University of Hawaii/Ward Churchill-LOSERS!

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kenpo tiger said:

How could someone have multiple identities in this forum? I have enough trouble keeping track of my one and only!:) Besides, what purpose would it serve?
I haven't been here long enough to make judgements, but I have seen it on other web boards where people make multiple accounts simply to give Thier main account positive feedback.

Just an FYI.
claiming "Its one person with multilpe accts" is often a desperate tactic employed when losing a flame war. it is almost never true. I'm notsaying that's what happened here, I don't evenknow who claimed it... this is just what I have observed on the hindernet.
DavidCC said:
claiming "Its one person with multilpe accts" is often a desperate tactic employed when losing a flame war. it is almost never true. I'm notsaying that's what happened here, I don't evenknow who claimed it... this is just what I have observed on the hindernet.

To know one, is to know ten thousand.

In physc wards they have multi personalities...On the web they have multi e-mail usually at Hot mail or Yahoo...Then they fit the profile, where they can have 5/6 or 7 accounts.

When I found out who that person was an confronted it...I would have given a hundred dollar bill if I could have been in the same room and watched it turn to Jello... We are talking fear...

But I didn't follow it up... The chase and the catch was all I wanted. Then they went back to their sick life... I still know and that is what counts...

Regards, Gary
Moderator's Note:

Please return to the original topic.

-MT Moderator
Hello everyone. I would like to just address the past situation in a cool, calm and collective manner with a little sense of humor here and there, then I'm leaving 'The Study' (that should make some happy, lol)). I know this is long, real long but please bear with it, it's my final post here. I have been 'trashed' by some while I was unable to respond (that's brave & honorable, isn't it?) so please let me exercise my first ammendment rights, they are for me too, aren't they? Just give me that much thank you.

First, I do not apologize for my beliefs and convictions to anyone but I do apologize to Kaith and the staff for any violation of the rules and policies of this forum. I totally understand you did what you felt neccessary and I respect that. I know you don't really know me but if you did you would know that I respect authority and if I was sent a 'PM' and told of the problem I would have most certainly cooperated in full. I'll touch a little more on this later. I was under the assumption there was more tolerence in political discussions, I stand corrected. After all, I'm from Massachusetts and some of the dispicable things I heard Senator Ted Kennedy say about our sitting President in a time of war, on television, radio and in the newspapers, well, I felt I was mild compared to him, lol.

I would like to say that I fell off my chair when I found out that PeachMonkey is a guy. I would however like to clarify something. I asked PeachMonkey of his gender fairly early on and he stated it shouldn't matter or something to that affect. Well, it does matter in the sense that when we are challenged in our beliefs and someone takes any extremely bold and strong stance it's nice to know who we are talking too, that's all, no big thing. It is commonly known that men and women see things differently. Nothing chauvanistic or sexist about that! Isn't there a best seller for both genders out there entitled, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"? Very popular book and the ladies liked it as much as the men from what I recall. If someone has a problem with that, well, then it's their problem, not mine.

If you scroll down from Karazenpo you will see my real name and if you look in the upper left hand corner you will also see where I hail from. Now, Robert, I would have to say you agree with me on what I am about to say but so no one thinks I'm taking a liberty here with you by saying that, let me quote you. On Kenponet someone wrote a negative remark about a video clip of a technique that one of Robert's friend's posted. The person who made the negative comment did not use their name. Robert responded and I quote: " I call that bold talk from someone who won't use his own good name." Robert posted again later, these are other excerpts, quote: "I mean, hell, if you used your own name, I might have to add it to the list of people I have a lot of respect for." "As it is, I understand that you're just this anonymous guy on the Internet with some kind of weird, petty little grudge that he can't bring himself (and it is always guys, ain't it?) to state clearly." "I use my own name, especially when I talk smack to people." end quote- Yes, I agree with you, Robert and I couldn't have said it better myself! I trust that you are consistant and feel the same way in my situation and you don't go which 'way the wind blows'. PeachMonkey used 'bold talk' and so did I but I attached a name to my posts and if he did the same thing their wouldn't have been any confusion on my part as to his gender. His profile was of no help either, read it, unless he's changed it. I still feel Churchill's views are utter lunacy and in the opinions of the vast majority, he's a 'traitor'. My assumption? No, not at all, although I agree with it. Just read the newspapers (and most of them are liberal biased too!), watch the news and listen to the radio, it's all there.

