Vote: Reorganized Reputation System.

What should I do with the rep system?

  • 1- Leave it as it is.

  • 2- Reset it to zero, and restart it under new rules.

  • 3- Drop it entirely.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Sir, an opinion was asked for by Mr. Hubbard in the OP. I find it amusing that it offends so many when the asked for opinion is thus given. I notice for an issue that in your opinion shouldn’t be an issue you have posted five times and counting, don't get wrong, I think that overall that is a good thing; discussion is usually a good thing in my opinion. The fact that your opinion of those with differing opinions than your own deserves your derision and cursing is a reflection of you and your style and your upbringing. To say that people who think a system could be improved upon as having large issues, having complexes and calling the (insert one of you many curse words here) losers is all good and well I suppose, trading insults veiled or otherwise is a forum skill that is admired and practiced by many. To have to use cursing to try to make your points on a public forum demonstrates that more work and time could have been given to the posts so that they could be readable by all of the audience adult and child.

I do not ever advocate the taking of Valium but sometimes do advocate that others should perhaps follow their own advice.

please don't call me sir.

forums are about opinions, period. some more absurd than others.

please, don't begin to try and analyze my "style and upbringing". it has no relevance here other than to discredit my stance on this issue, which btw, i have yet to lose sleep over. in the end, it's the forum owner's decision; not yours, mine, or anyone else's. all there is to do is state slanted opinion on the issue.

point being, i don't see a problem with the rep system. others do. big deal. cursing in a post shouldn't be the issue. perhaps there's not a need for it. well there certainly isn't a need for type 27 bold font to get your point across either.

what it comes down to is, a user (fairly new) is questioning the use of the reputation system used by the forum in comparison with others she'd frequented. the system has been the subject of outright abuse, on the account of the thread originator. all i'm doing is calling BS without call "BS". take it how you see it. i don't care.

the system isn't broken. people's perception of the system is broken.

have a nice (minus the expletive) day.

We have 53 total votes.

We have had 337 members visit in the last 24 hours.

That's 284 "No Opinion's"

Interesting eh?

sure it is.

but there is also a poll. 284 non-voting people don't care, nor should their opinions matter, should they not vote. (thinking of last presidential election). ;)
I voted to keep it as it is. It's a fun thing. And obviously it's not that important to me as I don't have a whole lot of rep. If it's not fun for you, don't play.
You dont think its a good possibility that moderators get more rep points, possibly from users hoping to make a good impression? Or, the flipside, they dont get negatively repped as much, because a member doesn't want to risk the "wrath" of a mod?
Ella - I'm living proof that this is not true...
For the record, I have not voted. It has already been accused that moderators and admins sway reputation in a manner which would be abusive of their powers, hence I will not vote in the poll.
is there something wrong with the rep system? I really don't see a problem ... it seems more fun then anything else. I have been on almost 2 years , i hardly post out of the LLR so my rep reflects the fact that i don't come out and "play" with others much. (no stars or what have ya)

If you want the rep to be more then a game. Ok i hardly post out of the LLR so i don't contribute much on the main boards my rep reflects that as well...

I still don't see the problem. Is it with the members who have tons of rep? well they have been around a long time, and they post lots... so to me logic would say they have higher rep ... and sense people seem to like what they say they have more bang when they decide to rep someone else.

anyways my two cents, it has worked for as long as it has ... why go and mess with it now?
For the record, I have not voted. It has already been accused that moderators and admins sway reputation in a manner which would be abusive of their powers, hence I will not vote in the poll.

I voted..Let them BELIEVE what they will..If they anger us with any more false accusations we will neg rep them into the void...LOL x100...
For the record, I have not voted. It has already been accused that moderators and admins sway reputation in a manner which would be abusive of their powers, hence I will not vote in the poll.

I understand the issue of Admin's and the perceived issue of abuse by some.

If you like what they say and give them rep it is too much

If you spread it out too lots of people it is just the staff balancing and artificially raising the level. (* Inflation *)

Sorry I have the economy and market on my mind and since it too is a warm fuzzy of confidence, where if everyone beleived that the money dumped on the markets would help and get people spending and borrowing money then all would be good. But if investors are still hesitant then it is bad.

It is all about perception.

I could joke with "G" or Lisa and they would not take offense, while someone who might have over heard would take offense. And in the issue of sexual harassment and violence in the work place it s not intent, but impact as stated by the US Supreme court that matters. So, even if your actions were acceptable to some, but others found them to be unacceptable you are guilty of creating a bad environment.

In the end you, you have an overly PC environment where people are to be open but are afraid to say anything, for fear of being fired or banned or warned. Now of course there are limits (* look at the US Constitution, and also the rules here for this site *), and those limits should be within reason.

As stated early there is no way to make everyone happy.

There is a way to make everyone unhappy and to solve the problems completly. The Staff all quit. The owner walks away as what little he might get out of the site does not support the headaches and pain it causes.

