We Are Borg...er...democrats...we all belong to Government...

"The Government IS the People.

But do those in Government today still believe this?

that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?
Yes, "We the People" established the Constitution for the United States of America. The first few articles of which establish the rules and the separate powers of the three branches of the federal government.

To which of the three branches of the government do you belong? Do I belong to the same branch, or are we divided into different branches for checks and balances reasons? Belonging to separate branches at the same time would certainly be a conflict of interest, so how do I find out which branch I'm in? Am I anti-American for asking? How about for thinking that "We the People" establishing a Constitution is quite different than "We the People" belong to the government and that it is quite a leap of logic to get from one to the other?

Do you vote? Then you belong to the implied "branch," the electorate. More to the point, your elected representatives are your agents in government-they are your voice and participation-part of how you belong.
Do you vote? Then you belong to the implied "branch," the electorate. More to the point, your elected representatives are your agents in government-they are your voice and participation-part of how you belong.

Now there is an "implied branch" of the government? It there just this one implied branch, or are there many either presently existing or to be made up later as gaffes and mistatements need rationalization?
Some people should go back and retake thier high school sociology classs, where all this was taught. Note; sociology is not the same as socialist, so you'll be fine.
Some people should go back and retake thier high school sociology classs, where all this was taught. Note; sociology is not the same as socialist, so you'll be fine.

Wait a minute....just what are you trynig to pull here.... that sounds an AWFUL lot like Scientology :uhyeah:
Now there is an "implied branch" of the government? It there just this one implied branch, or are there many either presently existing or to be made up later as gaffes and mistatements need rationalization?

There was no gaffe or misstatement. Some people are deliberately misinterpreting a very clear statement to further their own ends. As Elder said - "I (we) all belong to MartialTalk" does not mean that Bob owns us.

As to your earlier question - the People belong to every branch and aspect of the Government. The Government was ordered and derives its authority from the consent of the governed - the People - and through their voting power ultimately control the entire Government, and to whom the entire Government is ultimately accountable.
There was no gaffe or misstatement. Some people are deliberately misinterpreting a very clear statement to further their own ends. As Elder said - "I (we) all belong to MartialTalk" does not mean that Bob owns us.

As to your earlier question - the People belong to every branch and aspect of the Government. The Government was ordered and derives its authority from the consent of the governed - the People - and through their voting power ultimately control the entire Government, and to whom the entire Government is ultimately accountable.

Since I work for “the government” (at a state level) my view is admittedly a lot more jaded and although I agree with you in spirit in reality those in politics play the voters rather well and have little concern for them beyond their vote which they generally con them out of. Now if the majority of voters ever really pays attention to what is being said and what it going on and figures this whole voter thing out..... well...things will change... but sadly I have little faith in the average American voter… way to much rhetoric, to many catchy phrases (shinny objects to distract) and way too much political polarization these days.
Also, there is no government without the people. The members of government come from our ranks and at the highest levels we vote them in. If you view the government as some big evil entity, then you miss how our government is formed. Yes, occasionally government will overstep its bounds. Not because it is some big, evil, entity, but because it consist of people, just like you and me, and sometimes people make mistakes.
Since I work for “the government” (at a state level) my view is admittedly a lot more jaded and although I agree with you in spirit in reality those in politics play the voters rather well and have little concern for them beyond their vote which they generally con them out of. Now if the majority of voters ever really pays attention to what is being said and what it going on and figures this whole voter thing out..... well...things will change... but sadly I have little faith in the average American voter… way to much rhetoric, to many catchy phrases (shinny objects to distract) and way too much political polarization these days.

That's all true. We've gotten the government we've chosen. We still chose it though, and we could change that if we wanted.
That's all true. We've gotten the government we've chosen. We still chose it though, and we could change that if we wanted.


And sadly all to true.... we did chose it...initially. Also true that we could change if we wanted to but that would require independent thought outside of political parties and the party line and sadly I do not see that happening in the 21st century. And the longer this goes on the more they change the rules in thier favor so eventually...

And sadly all to true.... we did chose it...initially. Also true that we could change if we wanted to but that would require independent thought outside of political parties and the party line and sadly I do not see that happening in the 21st century. And the longer this goes on the more they change the rules in thier favor so eventually...

I think this would have been the perfect year for a 3 party to make a real run. Obama sucks as president, if Romney wins he will also suck. If a strong honest 3 party person would step up and put out real plans they could have a real shot.
Now there is an "implied branch" of the government? It there just this one implied branch, or are there many either presently existing or to be made up later as gaffes and mistatements need rationalization?

The lack of education that exists-in language, social studies, history and civics is would be just plain astounding, if it weren't coming from people who view (code-word!!) "education" as elitist

For the record, from the Merriam-Webster English Language Technical Manual:


[h=2]Definition of IMPLIED[/h]understood although not put into words

As in implicot:

[h=2]im·plic·it[/h] adj \im-ˈpli-sət\

[h=2]Definition of IMPLICIT[/h]1
a : capable of being understood from something else though unexpressed : implied <an implicit assumption> b : involved in the nature or essence of something though not revealed, expressed, or developed : potential <a sculptor may see different figures implicit in a block of stone — John Dewey>2

: being without doubt or reserve : unquestioning <an implicit trust>

Yes-you are the implied branch of government-it doesn't work without you.
There was no gaffe or misstatement. Some people are deliberately misinterpreting a very clear statement to further their own ends. As Elder said - "I (we) all belong to MartialTalk" does not mean that Bob owns us.

As to your earlier question - the People belong to every branch and aspect of the Government. The Government was ordered and derives its authority from the consent of the governed - the People - and through their voting power ultimately control the entire Government, and to whom the entire Government is ultimately accountable.

Actually, the government belongs to the people, or should, anyway. Although increasingly it seems we are headed in the other direction where the people are subjects of the government. I certainly do agree that some people are deliberately misinterpreting, engaging in semantic gymnastics, poor analogies, and 'evil government' red herrings to further their own ends.
I think this would have been the perfect year for a 3 party to make a real run. Obama sucks as president, if Romney wins he will also suck. If a strong honest 3 party person would step up and put out real plans they could have a real shot.

This may be a perfect time for the Democrats and Republicans to want a 3rd party to win (or throw the election by selecting Ryan as a VP candidate) if former labor secretary and political commentator Robert Reich's prediction comes true.

"Party that wins White House could become minority party for many years if, as seems increasingly likely, world enters recession in 2013." -Robert Reich via Twitter
I think this would have been the perfect year for a 3 party to make a real run. Obama sucks as president, if Romney wins he will also suck. If a strong honest 3 party person would step up and put out real plans they could have a real shot.

But since Ross Perot it is not as easy for a thrid party...the rules were changed

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