Live-in Dojo

First I would like to ask what martial art you have or are currently studying? I would think that after several years of study in a particular MA that it would be possible to make such a commitment to that MA, but to randomly throw a dart and say I'm going to study this and not be previously trained in any MA or even the one you would be training in, would be quite an undertaking.
Regards, Don
Hello, Do not always believe what you see in Movies...

For every hour in should be training a least 5 hours at home...

The best in the world...trains every minute of the day...think nothing but the training, talks about training,sleeps and is training his mind..NEVER EVER THINKS ABOUT SOME ELSE...

Anyone can improve every day...all it takes isto DO IT!

Do not believe living in a DOJO is the only pratical...have a life too! Aloha,

PS: What makes Tiger woods great....he never stops praticing...and his theory is NOT to win....But to beat you badly....He wants to smash every miles..
If you are into Gung Fu or internal martial arts, there are plenty of "monastery-like" places in China.
It's not that expensive and you get a room, food and high end instruction every day.

I went there twice, and it was amazing.
Training 10-12 hours a day makes you enter a completely different state of mind...
But you will soon start to appreciate your days off, the beer and smoke on rooftops at night, and looking at girls ;-)

Go for it!
The Sholian temple does offer a live-in student program, but it requires quite a bit of money from what I've heard.

When I spent some time at the Tagou school they had some Americans that were staying the whole summer there and had been living in China for the past 4 summers returning to America at the start of each school year

Of course you will need to learn Chinese to survive.
I have been thinking about opening a temple for martial arts students, of course it would be for living, training, and relaxation, and not the actual learning.
Hiya. I was doing some searching on these forums but couldnt find what i was looking for so i figured it would just be easier to ask in a new post.

Pretty much I have, after thinking about it quite a bit, decided, that if possible, I would like to bring myself into full immersion of a martial art.

It is a fantastic way of living if you can handle it as being Uchi Deshi is very very different to being a normal live out student lol... A huge difference

Living in you in ways belong to the dojo and well you will have to do things that ummm others won't ...

It is seriously hard going and at some places you will also have to work to survive on the times you are not required to studying the Art or doing other things that are part of your duties as uchi deshi ...

Also you will in most cases have to pay to be uchi-deshi ...there are a few that you don't but they are very very picky as to who they take and if you either way do not make the standard required (that is not your decision btw even if you have paid) you will be out ....period

It all sounds really appealing and a way of life (it is a way of life) however the practicalities of same or often very different ...It is not like the Schools of times past...

Good luck if you decide to go that route

What I'm Looking for:
I have been looking around for a martial arts dojo that i could move into for something like 2-4 years and practice, sleep, live the art.
It would be awsome if it was outside the US.
I have no knowledge of langauges outside English, so if a the surrounding langauge of the area was taught as well that would be great.
My preferences for the martial art being taught would probably be either Muay Thai or Chinese kenpo.

Now, the reason i was looking to do this is a few. First of all i would like to train with no distractions from my family for a few years aside from holidays. I also want to make sure that I keep a very strict training schedule, I dont want to much time off that allows me to slack. I want to increase my physicall conditions as much as possible.

One of the biggest setbacks I think I'm going to have is money. Moving out of country would meen that I have to leave my job, so paying tuition fees to such a dojo would be extremely difficult, so I was wondering if Anyone knew of such a place that would allow me to work off my fees instead of paying them.

Do you guys think that im just thinking up the impossible here? I'm having an extremely difficult time finding live-in dojos in the first place. Anyway, any insight you can give would be appriciated. Thanks
Also bear in mind if you go to Japan to become Uchi deshi then a working knowledge of the language is helpful ...not just MA speak but the actual everyday language.

You may come across very good Sensei in the west that are teaching over here however take them back to Japan and they change a bit lol ...They adapt to the western culture etc ...however when teaching back home their ummm style and ...demeanour may change a bit lol ....esp if you are uchi deshi ....believe me I know lol
Hiya. I was doing some searching on these forums but couldnt find what i was looking for so i figured it would just be easier to ask in a new post.

Pretty much I have, after thinking about it quite a bit, decided, that if possible, I would like to bring myself into full immersion of a martial art.

What I'm Looking for:
I have been looking around for a martial arts dojo that i could move into for something like 2-4 years and practice, sleep, live the art.
It would be awsome if it was outside the US.
I have no knowledge of langauges outside English, so if a the surrounding langauge of the area was taught as well that would be great.
My preferences for the martial art being taught would probably be either Muay Thai or Chinese kenpo.

Now, the reason i was looking to do this is a few. First of all i would like to train with no distractions from my family for a few years aside from holidays. I also want to make sure that I keep a very strict training schedule, I dont want to much time off that allows me to slack. I want to increase my physicall conditions as much as possible.

One of the biggest setbacks I think I'm going to have is money. Moving out of country would meen that I have to leave my job, so paying tuition fees to such a dojo would be extremely difficult, so I was wondering if Anyone knew of such a place that would allow me to work off my fees instead of paying them.

Do you guys think that im just thinking up the impossible here? I'm having an extremely difficult time finding live-in dojos in the first place. Anyway, any insight you can give would be appriciated. Thanks

Most people aren't going to let you live in their dojo unless they really know & trust you. There are lots of legal & liability reasons that not many business owners would want to risk. What area do you live in? Is the rent there really high or something? Maybe you could live in a van, which is a great way to save money. You'd have to be very stealthy.

If you're going to train like a madman like that, then why not think about Pro MMA fighting and see if you can make it big, who knows. How old are you and any MA skills?
Just saw this thread

I think what your looking for no longer really exists as such (I could be wrong) as any of the places that offer live in you have to still pay for it and more importantly you have to earn money to survive

The Yoshinkan do the Shenshuei but you pay for it and it an 11 month course but that is Japanese ... I think the Integral Dojo has or had a live in program again Japanese (and other bits included)

Also just as a footnote any live in student be it in the past or now (if you can find a place) they will select you you don't just turn up and tell them

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