He really needs a teleprompter...


Lifetime Supporting Member
Wellll...President obama has sort of stepped in it...the death of four Americans in Bhengazi was not "optimal,"...he needs a teleprompter...probably for simple things like ordering at Burger King...


[h=2]Today, according to the White House pool report, President Obama told Jon Stewart during a Comedy Central Daily Showtaping that the deaths of our ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were “not optimal.” This comes just weeks after President Obama told CBS News’ Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes that the murders of four Americans in Benghazi were “bumps in the road.” By way of contrast, President Obama described the YouTube video “The Innocence of Muslims,” which had nothing to do with the Benghazi attacks, as “crude and disgusting,” an “insult,” and said that its message “must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity.”[/h]To reiterate: deaths of Americans are “not optimal,” and “bumps in the road.” A YouTube video is “bigotry,” “blasphemy,” “crude and disgusting,” an “insult,” and inhuman.
The left is already saying that the “not optimal” quote has been taken out of context; they were saying that Stewart used the word “optimal” first. The problem: it’s far worse in context. Stewart said that the White House response was “not the optimal response.” Obama responded not by tackling the White House response, but by calling the murders“not optimal.”
Here’s the transcript from the White House pool report:
Jon Stewart: “Is part of the investigation helping the communication between these divisions? Not just what happened in Benghazi, but what happened within. Because I would say, even you would admit, it was not the optimal response, at least to the American people, as far as all of us being on the same page."
POTUS: "Here’s what I’ll say. If four Americans get killed, it’s not optimal. We’re going to fix it. All of it. And what happens, during the course of a presidency, is that the government is a big operation and any given time something screws up. And you make sure that you find out what’s broken and you fix it. Whatever else I have done throughout the course of my presidency the one thing that I’ve been absolutely clear about is that America’s security comes, and the American people need to know exactly how I make decisions when it comes to war, peace, security, and protecting Americans. And they will continue to get that over the next four years of my presidency."
hmmm...didn't know the daily show was a right wing show. Hmmm...the President's own words on the matter, not the links...
You really need to stop using Brietbart as a real source.

I am paraphrasing here rather than direct quote. John Stewart said to the president that even he had to admitt the situation in Benghazi was not an optimal situation. President Obama replied that No, it was not an optimal situation. Context is everything, yet Brietbart's site and yourself seem not to understand that. Your original post is not valid due to the context. I know, I know, you'll put up 5 more links of people who say it is <sigh>

Maybe try to use real issues to argue politics instead of this ginned up Brietbart nonsense you seem to always fall for.
We call it the "Daily Mail Gene" around here :lol:. Given that the papers name is often parodied as "The Daily Fail" that gives you an idea of it's reliabilty amongst wider read individuals - Breitbart it seems is of the same ilk but with occasionally entertaining video clips and even more extreme stances.

Both operate in the same way, appealing to the 'inner fool' that rides in many of us; the one who is thirsting for simple, draconian, solutions to complex problems. Both also excel in exaggerating problems, blaming those problems on their political opposites and supplying no real answers (for the draconian solutions, altho sometimes tempting, are seldom very effective).
:chuckles: An ailment we all suffer from now and again, Instructor :D.
Thought I would put this here...From the Drudge Report...obama bowing around the world.




So President Obama shows respect to other world leaders. That's obviously unacceptable! The entire world, regardless of their cultural history, ought to use the same greetings as US!

You will understand that, for us, Her Majesty is a darned sight more important than any ten-a-penny elected official. If it's good enough for her ...

Showing respect earns you respect:


It is not a very 'worldy wise' viewpoint to think that showing deference to anothers mores and codes when you are in their 'house' is a sign of weakness. It's okay for John Wayne to be uncompromising, not so workable in a non-Hollywood environment :D.
Not respect, he is showing embarrassment for his country. It runs through his entire upbringing and shows itself in unnecessary bowing when it wasn't called for. The leader of a free people shouldn't be ducking their head to any other world leader, but should look them square in the eye with a warm smile on his face...unless it is a thug like chavez, or the other little monsters running these other countries, then his look should be confident and resolved in appearance.
Not respect, he is showing embarrassment for his country. It runs through his entire upbringing and shows itself in unnecessary bowing when it wasn't called for. The leader of a free people shouldn't be ducking their head to any other world leader, but should look them square in the eye with a warm smile on his face...unless it is a thug like chavez, or the other little monsters running these other countries, then his look should be confident and resolved in appearance.