***SPECIAL NOTE: I don't have a problem with everyone that does not use their real name. This is directed, like Robert stated, to those posters who make bold statements against others.........and if I may add slanderous statements and those who are also 'strongly' opinionated. So, please, if you post anonymously and don't fit into that above catergory, please take no offense for my viewpoints are not directed toward you. Respectfully, "Joe"

However, there is one thing that I respect Ward Churchill for and that despite his way out, controversial views which upset a lot of people, he has the guts to attach a name to his statements, 'his name' and he doesn't hide under anonymity. Churchill doesn't throw a bomb and then runs and hides while it explodes. He stays there and takes the shrapnel along with his detractors. Robert and I have had several discussions on several forums over the years and we've had some pretty heavy opinions on issues. We differ on many issues and agree on some. However, I have to say as much as Robert has had some very strong opinions and as I have just found out he was even suspended once (like me), well, you have to respect this guy because his name is on 'every single post' he writes and he makes no mystery of where he trains or what he does for a living. When Robert throws a bomb he's still there when the smoke clears, you know who he is and he's a very proud man, he's confident and secure about himself. PeachMonkey, take a lesson from him. I'm looking forward to further conversations with Robert in the future on the martial arts.

Robert, I am not a Republican as you implied, never was, I told you that. To repeat again, I was a registered Democrat who decided to go Independant. I am neither left nor right, I call it like I see it. You also stated Howard Stern is a right winger and listed him along with Limbaugh. Robert, please, in all due respect, you are in error because Stern is obviously to the left, totally supported John Kerry, constantly ridiculed Bush and is one of the biggest fighters on first ammendment rights in this country! I thought everyone knew that. And guess what? I basically like Howard, he can be very entertaining at times, other times I agree, I have to turn him off, lol, for he can get a little annoying to say the least, lol. I am also a fan of Senator Joe Lieberman, a Democrat and think he would have made a good president also. Just one other thing Robert. You stated to some of my supporters, a little sarcastically, that we should all get together in our little group of right wingers, something like that. Well Robert, don't you guys have your little group of left wingers? You see what I mean, why is it all right for you guys but not for us? Why are your first ammendment rights and freedom of speech more valid then ours? It's like bullying us. I see hyprocrisy with that or little fascism as PeachMonkey would say and remember, I'm an 'Independant' thank you. Enough said on that matter.

I was called 'fascist' and was told to look it up. I know about Benito Mussolini and really didn't have to look it up but in case I was missing something, I did. See, I'm not one sided like some and I listen to what everyone brings to the table whether I agree with it or not. I saw the words dictator, racist and war mongers and that stuck out in my mind. Bold statement from PeachMonkey, ya think? Well, let's clear this up once and for all. I voted in the November 2nd FREE elections, people that look forward to voting in FREE elections don't believe in dictatorships, I know I certainly don't! My Dad fought against one of the greatest and most ruthless dictators of all time, Adolph Hitler, so please, show some respect and don't even go there. Racist? Please don't even go there either!!! You don't even know me or else you would feel foolish catergorizing me like that because some of my political views are to the right of yours BUT they have NOTHING to do with RACE! Gimme a break! Again, bold words I think from someone who hides behind a keyboard. These are the popular definitions of facism, PeachMonkey, so when you call someone a facist that is what you're labeling them as, if you think not, then I suggest you look it up! Himmmm, Robert Byrd, former KKK was the head of the Democatic Party, lol. You guys are a riot! Did you hear Howard Dean's (the new leader of the Democratic Party), racist remarks on 02/11/05? probably not......but I'm sure you will. Believe me, not that the right doesn't have their 'characters' too, of course they do, but it seems that some of you here wish to close your eyes to the skeletons in the left wing closets and are always ready to pounce on the right. Remember, it was you, Peach, who classified me as a 'fascist', my beliefs as 'fascism' and told me to go look it up and these are definitions I found. War monger? Again, you don't know me. Yes, I believe in a strong military, it is common knowledge that the vast majority of the left wing doesn't. Believing in a strong military is no different than you taking your kickboxing lessons or any self defense art for that matter. You take it because you'll have it in case you need it in these violent times and that's exactly why we need a strong military so we have it when people (monsters) fly airplanes into our buildings. It is what it is.

