University of Hawaii/Ward Churchill-LOSERS!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Karazenpo
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People, Topics when debated get heated, and sometimes lines are crossed. When that happens, we have the option to suspend or ban as we see fit. This is true on every BBS there is. In this case, a 1 week suspension was issued for a line being crossed. It will be lifted in a few days and Karazenpo will be welcome back.

Debate as much as you want folks, but remember, even if you disagree with the other position you are still required to act in a mature manner. Especially those of you claiming high rank. If a "Black Belt" means anything more than you paid a fee to some organization or were someones best buddy. Too often we encounter high ranks who lack any illusion of maturity, professionalism or simply courtesy. - Please note, I am not referring to Prof. Joe here. -

You past generous support of this board is greatly appreciated. What we do not appreciate are your continued shots, slings and arrows aimed at our staff due to your inabillity to stay within our posted rules. At their core, they are simple: Stay on Topic, Be Polite, and treat others as you would be treated. If you do not like the way this site is run, then go elsewhere. If you have a valid complaint, then post it in the correct place, which it the Support Forum, so that we may address it. Burying your shots in numerous threads does nothing towards resolving any legitimate complaints you may have. You take issue with the fact that you have been suspended in the past. Get over it. So have I. So have several of my staff, and my own instructor was suspended as well. Most folks take the 'Well this sucks but maybe I did get a little hot. Ill keep it a bit cooler next time.' attitude.

Oh and you're right, it's not a Democracy here...not even a Republic. It's a Constitutional Monarchy. I'm the King, Seig is my Prime Minister.

Now, to the Constitution issue, let me quote something from one of my other forums:
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Freedom of Speech is a worthy concept and one which I support wholeheartedly. Indeed it is one of the founding principles of this forum. However, it is important to understand the limitations of this principle and not to abuse it.

You must understand that, especially in regard to website discussion forums, the argument "What about my right to free speech?" simply doesn't hold water either legally or morally.

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Free speech does not give you the right to publicly say whatever you like -- it actually has many limitations. There are more laws governing what you can't say than what you can.

You have the right to certain religious, political and other beliefs, and you have the right to express your opinions in an appropriate way without fear of oppression. This does not mean you can demean, insult, slander or offend other people. You cannot give away personal information without consent. You cannot publish adult-only material in a public manner. You cannot publish racist or hateful material. You cannot force your opinion on other people against their will. There are many, many things you can't do.

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To put it bluntly, the only rights you have here are the rights we decide to issue. This is our website and we run it in the way we believe is most appropriate to facilitate our goals.

If you invite me into your house or place of business, I will respect your values and your code of conduct. If you don't like swearing, I won't swear. If you prefer that I don't discuss religion or politics, I won't. If I don't like your house rules, then maybe I won't bother coming back to your house.

This site is our home and you are our valued guest. We want you to enjoy your time here -- all we ask is that you respect our house rules. If you find that the rules are not to your liking, you don't have to visit. You are free to set up your own website and implement your own set of rules.

There is usually a way to express your opinion without breaking the rules or offending anyone. Sometimes you just have to work a bit harder to make it happen!

Now, if there is additional concerns about these tangental issues, PLEASE! start a thread in the Support Forum and we will be happy to examine and address them.
TonyM. said:
For me, PSI radar has caught the correct.
Hi All,

I truly believe all of the persons had some good stuff... Got a bit heated but it was not over done by any means in my Humble Opinion...

If you take the post by HHJH. It is very apparent why Joe got his, if in fact HHJH know's what he is talking about, and not just perpetuating his take, or the secret of his fellow poster...

I believe there are numerous posters that are the same person different location like the library or the school or their job or whatever...

They are only fooling themselves, not others but hey, no biggie...I don't do it and that is all that matters to me...

I have a feeling this is pretty much over so I will probably be blamed for its demise... BOO HOO...

Regards, Gary

Why are you always looking for a conspiracy? If you've ever 'spoken' with the gentlemen (and they are) you mention as being the core of co-conspirators, you'd see that they:
1) love a good or even great debate
2) are well-read and will almost always post well-thought-out and thoughtful ideas and concepts as well as replies
3) really aren't the horrible people they are made out to be by some on these boards.

