Walk away or stand and deliver

SAkenpo said:
Sorry, that was stated pooly. I meant be more careful with your actions. I don't know what kind of parties people are going to but I haven't had to worry about being confronted at a party/bar since the good old college days. Before Texas passed the law to make carrying concealed weapon/handgun legal for those who are licensed, it was still legal to have a legally bought gun with you when you traveled out of town for a period of time. The reasoning for this is that you are going into areas you are unfamiliar with (incase of self defense situations). You could not have a gun with you if you were just driving around town. I guess that is were my logic came from that if your were in an unfamiliar area or confronted in the street when you were not asking for trouble (i.e. talking trash in a bar) that you could be expected to use your abilities for self defense. I guess that is just a perception on my part.

Thank you for the reply! :ultracool In an unfamiliar area, its wise obviously to be aware of your surroundings, but even in a familiar area, its still wise to be aware. I could frequent a club on a weekly basis, but that does not mean that I'm going to know everybody there. Am I familiar with the establishment? Yes. All of the people? Nope. Speaking for me, I'm going to adjust my actions according to the situation being presented at the time.

Yes. How much of this is REALLY about "standing up for whats right", not letting the BG get away with it, etc. And how much of it is about ego, anger and self-esteem?
I think if it comes down to it, I'm more likely to fight back in a situation dealing with legality than I am with pride. Someone insults me...no biggie. Someone tries to steal from me....I' more like to want to respond.

Simply because in today's society I'm not really thrilled with the sorta of pasivisim of just 'do what they want and hope they go away' that sorta condones illegal behavior.
Tgace said:
Yes. How much of this is REALLY about "standing up for whats right", not letting the BG get away with it, etc. And how much of it is about ego, anger and self-esteem?
Yup. If you conquer your own ego, you've won 90% of your fights.
I think everyone here is talking apples and oranges and not differentiating between the two, what I mean is the difference between different people everyone is lumping into the category of "criminal" The "crackhead/mugger", or whatever you want to call him is looking for prey, he is a predator, he doesn't want a fight, he doesn't want to prove his honor, he is looking to take. Standing your ground with a level gaze and an aware attitude, ready for anything is not a bad strategy, in my experience. Once he produces a weapon, though, things change. Roided up drunk college kid is a different story entirely. one response does not fit all situations.
if all other methods fail

check to aviod
aviod rather than hurt
hurt rather than maime
maime rather than kill
kill to preserve
I haven't read the whole thread, so forgive me if this has been covered.

You have to weigh the consequences of what you choose to do against the satisfaction you might get by not backing down to a bully, drunk, etc. If you decide to enter into a physical confrontation you will likely end up explaining yourself to the police, lawyers, judges, etc. It could cost you, and not just $$$. I've posted before on how difficult I find it to let belligerent and thuggish behavior trump those of us who are engaging in moral and socially acceptable behaviors. So when I am forced to deal with this, and it has only happened a few times in the past few decades (I'm careful about not being there), I do what is most likely to get me and/or my family home safe and without any lingering consequences.

Bravado, machismo, and ego can't get in the way. I believe strongly that ones bearing can often dissolve potentially volatile situations, it has worked for me in the past. Sometimes it doesn't, then you have to lay a little knuckle on 'em. My training helps me with both