Krauthammer breaks down obama foreign policy failure...


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Charles Krauthammer breaks down the failure of obama's foreign policy in this appearance on the Hannity show...the video contains all of his comments...

“[Saying that] this has nothing to do with us or our policies, [that] it’s about a video, is either willfully obtuse or simply clueless,” Krauthammer said. “What has happened is, as you pointed out, beginning with the Cairo speech, Obama changed American policy on the theory that the reason that people hated us was because we were tough. They hated us because of Iraq. They hated us because of Guantanamo. They hated us because of the torture — he used the word, he accuses his own country abroad of torturing.”
“And he was now apologizing and promising to change course,” he continued. “We would no longer be tough. We would be loved. We would show compassion. And we would get out of Iraq. He set a deadline for Afghanistan. He doesn’t support the Green Revolution in Iran. He shows the Ayatollahs tremendous respect. He essentially protects them when they are under attack. He gets nowhere on the Iran nuclear issue. He is equivocal uncertain during the Arab Spring. He leads from behind in Libya. The theory was if we go soft, if we are very nice, if we say ‘Assalamu alaikum,’ enough times, everything will be all right. And what he decided is, the way to do that, the theory and therefore the practice is going to be, retreat and withdraw. Remember the line he uses? The tide of war is receding.”
Krauthammer said American interests were threatened because the president’s policies have created a power vacuum that radical Muslims have jumped to fill.
“That means the tide of American power is receding,” Krauthammer said. “And the reason that American interests, embassies, schools, businesses are aflame throughout the Middle East from Tunis all the way to South Asia is because things don’t happen in a vacuum. And when you withdraw the power and the influence of the strongest country on earth from a region, the vacuum will be filled. What we are seeing now is the Salafists, the Islamists, understanding this is their opening, America is in retreat. The tide of America is retreating in the region. And they are now going to fill the gap.”

Krauthammer doesn't have a clue. Him breaking down foriegn policy well and fairly is like asking a dog to speak English. It isn't in thier nature and it isn't going to happen.
Here is Byron York breaking down obama's foreign policy failures...

Why would the White House heap blame on the movie — indeed, insist that it is the sole cause of the violence — when officials don’t actually know that to be true? There are, perhaps, two reasons. One is that the administration has put an enormous amount of faith in the idea that Arab Spring uprisings will lead to democracy in much of the Middle East. Current events suggest that faith might be misplaced. For the administration, blaming the movie is easier than admitting they were wrong about something so big and important.
The second reason is that Barack Obama has based much of his approach to Middle Eastern affairs on what he perceives as his own unique ability to reach out to Muslims. The entire point of the president’s June 2009 speech to the Muslim world, delivered in Cairo — the same city where protesters are condemning the United States today — was that Obama’s life story allowed him to understand the Muslim experience in a way that previous American leaders could not. The fact that he spent part of his childhood in a Muslim country (Indonesia) and had many family members who were Muslim, the president apparently believed, would make many previously hostile Muslims somehow like the United States more.
It didn’t. So now, with anger at the U.S. burning throughout the region — and showing on Americans’ wide-screen TVs — it’s easier for the administration to blame the movie than to admit the president’s personal initiative failed.
Looking at his time in office, Obama judges himself on what he believes is his ability to connect with the world. “One of the proudest things of my three years in office is helping to restore a sense of respect for America around the world,” he told a star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles last February. “A belief that we are not just defined by the size of our military…but we’re also defined by our values, and our respect for rule of law, and our willingness to help countries in need. We’ve got to preserve that, and we’ve got to build on that.”
Events in Egypt, Libya, and elsewhere are not cooperating with Obama’s vision. Must be the movie.

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