Another 'small', lol, problem I had with the left was this. Didn't it make you think why Usama bin Laden would come out with a video tape shortly before our national election stating that all states supporting George Bush will be targeted by Al Queda and those supporting John Kerry will get a pass. These aren't my words, they were his. Let's not spin this, but isn't it obvious what that tells you? Usama wanted Bush out and Kerry in??? I'd be concerned with a statement like that from the most wanted and dangerous enemy to world peace and security! Hello? Is anyone home?

Next, high taxes. Democrats believe that we who work hard for a living, should share our money with those who don't and in my opinion, the many who take ADVANTAGE and ABUSE our system. Yes, there are some programs I believe in, remember, I'm neither right nor left, I call it the way I see it in the best interest for our country. I don't tie myself down to one belief system. I do not see things in black and white as some do, but I investigate the gray areas. Again, you don't know me or what my experiences are on this particular issue either. So you say, what do I know of abuses? I'll give two of many examples I personally have knowledge of. 1) I worked as a narcotics detective at one time. We busted this guy who was making a lucrative business selling crack cocaine. He had like seven, eight kids, a wife and they were on welfare, housing and food stamps yet our investigation turned up that he was buying brand new cars, top of the line- loaded, and shipping them off to Puerto Rico for members of his family. To me, giving part of my pay check to this guy and his family is not only socialism at it's 'best' but is a down right 'crime of unarmed robbery'! 2) A woman I know, on Section 8 Housing with two kids opens up her own business, buys a Mercedes for her and a BMW for her young daughter. The business and the cars are all under her sister's name, the loans, everything. Now, get this. Housing pays most of her rent then there's a small percentage she pays in relation to her income (which as I stated is' hidden'), well, guess who her landlord is? Her parents! Yes, her parents applied to be landlords for Section 8. We, the people that earn a living legitimately, have to kick in and pay her rent, health insurance, whatever and it all goes back into the pockets of her and her family! Welcome to liberal Massachusetts! It was finally investigated after years of abuse and fraud and from what my sources told me she got another break. Give up the Section 8 now and we won't go after you to make retribution! Nice country, this liberal side of America, isn't it? So that is why I tend to get offended when I hear some of this 'socialist' rhetoric. Maybe some here are sheltered to these situations and I am not saying that condescendingly at all, but my occupation makes these situations more aware to me than some, I'm sure you can all understand that.

I think we can all agree abuses go on everywhere which leads me to this point. Churchill. Abuse of 'Affirmative Action'? by misrepresnting himself, let me change that to 'LYING' to get his tenured position. I mentioned that before but it seemed to go over some people's heads. Well, it' coming to light now!!! "Sometimes and I said 'sometimes' freedom of speech is used as an excuse for adults behaving badly".

Our troops. Please, go talk to their families here at home and ask them these questions. Don't get me wrong, I know some families are opposed to U.S. policies but what I mean is our men and women in the middle east right now, how heart broken they get and how morale plummets when they hear the way some talk back here in the United States. Yes, 'Freedom of Speech', but how about some sensitivity and compassion for those in the trenches who are laying it on the line every day. We all have a voice in the voting booth so use it but right now, imho and those of many others, we should all be a little more considerate, aware and less self serving, maybe 'conservative' is the word (how ironic that is) when speaking negatively knowing it hurts these fine young men and women who unselfishly serve. Believe me, talk like that does not do them any good and certainly won't bring them back any earlier unless it's in a body bag because they lose their incentive to fight. That's not suppressing freedoms or speech, or being 'fascist', that's providing aid and comfort to our troops rather than aid and comfort to our enemies, and some talk that goes around, Churchill's let's say, borders on that. However, with more information out on this guy lately in reference to his lectures and speeches, many now feel he has crossed that line. If some of my students who are currently serving ever caught wind of these posts, they would have been 'banned' from here with their comments, that you can take to the bank! The problem, imho, with those that pass judgement on our military and military situations is the same as many 'so-called self defense' experts in the martial arts. You've got 'arm chair managers' who never toted a rifle in combat criticizing our armed forces and you have self defense instructors who never got into an honest to goodness street fight in their lives but now they're all EXPERTS, aren't they? Wow........

