Pastors, professors, and terrorists, oh my...


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Well, the new video of obama supporting a racist professor is out now...

...while at Harvard Law School, Barack Obama embraced the racially charged cause of professor Derrick Bell.

Both Obama and Bell demanded that Harvard hire professors on the basis of race. Obama and other students rallied to Bell’s side after Bell quit teaching in an attempt to force Harvard to implement race-based hiring policies.
Other archived video tapes I have reviewed reveal that Bell espouses racial ideas deeply at odds with American values--and did so, adamantly, while at Harvard Law School.
The Obama-Bell connection is the latest in a pattern of Barack Obama’s associations with individuals who promoted a racially divisive America.
In 2008, America learned that Obama attended, and had his children baptized, in a church run by the racist Rev. Jeremiah Wright. After the Obama campaign launched a successful existential war to have the Rev. Jeremiah Wright remain a household name only to Fox News viewers, Americans dreamed an Obama presidency would usher in a post-racial era.
That never materialized.
Instead, Professor Derrick Bell’s racial world view is now manifesting in the policies of the Obama administration, particularly in Eric Holder’s Justice Department. That’s why Obama’s radical associations in the past matter.

This is a man who posited that the civil rights movement was too moderate because it accepted the status quo, and believed that the entire legal and constitutional system had to be transformed in radical fashion. This is a man so extreme that, as we’ve reported, he wrote a story in 1993 in which he posited that white Americans would sell black Americans into slavery to aliens to relieve the national debt, and that Jews would go along with it.
There’s far more coming on Derrick Bell. This is just the beginning.

Well now we have obama connected to an anti-american, racist pastor, an anti-american, racist professor, two domestic, anti-american, domestic terrorist bombers, an international terrorist supporter and a radical, anti-american community activist guy and a pear tree. How did this guy ever get into office? Well, for one thing, the press didn't dig into his background the way they did McCain, Bush and Palin, and he hid his real identity by not voting when he was here in Illinois, except to vote against the born alive infant protection act 3 times.

Hmmm...what is the difference between a racialist and a racist? Could the difference be that if a professor is white, and pushing a racist agenda he is a racist, but if he is an african american professor and pushing a racist agenda he is a "racialist?"
A little more on Obama's favorite professor, the racialist/racist, Derrick Bell...

[h=2]It's been established that Barack Obama counseled his fellow Harvard law students to open up their hearts and minds to Derrick Bell because he was speaking "truth." A 1990 New York Times book review of Bell's "And We Are Not Saved The Elusive Quest for Racial Justice" sheds light on just how racialist was Bell's alleged truth, which Barack Obama embraced. Bell didn't only de-legitimize white critics based upon race, he de-legitimized his white liberals colleagues, as well, seeing them as incapable of being anything other than oppressors. (Emphasis mine.)[/h]
''Even liberal white scholars ... have to imagine that they are not oppressors. Black people have stories and experiences that provide the basis not only for their lives but for their scholarship.'' Does he then consider it impossible for white scholars to understand and to teach on this issue? "It's not that they can't, but they do face barriers to their ability to explain the reality of racism in America.''

Your link didn't go through. I hate when that happens, the new Breitbart page doesn't always link to the videos properly now...

I agree, it is nonsense, this guy should never have been elected, especially with his links to all these people...
And on Obama's buddy Rashid Khalidi and the video that was never shown...

Rashid Khalidi — a Palestinian-American historian known for his strong pro-Palestinian opinions — is currently the Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia and director of that university’s Middle East Institute. After Khalidi received this Columbia appointment in 2003, a farewell dinner party was held in his honor in Chicago. A videotape was made of that party where many good things were said about the Palestinian cause and many bad things about Israel. Then Illinois state Sen. Barack Obama was in attendance, as were, some say, William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.
That tape was given at some point by an unknown person to Peter Wallsten of the Los Angeles Times. Wallsten then reported on some of its contents in a brief LAT article of April 10, 2008 titled “Allies of Palestinians see a friend in Obama.”

A special tribute came from Khalidi’s friend and frequent dinner companion, the young state Sen. Barack Obama. Speaking to the crowd, Obama reminisced about meals prepared by Khalidi’s wife, Mona, and conversations that had challenged his thinking.
His many talks with the Khalidis, Obama said, had been “consistent reminders to me of my own blind spots and my own biases. . . . It’s for that reason that I’m hoping that, for many years to come, we continue that conversation — a conversation that is necessary not just around Mona and Rashid’s dinner table,” but around “this entire world.”
And? Well, that’s about it. Wellsten doesn’t tell us much more from the videotape or the party other than:
a young Palestinian American recited a poem accusing the Israeli government of terrorism in its treatment of Palestinians and sharply criticizing U.S. support of Israel. If Palestinians cannot secure their own land, she said, “then you will never see a day of peace.”
One speaker likened “Zionist settlers on the West Bank” to Osama bin Laden, saying both had been “blinded by ideology.”
That’s it. No word of the details of how Obama reacted or what he really said, other than the short quote above.

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