO just makes you more of a true unselfish hero! You gave so much to your country.. it is people like me that should appoligize to you for at times taking what we have for granted!

God Bless you and your family


Nothing to be sorry about. You served and did your level best. That's all that anyone can ask. Your body was made of flesh and blood and could not withstand the terrible engines of destruction arrayed against it. There is no shame in that. Quite the contrary. You deserve all praise for the attempt.

Rest. Recover. And begin another life when you are ready. You have fulfilled your duty and more.