Vigilantism in OH, is this acceptable?

The fact that this guy has a history of brain injury and seizures should excuse his questionable behavior in the bushes. How were these stoners supposed to know that? I'm sure they weren't, but they still were not justified in their response. If the tape evidences what we read that it does, they should all get the book thrown at them - not just because their reponse was unjustified, but that it was extreme.

What next for the beating victim, though? Can the court mandate that he wear a homing device permanently without placing him under an order of house arrest? This is a medical problem - surely the satellite system used for Alzheimers patients and DD persons would be in order here. Perhaps that's a different thread?
dearnis in bold:

(as an aside, if you want book recs PM Steve; Steve- NO MORE AMAZON LINKS!!!!)

Let me guess. You get there on Amazon and find you can't leave. You click and point for hours, and order twelve hardback books. Am I right? Do I know book addicts when I see them? You want those links deep down...don't you? You feel them CALLING you. PM me and I'll hook you up, dude. I have some pure links. Uncut and bagged.

I disagree with the treatment stance simply because a misdemeanor indecent exposure/peeping charge is seldom enough leverage to force an offender into a functioning treatment program. Treatment may work, but the patient has to want to be cured...

True. Regardless, the follow up posted indicated the cops didn't think this guy was peeping.

There is a well-established pattern of peepers evolving into burglars then into rapists.

We could say that many rapists were at one time peepers, but not all peepers become rapists. Its a little like the "gateway drug" argument. One might be able to say that most heroin users start out using marijuana, but we know that most marijuana users don't end up using heroin.



Recent interviews from residents at the apartment building that have attended parties with the attackers, say that the "events" that take place at these parties, like the one happening the night of the attack, include twister (w/ extra rug burns, if you know what I mean), copious amounts of alcohol, use of various illegal and illicite drugs and various forms of prostitution. The implication is now that the man wasn't looking at the child, but at the party. The group attacked the man for peeping in on their swinging lifestyle, at which a minor was present and witness. Another possiblilty is that he witnessed their illegal activities and they wanted to either intimidate him into not ratting them out or make sure he never spoke of it again or at all for that matter.

Disclaimer: This account was heard on local radio and not verifiable. I would have to wonder if the video would show if he was looking at any other windows.
Well, I guess the swingers can add gang rape and aggravated assault to their list of party tricks.

The fact that this guy has a history of brain injury and seizures should excuse his questionable behavior in the bushes.

Agreed. It sounds like the needed intent is going to be absent.

What next for the beating victim, though? Can the court mandate that he wear a homing device permanently without placing him under an order of house arrest? This is a medical problem - surely the satellite system used for Alzheimers patients and DD persons would be in order here
Probably is a different thread. If he is not deemed to pose a danger to himself or others it is hard for the state to get involved; rightly or wrongly. That is if he is lucky enough to recover to his pre-assault level of mobility.

Steve- I got off Amazon last time with only 5 books, and only 2 hard covers. And I can quit any time I want. Yeah, any time!!
And I do blame you for some of the more disturbing titles on my shelf; a long past sex offender thread as a recall...

I don't fully buy the marijuana analogy. The gateway theory has serious flaws, I grant you. A peeper is a major problem, whether he graduates to higher levels or not. Personally (and professionally for that matter) I am not too concerned about someone smoking weed in their own place, so long as they do not try and drive a car.
Fresh from the gossip radio of the Cleveland radio: appearently the child's bedroom window was blocked by furniture when the man was alledgedly peeping. The furniture makes it impossible to see anyone in the room from outside.
So the upshot is that a group of doped-up persons of questionable character (was that worded politely enough?) beat, raped,and nearly killed an individual with significant mental challenges? OK, enough said.
Chad - Yup

Amazon junkies - You are using the Amazon links below so MT gets it's 10cents per order right? :)

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