While devoting oneself to any pursuit will develop certain intangible benefits as byproducts, in TMA, these benefits are not collateral byproducts, but primary intentional goals. They are inherent in the "do" of karate-do. This is where TMA is different from most other pursuits. There are few activities capable of changing one's physical body, way of looking at the world, and way of looking at oneself, all at the same time, to the extent MA can.
To illustrate this uniqueness in another way: There are chat rooms for chess players, I'm sure, where they discuss strategy, tactics, history and so on. But do they discuss physical training, philosophy, character development? Probably not much. If welders have such a site, they may talk of hours worked, types of metal, equipment and other technical issues. But again, I doubt if philosophy, moral standards, humility, and outlook on life are regular subjects of discussion.
Is there any site out there where, in addition to technical matters specific to the activity, these other topics are discussed on a regular basis? By chance, there is. And it happens to be MA oriented! Now, if I could only find it........