It was said, I think by PeachMonkey when I stated he was always right and never gave any 'kudos' during debates and I think it was two names that were mentioned that PeachMonkey stated he had agreed with and I was wrong. Well of course, you gave the names of those with your same belief system, c'ome on now, I was talking about a 'debate', giving credit when the other side makes a point, not your supporters, how one sided is that? or isn't that arrogance thinking the other side has nothing to bring to the table?

Robert, you stated about the right wingers tying in child molesters to the liberals. That was taken a little out of context from my post. I was making a point why I'm independant in reference to Hannity & Colmes. Alan Colmes had to take that stand for only one reason, he's left wing liberal and has to take the opposite side of Sean Hannity no matter what the issue. He ended up sounding totally absurd and I think he knew it. I don't agree with Hannity on every single view either and sometimes Colmes does make a point-'kudos' to Alan! My point is what I said about black and white, no gray areas and what some of you here are guilty of in my book. If, who you perceive as a conservative right winger makes a statement or takes a position on an issue to the right, some lefties automatically without forethought decide to take the opposite view-period without even really listening. Agreed, this goes the other way with some conservatives also. That is my point. Both are guilty and that's why I'm an Independant. This is what I see on Hannity & Colmes and what I see here.

Insult Bill O'Reilly all you want but I've seen him go after conservatives with the same zeal and vigor he goes after liberals! He calls it like he sees it and can prove that if you call him on it. Looks independant to me! The left ridicules Fox News but CNN is fine, they damn O'Reilly and Hannity but Dan Rather is the toast of the town. How about that left wing executive of a major news network ( CNN?) who had to resign after publically and erroneously stating that U.S. soldiers were murdering news reporters in Iraq? How about Chris Mathews (Left wing bomb thrower) on 'Hardball'? He won't let an opposing guest get a word in edgewise and constantly talks over them. He is a perfect example of a 'Spin Zone". You can't see this bias? Some on this forum bring up the O'Reilly's and the Hannity's but draw a blind eye when it comes to the left! That's another one of my pet peeves. Is this fair and balanced? You can say that the right has it's bomb throwers too, Ann Coulter is one, fine, I'll go along with that but Bill O'Reilly isn't one of them. Just call it a jump ball, a draw, but just don't paint a one sided picture! Look in your own back yard before you criticize what's in someone elses. Remember glass houses, stones and those who shouldn't be throwing them! By the way if some of you did your homework you would find that in 8 1/2 years O'Reilly did not have to RETRACT ONE STORY, NOT ONE which probably means nothing to some for it's only a FACT but I bet Dan Rather wishes he could say the same, lol. You know Dan, the guy on CBS NEWS who has the "Fonz" disease, he can't say the word 'wrong' like some other people I know. Hey, remember CNN's cracker jack left wing reporter Peter Arnette? He was fired, wasn't he? It was exposed that he was actually fabricating news stories which slandered our military and the U.S. government? Actually more than slander, the stories were criminal in nature and the left was jumping up and down before all the facts were in. Some real heavy stuff!!! Check it out. By the way, who's Jason Blair? Remember him? Fired for fabricating newspaper stories. He wasn't an Independant or Conservative either. My point is all political parties, right to left, have to stop pointing fingers and get on with the job at hand. Fair enough?

Another issue I stated was liberal left wing newspapers and cited several recent editorials. Would anyone hear like to debate me on that statement because I already won and it's all fact, not opinion. O'Reilly and Fox took a survey of all the major newspapers in this country and their columnists and contributors and asked each and everyone their position, right or left, liberal or conservative, republican or democrat. It came out 4 to 1 liberal. Fact! Don't argue with me over it, go to the Fox website, get a hold of one of their reps or O'Reilly's people and they have the documentation to prove it. O'Reilly stated just contact them if you wish to challenge these findings. So, was I wrong on that statement too?