Reason I like MT is precisely because of the tight moderation. Tempers tend to flare around here and it's good to see that someone notices and does something about it.

I hope you all are able to temper your martial skills better than your oratorial ones.:) kt

PS - Peach, I am in the dark as to Robert's (of all people) suspension. When did that happen? And, my Shakespeare prof in college flunked a couple people on their essays regarding Richard III because they disagreed with his take. He's also the same prof who asked if he had freshmen in his class (yes, two of us who'd placed out of Eng101) and was outraged that we were allowed to register for his class despite no caveat that it was for anyone other than those who had taken Eng101. So much for liberal Massachusetts thinkers... (FYI, I was NOT one of the ones given an F on that essay.)
Couple months back. It was felt--with some justice, I think--that I was chasing a couple guys from thread to thread, and even more that I was acting like a moderator for no good reason. (There was another issue with somebody other than me behaving quite badly, but I'm not going to get into that.) I still think it was a little weird, but not all that weird.

In this particular case, though--and without getting into things that the moderators' post above already handled--the interesting thing is the way that Professor Churchill's name rapidly got linked to child molesting and other sexual issues.

It's pretty typical, these days--if you don't toe the Republican Party Line, you ain't no Real American and you Don't Like Women. People have picked this crap up from Stern, Leykis, Limbaugh and the rest of 'em, without even knowing it.

The worst thing about Churchill, I think, is that he kinda sounds like another one of those self-righteous academics I've met more than once...and above all, he's apparently failing to model and to teach the kind of civility that should be primary. In this, though, he's certainly no worse than any number of strident, bellicose right-wingers I've read and can read David Horowitz or Allan Bloom any day, and it's at least as bad once you decode it. And para-academics like Oliver North or Bob Jones are considerably worse.

Then too, it's interesting that the Hamilton College students mostly seemed to have just the right response, discussing and arguing exactly as college students should oughta be doing. Then in the other corner--BILL O'REILLY, CHAMPION OF AMERICAN JUSTICE, who just so happens to have a brand new book out that he wants to promote.
Hi KT,

I guess I am just a conspiracy kind of guy...LOL

Are you telling me NOT...I am not talking about this particular group only..Just look at all the different names and the different posts and the ones I am
talking about that are not Card Carrying Supporting members and all that stuff...4% on MT are supporting members...

I know You probably don't think sears and ammco and goodyear never cheated anyone either, I guess my mind has been in to many locations, along with my body, been into way to many fights... (streets..for you Robert)...

Just write me off as Brain Degradation, like Dr. Dave has...

Not the fact that I have been in to much stuff to not be a continuous skeptic...And such a nice boy when I was young....

To many none profile and all that good stuff... Come on please KT as sharp as you are, are you really that naive....

Regards, Gary

QUOTE=kenpo tiger]Gary,

Why are you always looking for a conspiracy? If you've ever 'spoken' with the gentlemen (and they are) you mention as being the core of co-conspirators, you'd see that they:
1) love a good or even great debate
2) are well-read and will almost always post well-thought-out and thoughtful ideas and concepts as well as replies
3) really aren't the horrible people they are made out to be by some on these boards.

Reason I like MT is precisely because of the tight moderation. Tempers tend to flare around here and it's good to see that someone notices and does something about it.

I hope you all are able to temper your martial skills better than your oratorial ones.:) kt

PS - Peach, I am in the dark as to Robert's (of all people) suspension. When did that happen? And, my Shakespeare prof in college flunked a couple people on their essays regarding Richard III because they disagreed with his take. He's also the same prof who asked if he had freshmen in his class (yes, two of us who'd placed out of Eng101) and was outraged that we were allowed to register for his class despite no caveat that it was for anyone other than those who had taken Eng101. So much for liberal Massachusetts thinkers... (FYI, I was NOT one of the ones given an F on that essay.)[/QUOTE]
GAB said:
Hi KT,

I guess I am just a conspiracy kind of guy...LOL

Are you telling me NOT...I am not talking about this particular group only..Just look at all the different names and the different posts and the ones I am
talking about that are not Card Carrying Supporting members and all that stuff...4% on MT are supporting members...

