Hi to everybody,
This is my first post so be gentle please
I've been practicing Wado-ryu for about 10 years in total. Started as a young teenager, then quit for a while, then practiced some hokutoryu ju-jutsu and kick-boxing. Then had a break again, then started again with Wado for a few years. Had to quit for a while and then practiced some Shotokan for about a year or a bit less and ended up with Wado again. Anyway, of all these styles I've tried I still feel that Wado is the one I like the most.
Now I've moved to Sydney Australia and to my disappointment I haven't been able to find a Wado school here. Here's a lot of MMA schools, Tae-Kwon-Do, Aikido, a few Shotokan schools and then styles I know nothing about like Kempo-Ryu, Goju-Ryu, Haidong, Hapkido etc. I've Googled all of them and read as much as I can but without attending classes it's still hard to get the idea of the style. So in order not to try all the styles I ended up here asking for advice
I want to train for my own health and for the pleasure of it. Not looking to beat somebody up or be an expert MMA fighter. I found kickboxing too "strong/brutal" for me. Jujutsu was a bit too much locking, throwing, twisting to my taste. Shotokan was almost but felt a bit too "slow" and "old". Wado had the speed and "lightness" that I liked, wasn't as physical as Kyuokushinkai or Kick Boxing and had some elements of limbtwisting from jujitsu which seemed like a perfect combination for me.
Please bear in mind that this is all just my opinion based on the schools and teachers I've been experiencing.
Anyway, would any of you have suggestions on which style to look at if one can't find a Wado school?
Sorry for the long explanation, hopefully you get what I meant and what I'm after for
Dep@confused with styles
This is my first post so be gentle please

I've been practicing Wado-ryu for about 10 years in total. Started as a young teenager, then quit for a while, then practiced some hokutoryu ju-jutsu and kick-boxing. Then had a break again, then started again with Wado for a few years. Had to quit for a while and then practiced some Shotokan for about a year or a bit less and ended up with Wado again. Anyway, of all these styles I've tried I still feel that Wado is the one I like the most.
Now I've moved to Sydney Australia and to my disappointment I haven't been able to find a Wado school here. Here's a lot of MMA schools, Tae-Kwon-Do, Aikido, a few Shotokan schools and then styles I know nothing about like Kempo-Ryu, Goju-Ryu, Haidong, Hapkido etc. I've Googled all of them and read as much as I can but without attending classes it's still hard to get the idea of the style. So in order not to try all the styles I ended up here asking for advice

I want to train for my own health and for the pleasure of it. Not looking to beat somebody up or be an expert MMA fighter. I found kickboxing too "strong/brutal" for me. Jujutsu was a bit too much locking, throwing, twisting to my taste. Shotokan was almost but felt a bit too "slow" and "old". Wado had the speed and "lightness" that I liked, wasn't as physical as Kyuokushinkai or Kick Boxing and had some elements of limbtwisting from jujitsu which seemed like a perfect combination for me.
Please bear in mind that this is all just my opinion based on the schools and teachers I've been experiencing.
Anyway, would any of you have suggestions on which style to look at if one can't find a Wado school?
Sorry for the long explanation, hopefully you get what I meant and what I'm after for

Dep@confused with styles