'Democracy Domino Effect': Keeping up with the current situation everyone here probably has heard about the Lebanese pulling out from Syria and wanting their independance, freedom and free elections. There is also current talk in Saudi Arabia of giving women the right to vote! Of course we have Afganistan and Iraq. Mike Barnacle is a columnist (Democrat) for the Boston Globe. He was a staunch supporter of John Kerry and also hosts a show on talk radio and is highly respected. I like Mike and listen to him all the time. Mike said after hearing all this maybe we will find out 15-20 years from now George Bush was right about his foreign policy, pushing freedom and democracy in the middle east, much like the fall of communisim during the Reagan era. Americans want everything right away. "I want, I need, I have to have and I have to have it NOW!" You even see it in the martial arts, how long will it take me to make my black belt? One of his co-hosts, I think it was Dan Shauhnessy admired Mike for his fair and honest viewpoint, calling it like he sees it and not being partisan when assessing this situation. Mike is someone anyone can have a good and fair debate with because in Mike's house there are no black & white t.v.'s, just different shades of color. Hooray for Mike! Good guy! I don't see that honesty and anti-partisanship here. MSNBC on 03/03/05, the Imus Show (Imus voted left in '04 but had backed George W.'s Dad previously), he equally trashes both right and left. He had the current ratings: MSNBC way down, CNN, a nose dive with Arron Brown (who I liked and followed during the Gulf War) was down a whopping 26 per cent and Fox was the only news network who's ratings have soared and they are currently at the top pf the pack, way ahead of everyone else. These are FACTS, not opinion, so trash Fox all you want, the facts speak for themselves. Ya, I know, the vast majority is all wrong and what are facts, anyway?

Boston, Ma., not far from me, the Curly case, the young boy who was found murdered several years ago by a member of N.A.M.B.L.A., don't get uptight anyone, I'm not tying liberals into being members of NAMBLA, just let me finish. The boy's father has filed a law suit that could very well SHUT DOWN this organization but guess what? The A.C.L.U, yes, the American Civil Liberties Union, took NAMBLA's case and appointed them a high powered attorney. It's times like this, PeachMonkey, that I don't mind at all being called FASCIST! Thank you. ( that's a 'joke' for I don't want to hurt my suit, you'll see what I mean later on, lol). I know for a fact the ACLU have refused legitimate cases from good people on the grounds they weren't high profile or as one victim was told: 'big enough'! Research it. Ginshu is correct in stating they only take high profile-high publicity cases to make a name for themselves for in law practice, the more you get your name out there, the more green stuff you make! Start doing your homework on the ACLU, you may be surprised at what you find if you dig. They have done some good work also, however, sometimes the bad can out weigh the good. If you ever had a child sexually molested or murdered by some deviant sexual predator, you would know where I'm coming from. For those who tuned in late and may not know NAMBLA stands for the North American Man Boy Love Association and they are protected by our first ammendment rights........Did someone say that sometimes Freedom of Speech is used as an excuse for adults behaving badly??? Gee, who said that? Check out the A.C.L.U.'s current track record on protecting Al Queda operatives, many of our citizens and soldiers are getting pretty upset over it and as for the others? How quick some forget (9/11) or perhaps they detach themselves because they weren't victims either directly or indirectly. Pretty sad, I think. There's a saying a conservative was a liberal who was mugged. Some have to know and understand the difference of Constitutional rights and those rights in times of warfare as applied to terrorists and terroism, big difference. Even here, do you not think your rights of freedom cannot be taken away lawfully, that you can forfeit them either temporarily or permanently? No? Does San Quentin ring a bell?, lol.

In all due respect to the Administration here for I just wish to make another point. I now understand your rules and policies and they state that M/T may suspend or ban without warning. Again, no problem, for I respect authority but I'm directing this not to Kaith but to some on 'The Study'. My freedom of speech was taken away here for a week and I had absolutely no due process, didn't even see it coming, wasn't notified and was never explained why. As they say, no courtesy call, no warning. I am not and never was a trouble maker here but I feel I was a very responsible contributor and I have always tried to help others. I have been on M/T a long time and have many posts, have made friends whom I've visited and they've visited me, yet, that all went for not, but that was their call so I didn't go crying about it, I just accepted it. It seemed to have happened immediately after my mistakenly taken 'sexist' remark which I innocently explained in this post but was never given the opportunity to explain prior. The topic was heated and everyone responded in similiar attitudes, no one was a saint and others I noticed certainly didn't seem to respect the principles and opinions of those they debated with. I stated I was passionate about my beliefs on these issues and attempted to put accross that my posts were not to be taken to personal. So be it, but I could imagine how that would have gone down with some here who have criticized me if it happened to them instead.....

