I don't think that's exclusive to Wado dojo, but it's what happens in ours anyway (and also other Ryu-ha I train in

) and it's what makes you - if you understand what I mean?
No, certainly not, but I do think that that's kind of part of a bygone era for martial arts for the most part. Even this school has toned it down a good bit over the past handful of years and, in my experience at least, most schools are way too afraid of lawsuits to allow that kind of thing to go on.
Sounds like you had a good group there - why do you need to train elsewhere?
It's a good school and when I first visited I walked away feeling like I had just gotten my first glimpse of TRUE karate.
However, for one thing, I never totally felt like I was fitting in or clicking with the rest of the group. With the exception of the purple belt who just kind of kept to himself, I was the youngest by over a decade and also the only person who hadn't been there for years. It would've been nice to have some people kind of at my level to bond with. Also, and this was very important to me, I went out of my way to try to find some guys there who wanted to get together outside of class and train. Doing stuff in class is great, but it's only an hour three times a week or whatever. I knew that if I was really going to get up to speed and understand this art, then I would need a partner who would be as interested as I was in doing drills, sparring and just generally "comparing notes" outside of the dojo. I even went so far as to set up an Internet forum where everyone could talk outside of class and perhaps organize meetups and so forth but not one even person bothered to check it out. I admit that was really disappointing to me.
So my shoulder's better now but that's why I haven't just immediately jumped back into training there. I'm checking out a few others options. The Shotokan school that I've been looking at seems to be a good one. One thing in particular that interests me is that there's a particular instructor there who teaches a "fighting class" (as they call it) on Friday nights that is dedicated entirely to sparring. I know he has done a lot of competing and has even trained some with the US National Team.
All things being equal, I would go back to the Wado school. Like I said, it's "fiercer" karate. But I would be willing to make some sacrifices on that end if I can find a place where I fit in a little better and which has students and/or instructors who would be interested in taking things to another level and getting together outside of class. I just think that's essential unless you want to train purely as a form of simple recreation.
Too bad I can't go old school and have some master take me under their wing and train me Mr. Miyagi style.