I know You probably don't think sears and ammco and goodyear never cheated anyone either, I guess my mind has been in to many locations, along with my body, been into way to many fights... (streets..for you Robert)...

Just write me off as Brain Degradation, like Dr. Dave has...

Not the fact that I have been in to much stuff to not be a continuous skeptic...And such a nice boy when I was young....

To many none profile and all that good stuff... Come on please KT as sharp as you are, are you really that naive....

Regards, Gary


Now Gary. You are speaking to the Queen of Paranoia (David Crosby notwithstanding...) :) Yes, I've been accused of rampant naivete on numerous occasions -- but *one* has to believe in something, doesn't *one*?

And, by-the-by, I am *one* of *them* - a Supporting Member. I just didn't want my name "up in lights", and requested that I be as anonymous as possible in that regard. Sooo. Where does that place me within the pantheon of Supporting Members?

The boys do love a good debate, as I stated earlier. Yes, they tend to lean a bit to the left at times, but tell me something: can you deny that you've learned a thing or two from them (and been entertained in the process) on occasion? I dislike when the name-calling starts and have attempted to de-fuse the situation once or twice, although not a moderator myself, because free speech is what it's all about around here. 'Sides, I kinda like them.:idunno:

As to Churchill and his remarks, it is my conclusion from reading all that's been posted that he is really a demagogue preaching treacherous ideas and ideals under the guise of academic freedom. That does not, of course, apply to the vast majority of academics in this country, but it's what makes us interesting as a nation. At the risk of being viewed as naive once again, I've got to believe that Churchill will have his comeuppance eventually -- hopefully sooner rather than later.

Hey Gar. I just heard there's no such thing as Santa Claus!:wink2: kt
Hi KT,

I think there is a Santa Claus...:) I also believe in the Easter Bunny...

Why else would we do it if it wern't true???:uhyeah: Just look at all the children
who believe...Starting out life in a fairy tail and always wanting to believe in a life after death and other such things...Interesting

I mean look at the Academy Awards, they believe something, we all have or own thoughts.

God, Country and there own Talent, and Editing and Makeup and, oh well. I am glad that Million Dollar baby won some more awards, I really liked that movie...

I was watching that and thought about Sandra Dee how that world ate her up yet we all want to believe it is so beautiful..Goes back to naive.

I think the ones who are carrying "Study" to new heights are truly good debaters, Well informed and in most other countries would be in prison...

But if you count them there arn't but a handful. And Karazenpo was alone and he put up his side and got suspended...

Higher education does that for you I guess...

While the working stiffs just go home and have a family and eat american pie and pay their taxes and find the other pasture greener, but when they count their money at the end of the year, low and behold they made more than the average teacher, must really gall them... (the teacher)

Like Roy Clark said "thank God and Greyhound she is gone" I like that song...
"She" can be anything...

Like I say, I like the board but, I am not so sure it likes me...I will have to dwell on that one for awhile...rules you got to love um...

Regards, Gary
Gary, I don't think Karazenpo's suspension had anything to do with being ganged up on. He is certainly capable of defending himself. I think it may have been due to the tenor of his responses. It's also just a suspension which, as was pointed out, isn't forever and does serve to cool things off a bit for all parties concerned.

Would that that could be done for those who get too full of themselves and believe they can say anything under the guise of academic freedom.
GAB said:
Hi All,

I truly believe all of the persons had some good stuff... Got a bit heated but it was not over done by any means in my Humble Opinion...

If you take the post by HHJH. It is very apparent why Joe got his, if in fact HHJH know's what he is talking about, and not just perpetuating his take, or the secret of his fellow poster...

I believe there are numerous posters that are the same person different location like the library or the school or their job or whatever...

They are only fooling themselves, not others but hey, no biggie...I don't do it and that is all that matters to me...

I have a feeling this is pretty much over so I will probably be blamed for its demise... BOO HOO...

Regards, Gary

Hi Gary,

I'm not part of any conspiracy. However troubling you may find it, there are others out there who have come to the same conclusions purely as a mechanism of their own free thought.
psi_radar said:
Hi Gary,

I'm not part of any conspiracy. However troubling you may find it, there are others out there who have come to the same conclusions purely as a mechanism of their own free thought.
Hi, More power to you, and others.. I have no conspiracy theory. Words placed in topic...I just went a long with it...Lots of head games on the web. those that do need to get a life.