Who's that guy that just shot himself, Hunter Thompson, is that his name? He's liberal isn't he? I should say wasn't he? Left wing? How come it's DOCUMENTED that he sent threatening e-mails to Bill O'Reilly about killing him and blowing his head off? FACT! Do your homework and check it out and remember to take a good look at what goes on in your own backyards before you throw stones at someone else for wouldn't you say that was an attempt to intimidate and stifle Mr. O'Reilly's FIRST AMMENDMENT RIGHTS!!! Fascist, ya think? No, not Hunter, he's not a right wing Republican, must be some kind of mistake, lol. Someone told me to do my homework on Churchill? Sorry, but I did and I had more, and it was worse but I thought what I wrote was enough! Guess not. I suggest you all do your homework before jumping on someone else.

I was told to look up the definition of facism as you recall. Well, I'm asking PeachMonkey (I'm still laughing, with many others, trust me, of calling a man 'PeachMonkey') look up the definition of 'hypocrisy' and while you're at it review the U.S. Constituition that you say you KNOW SO MUCH ABOUT! Maybe a 'fascist' cop (as you refer to me as) has to make you aware of this but we have the RIGHT in this country, you know, America, to face our ACCUSERS, to know their names and identities. However, Peaches, you have made a bold and outrageous statement that I am a 'FASCIST'! Well, give me my rights under the Constitition and give me your real name instead of hiding. Now, please let me have my freedom of speech and first ammendment rights here without being admonished. Many feel that those who 'snipe' under a cover of darkness reveal a lack of integrity and intestinal fortitude from a very insecure individual of low self esteem. Some would rather hide in the bushes and take pot shots at others in the security of anonymity. Remember, no sniping. Here's the definition of 'Sniping' from Seig posted on MartialTalk Support under 'Rules and Policies':

Since some people do not seem to understand what sniping is, Merriam Webster defines it as:
Main Entry: 2snipe
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): sniped; snip·ing
1 : to shoot at exposed individuals (as of an enemy's forces) from a usually concealed point of vantage
2 : to aim a carping or snide attack

Who does this definition fit? Guys like Robert or myself who shoot from the hip and not from a concealed point of vantage or someone with bold and slanderous statements who hides under anonymity? Robert, I hope you agree with me on this one because, seriously, I'm counting on you that you practice what you preach (your Kenponet posts). Please don't let me down, we often disagree but you know I'm right on this one! PeachMonkey and anyone else that wishes to to be that outspoken and opinionated while hiding you're head in the sand of anonymity, I have no use for. I know, not that you care, lol. The only Constitution some believe in, is what fits them and their views at the moment. Such hypocrisy, how can anyone deny that? I have comfort knowing that those who read this in an UNBIASED MANNER WILL SEE THE OBVIOUS!

PeachMonkey likes to say "that's not relevant" to me, fine. Well, here's what I say is not 'relevant'. Someone who uses 'bold' and 'accusatory statements in political discussions and hides behind anonymity IS NOT RELEVANT to me! One of the ladies (kenpo tiger) stated (I hope it was a lady and I'm not mistaken again, lol) that guys like me when threatened by a woman's stand on an issue resorts to remarks about their gender. Sniping, ya think?, lol. Do you have a name or are you anonymous too? PLEASE LISTEN CLOSELY TO MY WORDS. MY COMMENT WAS NOT GENDER BASED, I WOULD HAVE SAID IT IF I THOUGHT PEACHMONKEY WAS A GUY ALSO, IT SIMPLY MEAN'T I THINK IT IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE A RELATIONSHIP OR LIVE WITH OR BE MARRIED TO SOMEONE, BE IT "MALE OR FEMALE", WHO ARE "ALWAYS RIGHT!!!", NOW WHAT PART OF THAT DON'T UNDERSTAND? PLEASE GET THAT STRAIGHT THIS TIME AROUND. THANK YOU. I had even used that statement to a guy once. I'll tell you what though, okay, if you want, I'll give you that, but you have to take this in return. I have found that when someone gives an opinion or takes a stand that is to the right and conservative and the liberal left is backed into a corner they immediately cry FASCIST!!! That's really getting old but it wasn't me that originally brought it up, was it, Peaches? So, deal with it. I was going to say never argue with a liberal but that would be wrong, what I mean't is don't argue with a liberal or anyone for that matter who doesn't put their real name to their 'ballsy' talk for anyone can talk big from behind a closed door.

