1.Well my initial reaction was correct.
2. It's a bunch of trash and doesn't show any ability to use the techniques that they are said to be studying.
3. Kung fu sparring should use techniques that are from the form training.
4. I think this way about all martial arts systems.
1. Not completely. The Fu Jow Pai Master exhibits a lot of mind / body unity in his movement.... hence mental disciple which is also apparent in how he tactically applies his techniques... On the technical front... he makes very good use of traditional stances, something relatively rare in competition sparring....
2. Agreed on the kickboxing type technique. But there's gold (or at least kung fu silver) beneath the trash, see reply #1. He also does a lot of head movement & body lean not unlike you tactically... and which I do little of.... I fight more like the traditional curriculum.... upright & directed mentally...
3. Again, completely agree by traditional standards... People think there is some disconnect between traditional techniques and the sport-kickboxing in that somehow sport kickboxing is what TMA is supposed to be training.... I never got that other than ignorance on the part of all those acting so...
What's the point of practicing techniques if they are only going to do basic kicks and punches. I know it was only just a demo free sparring, but that's when it's the easiest to demonstrate a technique during free sparring. Since it was demo of free sparring they could have left the gloves off.
By traditional CMA standards, you are dumping CMA and morphing into Jai Harman-type competitor... Again, completely stupid to me... yet I've been criticized tons here for being steadfast... Again, people seems to buy that doing some TMA stuff somehow magically turns them into a super kickboxer-fighter.... silly really.... but emotionally bought by most of sport karateka....
I never heard of fu jow pai so I looked online for one of their forms. I don't know what style the sparring guys were doing because they weren't doing any kung fu. If they were fu jow pai then some of what this guy is doing should be recognizable when they spar.
Well, it's the Fu Jow Pai Master's version of what he wants to demonstrate... There is a Fu Jow Pai base in what he is doing, IMO... but the actual physical techniques are me.
Ja Gow's illustration of Fu Jow Pai Tiger Form YT VID
When i put up a vid like this, the MT heavies all pile on me... Some have said this is garbage, impractical, etc., etc. My view is that this kind of actual fighting is too complicated for most TMA practitioners.... It's very sophisticated to acquire the mental discipline to effect such against real life opponents.... Since my mental discipline principles have been so roundly criticized, I again think the actuall effectiveness for my critics in the use of such CMA techniques is quite limited...
Ja Gow's illustration of Fu Jow Pai Frees sparring YT VID
Of course what they are practicing is bona fide.... it's acquiring the physical & mental base sufficient to really be strong & dynamic that is, like your Tiger Claw conditioning, problematic, highly problematic...
This is what it should have looked like. Not the same style of kung fu but it's clear to see who was using kung fu techniques and who wasn't. The only thing I didn't like about this one was that they weren't throwing jabs, crosses and hooks at each other, which is what they will have to deal with in a real fight situation or even a continuous sparring situation.
Again, I agree with you in principle... And your point about training against boxing-type techniques is of course on point.... for reality testing, self defense, etc...
Like many of most of my critics, though, you tend to be technique-centric.... If one masters (for practical purposes) the TMA (here CMA) principles... adjustments to other styles of fighting are much more readily accomplished.... This is the key of mental discipline.... I don't continually train against boxing style like you demonstrate.... yet I have never lost to a boxer...... I believe I know a number of kung fu stylists, though, who I really can't match. And it really has to do with a superior TMA base (or higher experience), not the actual techniques... though those are a strong factor when the CMA base is strong also...