I do have a problem with those who have several different names and play games...I ran into that on another board and got removed from it for stating my thoughts.. What I heard is the ones who play this game the most have multiple places to post and are on AOL, hard to track...

I ran one down and found out they have a good influental job, I was threatened and their knees turned to jelly...Pathetic...

Regards, Gary

How could someone have multiple identities in this forum? I have enough trouble keeping track of my one and only!:) Besides, what purpose would it serve?
It's happened. I have 2 accounts, 1 business, 1 personal/testing. Multiple accounts are however against the rules.
I've been curious about Gary's conspiracy theories of "multiple posters", but have avoided commenting until now; however, he seems unwilling to let it die.

I'm not sure why the fact that I wasn't discussing my gender in this thread must somehow mean that HHJH and I (or is it Robert and I? or all three of us?) are the same person. I didn't correct Joe's suggestions because my gender is completely irrelevant to the topic at hand (as were many of his wandering, insulting diatribes related to my gender, among other things).

That fact that I'm a "he" has come up before; both Steve and Fiesty Mouse know me in person. I'm a student at Steve's school. Steve wasn't "outing" me to point this out.

This also isn't the first time that someone I've spoken with has decided to assume from the name "PeachMonkey" that I must be female, and throw some kind of gender-based insult. None of them have been worth responding to.
PeachMonkey said:
I've been curious about Gary's conspiracy theories of "multiple posters", but have avoided commenting until now; however, he seems unwilling to let it die.

I'm not sure why the fact that I wasn't discussing my gender in this thread must somehow mean that HHJH and I (or is it Robert and I? or all three of us?) are the same person. I didn't correct Joe's suggestions because my gender is completely irrelevant to the topic at hand (as were many of his wandering, insulting diatribes related to my gender, among other things).

That fact that I'm a "he" has come up before; both Steve and Fiesty Mouse know me in person. I'm a student at Steve's school. Steve wasn't "outing" me to point this out.

This also isn't the first time that someone I've spoken with has decided to assume from the name "PeachMonkey" that I must be female, and throw some kind of gender-based insult. None of them have been worth responding to.
Hi Peach,

As far as this group goes I am not pointing fingers I think Robert has said many times he is in Larry Tatums school, So Ca. You and HH are in Indiana as is Feisty. So you have your own threads and posts and then talk about them in school or at the Dojo.. Big deal...

I am just saying, I ran into it on another board and did a lot of research and got expunged when I brought it up with the owner and was not real polite about it...

Peach Monkey, Peach's are testicles in EPAK so I am not sure and I really don't care... What I was doing was just trying to figure what happened, and I am not so sure it was this that got him, I think it was the Abu Ali failure to listen to the moderators... Or a combination of both...Speculation is dangerous but it is still profitable in the right place and time..

You can be an it, for all I care, you are good at what you do, and I enjoy your post's...

Regards, Gary
The scariest part of who you are, Peach, is that your intelligence and knowledge are light years ahead of most who are your seniors.

Funny how guys go for gender bashing terms the moment they feel threatened.
kenpo tiger said:
The scariest part of who you are, Peach, is that your intelligence and knowledge are light years ahead of most who are your seniors.

Funny how guys go for gender bashing terms the moment they feel threatened.
Come on KT Guys??? Some persons!!!

He was'nt threatened he was so mad he was just totally angry, major adrenaline rush, had a beer or two and typed...Joe threatened!

I don't think so, the only way you threaten Joe, is with a gun and his hands better be tied or he will get you...

Tough dude...."Don't mistake his kindness for weakness"...

Regards, Gary
Flatlander said:
I'm pretty sure I'd seen it before somewhere, but am disinclined to afford this claim any credibility if you don't cite a reference. :rofl:
Silly Flatlander, always insisting on evidence :)

Sometime I'll do a search for any times that Fiesty, HHJH, KT, or anyone else has called me "he" or referred to me as one of "the boys". I'll report on the results and we'll see whether or not I was wrong.

Do I smell conspiracy in Peach's post? Or is that evasion...LOL

I really like your style...

Regards, Gary

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