Hmmmmmmmmm....Fascist..on a public forum, my real name and profession as police officer and martial arts studio owner posted for all to view..... could hurt my job, my livelihood....How many 'hits' does this forum get a day? How many regsitered members? Hmmmmmmm...Libelous? Defamation? Slander? Get your checkbook out. No joke, like I said before, you don't know me. Maybe I should run this past my attorney. After all, my RIGHTS may have been violated. PeachMonkey, I would like your true full name please, after all, you wouldn't want to see my 'rights' trampled on, would you? Hell, that would be fascism. Wouldn't it? LOL. Hypocrisy at it's best. Go figure...........

You know what else I find amusing? I had posted back then that Churchill had taken it beyond freedom of speech and Whoaaaaaaaaa! one of you, don't recall and don't really care who, but one of you got seriously down on my case for that-How do you go beyond freedom of speech you said? Well, don't ask me, ask Ward Churchill because since then I've heard that same statement I made all over the media from others, including from those to the left, so who's laughing now?

I wish to thank everyone who supported me here openly and all the pm's I got of which I answered personally. Thank you very much, I truly appreciate each and every one of you! I sincerely do. I am now out of here and if anyone wishes to bash me, well, if it makes you feel good inside, go for it for I could care less. One has to grow a thick skin in this lifetime and I'm working on it, lol. Oh, I do feel better about the fascist comment because last night I was reminded that Clint Eastwood was called a fascist during the 70's because of his portrayal of Inspector Harry Callahan of the 'Dirty Harry' series of movies. At least I'm in good company, lol. Sorry for the length but like I said it's my last post here and I wanted to address my accusers and detractors. For those who continue the fight here, who are Independant or Conservative, ya better go out and buy that New York Times (liberal paper) best seller by Ann Coulter: How to Talk with a Liberal 'if you must', lol, because you don't have a chance with some who are ALWAYS RIGHT (that's ironic too, huh?, funny, LEFT wingers who are always RIGHT, LOL, I LIKE THAT ONE! ). Okay, some of you can go jump up and down now, rant and rave, hide behind anonymity and start hitting the keys or you can 'SHOW SOME HEART' and send me a PM, I'll give you my phone number and I'll debate any part of this post on the phone personally for if you are secure in your beliefs as I am then you have no need for an audience- "Here end of the lesson". Respectfully submitted and peace to all, Professor Joe Shuras, who is proud to be an American 'infidel' in 2005!

Note: To the far left-before anyone of you start to psycho anaylize my quotes below, don't get too deep into it, they're only in 'jest', lol, not the 'sayings' though, just the 'quotes'. If you wish to psycho anaylize you can start with Ward Churchill, Hunter Thompson and Abdul Ali. That should keep you busy for awhile.

Quotes of the Day:

"Do you feel lucky?" "Well do ya, punk?" "Go ahead, make my day" " You're a good man and good man always know his limitations"-Inspector Harry Callahan, Badge #2211, Police Department, City of San Francisco.

Some of my favorite sayings:

"Sometimes, 'Freedom of Speech' is used as an EXCUSE for adults behaving badly." "A Conservative was a Liberal who was mugged." "Left Wingers who are Always Right". "My point is all political parties, right to left, have to stop pointing fingers and get on with the job at hand". "Here end of the lesson."

Closing quote:

"It was fun."-Captain James T. Kirk, Commanding the United Starship Enterprise-NCC 1701-taken from his dying words on Star Trek: 'Generations'.

*(oh no!, I may have offended the far left, I brought religion into this, I apologize for my indiscretion, lol.)
I would like to tangent for a moment to touch on 1 point here briefly. A full discussion of forum policy, etc, should be done in the Support Forum.

In all due respect to the Administration here for I just wish to make another point. I now understand your rules and policies and they state that M/T may suspend or ban without warning. Again, no problem, for I respect authority but I'm directing this not to Kaith but to some on 'The Study'. My freedom of speech was taken away here for a week and I had absolutely no due process, didn't even see it coming, wasn't notified and was never explained why. As they say, no courtesy call, no warning.

- There were several in-thread warnings which were deemed ignored.
- We normally do notify in these cases. In this case, I failed to send the notice. My apologies for that oversight.
- Due Process and Constitutional Rights do not apply on message boards, unless said boards are run by US Government agencies.