Now can any system be improved? Yes.

Should every system be reviewed from time to time for such improvement? Yes.

But recognize that with "Warm Fuzzies" and peoples perceptions of themselves aka EGO, I am not sure how to make it work. We could give everyone a Gold star to start with. Or a gold start for their first month as a member. or A gold star for their 'xth' post. Then everyone can see their reputation is good. But some people beleive they have to say it and they are right even if everyone else knows other wise. Should these people be given the same rewards just because? I say no, as the ranking system does that with number of posts. (* And yes, the number of Black belts who get online and post within their first ten, "I really AM a black belt or 'xth' degree not a white belt." Even here not everyone can be made happy.

Should the system be based upon actual rank in a system or organization? This would require people supplying information to the staff. This would put liability on the staf if for some reason they accepted someone who might have had their rank removed. Lots of legal issues and money issues. But let say everyone is honest and this is not the concern should it still be done? No. If this is the case some sixth degree will make his comment and then no one under him can respond or ask a question or challenge those on high. The issue is that those that could corrct or put him place are in another org or not online at all. So you get a very small number of people directing the tone of the board per style/system. This keeps a closed minded atmosphere, which I believe is the total opposite of the owners original wishe and also what the Internet forums in general are for for. If it was allowed or executed this way one only gets people repeating what the higher ups have said. This is boring. This leads not no posts. This leads to the death of the forum. No difference are allowed to be rought out into the light to examine and possible grow by.

So, The Rep system as all systems can be an issue. If there was no system, then people would have to go by post count. If we did not count posts, then it is totally based upon what people read. Which is fine by me. But, there also is no incentive to post and share. There is no reward so if the person with 10000 posts looks the same as the person with one, then why have 10000 posts? (* My assumptio is 10000 posts with information *)

Of course I like to reset all counters from time to time. Just to start over. But that is me. I know that many othes do not. That is fine by me as well. I do not expect nor assume that this site or others will follow my beliefs and or wishes. I am a guest here, at the whim of the owner and his delgated staff members. Of course if they all were jerks we would leave. If they were to get rid of everyone no one would be here. And in both cases the site does not prosper.

I wish the board and the staff good luck in this. For I see no real answer. Even with change there will be some who are upset. Even with the same sytem and a reset based upon the calendar year, some will be upset.

Given the shear volume of posts and information here, it is like a library, where you walk in and ask for help and the librarian rolls their eyes and walks you over to the section you need in a huff. But it is so big on your first few visits you cannot read it all nor know where everything is. After time people go to their favorite sections and then after their browse they leave. So if the library rules have changed, they might not know about it, untill the break one.


Pure and total frustration.

Sory for the rant. no back to the topic of do we change and or reorganize the rep system.

This thread is being reopened as we would like the poll to run until the end of the month. Please refrain from any disruption of this thread. Any further rude or disruptive comments will not be tolerated and action will be taken by the moderating team.

Thank you.

Lisa Deneka
MT Assist. Admin.
High up from the highest tree. MT would you weep for me..Doot ,doot , doot ,do, do, doota, do...
Old Timers! Sheesh. BTW, did Roger Miller first make that a hit? (NOTE: This is a trap :D).

OK, sorry for going OT. But I'm just now reading this thread start to finish, and I needed some RELIEF!!! before continuing.Now back to the topic at hand. :asian:
Alright, finished reading the whole thread and feel like my head's in a vise. So I'll make a couple of suggestions for possible modifications, and hope they make sense.

1) Limit negative repping quantity (say max of 50, or 100 points). I got neg repped my first week for that maybe was, maybe wasn't fair, and it did nothing to help me understand the board and be a more positive contributor.

2) No anonymous neg repping. Reason is obvious--to me anyway.

3) Have a ceiling on repping points a poster can give, but no ceiling on how much each can receive. For those with whole galaxies, distinguish a group of 10 gold stars by making them one star of another color, just as we move the digit over one place in arithmetic to indicate it now counts as 10 of those (eg: 1=1, but a 2 added to the left of it=21). So, maybe the 20 in the case of stars could be represented by two blue stars, or green ones, or pink, or whatever. :erg:

OK, that's all I got. ;)
Nooooo!! Not pink stars :D.

Other than that, an excellent summary of the best suggestions kds :tup:.
I would not miss the rep system if it were to be disabled, but it would not bother me if it were re-vamped or left alone. Yes, I am the proverbial fence-sitter on this issue.
I would not miss the rep system if it were to be disabled, but it would not bother me if it were re-vamped or left alone. Yes, I am the proverbial fence-sitter on this issue.

I feel much the same. I value and enjoy the opinions and discussions here.

The amount of rep a person has, has little bearing on what my opinion of ones post is. The same holds true on the mat.

You could be a 20th dan in "Me-SO-Good-Do" and I would still equate it to Dungeonds and Dragons "my level 66 Elf is better than your level 90 Warrior".

It's the content that matters.


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