I just looked at that other thread, the one that was locked. I don't quite know what to say, never experienced that kind of thing on our site before.
It seems remarkable for the vitriol from one person, there was a lot of polite questioning by posters I know of but I've never heard of that one poster and his qualifications so I have only what he has written to judge just the same as I have of the OP, so both could be delusional, neither or only one perhaps but even if the OP was wrong/fake/delusional why all the rage? Very odd in my opinion. Plenty have come on here with strange ideas, stories and 'I am the greatest, biggest, toughest, ballsy street fighter eva' and that didn't attract so much hatred as the poor OP did.
Ah well, I'm tired from travelling so I will bow out now and say good night. There's nought as queer as folk is the saying around my way and it's true enough.