If anyone wishes to discuss this, please, start a new thread in the Support Forum and we will happily address any concerns there, so as to not disrupt this thread further.

Thank you.
Dear Joe:

As is my general wont, I was quoting Robert Duvall's character in, "True Grit," who responded to John wayne's Rooster Cogburn by saying:

"I call that bold talk, from a one-eyed fat man."

Us gerontions will recollect what happened next.

Joe, I often disagree. And I need time to digest you complex and intelligent post. But--as I've often been reminded by Dark Kenpo Lord, like anybody DOESN'T know it's Clyde--beautiful emotional content, and spirit of the attack...for what my remarks are worth.

I'll think, and respond.
I think that Karazenpo feels like we all ganged up on him. I have sent a pm, since he stated he's out of the Study, which he has not answered. He wanted to know why I don't sign my name. Well, you know perfectly well who and what I am -- I have posted same many times -- I just don't like having my real first name used in an open forum where non-members can read. Call me a touch paranoid, but I like to know to whom I am speaking.

As to Kenponet, I lurk and do not post. Too rough in there. Besides, I learn more by reading and listening to what my senior kenpoists have to say than posting.
Kaith Rustaz said:
Debate as much as you want folks, but remember, even if you disagree with the other position you are still required to act in a mature manner. Especially those of you claiming high rank. If a "Black Belt" means anything more than you paid a fee to some organization or were someones best buddy. Too often we encounter high ranks who lack any illusion of maturity, professionalism or simply courtesy. - Please note, I am not referring to Prof. Joe here. -
Then why mention it in a political forum? What does having a black belt have to do with political opinion? A political forum is SUPPOSED to get heated. You guys were out of line on this one in my opinion. Sure you're not a US Govt. website, but that's a cop-out. You do certain things because you can, it seems, not because you should. It doesn't seem to me that Prof. Joe was any more inflamatory than peachmonkey. Incidently, PeachMonkey, "Monkey grabs peach" is a technique for grabbing one by the testicles. Just thought you should know that your name means "one who grabs men's testicles" in case you want to change it to another anonymous pseudonym.
Danjo said:
Incidently, PeachMonkey, "Monkey grabs peach" is a technique for grabbing one by the testicles. Just thought you should know that your name means "one who grabs men's testicles" in case you want to change it to another anonymous pseudonym.
Gee, thanks, Danjo. In addition to being completely irrelevant to the topics at hand, I had no idea whatsoever as to the origins of my name until you and Karazenpo pointed it out to me.


The origins of the name are a bit more lighthearted (while being, as many have guessed, based on "Monkey steals the peach!"), but, as with most of the stuff Joe threw at me, they have absolutely nothing to do with Ward Churchill. Think that might have had anything to do with Joe's suspension?
Danjo said:
Then why mention it in a political forum? What does having a black belt have to do with political opinion? A political forum is SUPPOSED to get heated. You guys were out of line on this one in my opinion. Sure you're not a US Govt. website, but that's a cop-out. You do certain things because you can, it seems, not because you should. It doesn't seem to me that Prof. Joe was any more inflamatory than peachmonkey. Incidently, PeachMonkey, "Monkey grabs peach" is a technique for grabbing one by the testicles. Just thought you should know that your name means "one who grabs men's testicles" in case you want to change it to another anonymous pseudonym.
It can get heated without resorting to disrespectful behavior You are welome to your opinion, however the fact remains: This is private property. Our rules are clearly posted and every member of this forum read them prior to registering. (You had to check the box indicating you did. If you didn't read them you are still bound by them legally.)

Prof. Joe was suspended for ignoring multiple in-thread warnings. Other warnings to others involved may or may not have been sent to various people involved. We suspended his account for 1 week. He has since requested his account here be closed, which we honored.
Tgace said:
BTW what did "Gab" do to get himself banned?
GAB was banned for continuing behavior that he had been previously warned and suspended over.
This is the final say on the matter, then either get back on topic or I lock the thread. It was my decision to suspend Joe. It was based on the fact that he ignored several in-thread warnings and chased a member across threads, hijacking those threads to continue his attack. I received nearly a dozen complaints from different members about this in addition to my staff. I would have suspended anyone who acted in the same manner; regardless of who they were.

MT Ops Admin

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