Actually he is showing confidence by showing respect to the people of the country he's in. What you would have him do is act like a bully. Seems like acting the bully on the world stage didn't work out so well for the previous administration and cost the US much respect in the world. Also, there are pictures of President Bush not only bowing but also even holding hands with the Saudi King. This is more BS attacks because you are so insecure about the politics you have been supporting.
When you are in the dojo, why do you bow to your Sensei? to other students?

It is simply good form to show respect to your host.
Not respect, he is showing embarrassment for his country. It runs through his entire upbringing and shows itself in unnecessary bowing when it wasn't called for. The leader of a free people shouldn't be ducking their head to any other world leader, but should look them square in the eye with a warm smile on his face...unless it is a thug like chavez, or the other little monsters running these other countries, then his look should be confident and resolved in appearance.

That's odd... I've bowed to many many people over the years. Certainly FAR more than President Obama has. And never once has it been out of embarrassment.

I suspect you know that. Showing respect is the right thing to do. Bowing is no different from learning a few words in their langauge with which to greet them. I suspect you know that too.
Sorry, obama isn't bowing out of respect. Notice, the cultures that actually do bow, Japan for example, their Prime Minister isn't matching his dip. The guy who bows the lowest is the inferior. Obama is also bowing to people who don't bow as custom. Follow his upbringing and biography. He is embarrassed and ashamed of the U.S. and bows to show that he understands how "bad," America is. I didn't want Bush to bow to the saudi's and obama doing it doesn't make it better. Obama's foreign policy is falling apart and the world is about to pay the price of obama's broken moral compass, which was passed on to him by his mother, grandfather, frank marshal davis, jeremiah wright and bill ayers as well as all of the left wing professors who he admired.

I believe that I said he should do as a leader of a free people should, look people in the eye, a firm hand shake and a warm/friendly smile...for the good guys. Steely resolve should meet the bad guys...or the guys obama likes.


Societal ranking in Japanese is really important. If you&#8217;re higher up in society from another person, you&#8217;ll notice that they talk more politely to you (to a greater extent than what we do in America / Western cultures), bow more deeply,

obama bowed deeply on that one...
As to the bowing thing, it is a respectable thing to do, and shows you are humble, not arrogant. In my dojo back home, we kneel when we put on our belts. The kneeling is in respect to the highest rank who is putting on his belt. However, the highest rank kneels as well, even though he officially doesn't need to. Is this done to show they are inferior? No, it is for respect to the lower ranks as they put on their belts, and is showing humility rather than arrogance.

He is embarrassed and ashamed of the U.S. and bows to show that he understands how "bad," America is.

So you're suggesting the POTUS is ashamed of the U.S.? If our leader is ashamed of us, how the hell are the rest of us not ashamed as well? We should all be bowing all over the streets, and covering our heads in shame until we crash into our tree, because we're so "bad", uninformed and uneducated (assuming this is what you mean by "bad", its a rather broad term) that we drive around bowing to the car in front of us, with our heads smack down on the steering wheel!

I believe that I said he should do as a leader of a free people should, look people in the eye, a firm hand shake and a warm/friendly smile...for the good guys. Steely resolve should meet the bad guys...or the guys obama likes.

Ok, I have a problem with each part of this sentence.

What if the "good guys"(side note:good is just as broad as bad, or, say, evildoers *snicker*) come from a culture where it is rude to look someone in the eye, shake someones hand, or not bow when you meet someone? Then should he just be rude to them?

How would you show steely resolve to someone? Can you give us a million pictures of Bush doing it so we know what Obama's doing wrong?

And again, what exactly is considered the bad guys? If Obama likes someone, do they automatically become a bad guy? If he announced he liked Mitt Romney, would you have him strung up on war crimes? Or do you mean he should be disrespectful and/or show "steely resolve" to anyone he likes, regardless of whether they are "good" or "bad"? Is that the proper course of action for everyone, or is he a special case for some magical reason?

This thread really is crap. Its in your head that Obama is "embarrased and ashamed." Saying the president likes "bad guys" is also crap. You don't like Obama so you post this nonsense...this old Fox News idiodic nonsense. You will say just about anything to paint Obama as something other than a real American. Never mind is it is factual or not. Do you realize how that makes you look?

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