Universal Pattern

  • Thread starter Thread starter RCastillo
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To Whom it may concern...
Just in case it may not be known, like many other things in the Martial Arts there are different versions of the Universal Pattern. These variations have some of the triangles, squares and junction added or removed. If one looks closely enough within the Patterns one can see the differences. The variations in the pattern are similar to the variations in the Art of Kem(n)po. They have all come from the same root place, they have just changed as the people within the Styles have changed.

One can find the Universal Pattern patch in Asian World of Martial Arts (www.awma.com), Century Martial Arts (www.centuryma.com), www.winghopfung.com or Oriental Gateway.
In full Respect, Alan Libby
Originally posted by warriorsage

I recently designed a new line of kenpo shirts. The front has the text "got kenpo?" and the back has a logo I designed. The logo is inspired by Mr. Parker, the universal symbol, and many other sources. The key here for my peace of mind are the words "inspired by", since I did all the artwork myself. To me, if someone in the IKKA thinks they can sue me for my design efforts, I say come and get it. I didn't download the graphic from them, didn't scan or copy it from any of their material. I recreated my own version of it. The universal pattern makes up a very small portion of the overall design and of that portion, maybe only 40% of it is visable. I'd post a pic of it but don't want the kenpogods to seize my computer.

And what about using the phrase "got kenpo?", are the folks from the milk ad campaign coming after me (and everyone else who has jumped on the silly catch phrase as well I might add) too?? To steal a line from "Fletch"..."Now, any of your D.C. boys want to make something out of that, bring 'em on. Otherwise tell your commission to get the he** out of my face."

Do you have an online catelog? That's how this all started, I'm
having trouble finding things out there, other than coffee cups,
and a hat that says "Kenpo".

I want to start something selling items online, and use profits
to sponsor a kenpo camp :D
Email me at warriorsage@yahoo.com or visit my website at WarriorSage.net

There is no catalog, just some generic info on what I do. There are some sample pic's of decals, banners, etc and I will add a photo of the shirt as well.

Note to the administrators: if this is post is considered inappropriate or "commercial" feel free to delete or modify it as you see fit.
ANYTHING THE SAGE DOES FOR YOU WILL BE AWESOME! You just have to send him great art work to work with!!

He has made several things for me and each has been wonderful.

And his price is right also!!


So let the orders begin...................
Mr. Conatser. Don't you know flattery will get you everywhere?! I'm still waiting (it's been a couple years now) for that high res black & white print of your patch. tick tock, tick tock....
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

ANYTHING THE SAGE DOES FOR YOU WILL BE AWESOME! You just have to send him great art work to work with!!

He has made several things for me and each has been wonderful.

And his price is right also!!


So let the orders begin...................

I agree wholeheartedly. Warriorsage did up my logo for me based upon what I was looking for,and then he sent me an amzing decal of it form my car. This is the gut to see about getting your custom stuff done up.
Mr. C ... my instructor (you said you've met him, Curtis Abernathy)
pronounces your last name differently than I've been reading it.
Do you remember him addressing you, using your last name?

I pronounce it like Con - ah - stir ... the ah sound being the same
in the word awesome.

He pronounced it like Con - ay - stir .. the ay sound being the
same as in the word Asexual reproduction.

Hmm .. asexual reproduction ... reproduction without sex .. I
wonder who first thought of that? ;)
Now that was a very strange juxtaposition, Kirk. I will make no further comment, lest I be left in the wake as well....

Originally posted by Ronin

Con-at-sir is how it should sound

If I only had a braaaaaain!

Just like it's written! SHEESH!

Reading Is Fundamental
Imagine going through life with the surname FUESS. I'll send a crisp, new $10 bill to the first person (who doesn't know me) to GUESS the correct pronunciation of my last name. NO JOKE!

(Hell- even folks who'v known me my whole life get it wrong)
Originally posted by vincefuess

Imagine going through life with the surname FUESS. I'll send a crisp, new $10 bill to the first person (who doesn't know me) to GUESS the correct pronunciation of my last name. NO JOKE!

(Hell- even folks who'v known me my whole life get it wrong)

I've been reading it as "FUSE"

Oh, by the way VINCE ;) ... Huk's coming to my school next
month. You should come down.
When is it?? I'll be in the area the weekend of April 13- my niece is is getting married on the Blanco River in Wimberley, which I believe is pretty close to SAT. If I can work it all together, I'll certainly try to make it!

I just thought it was pronounced fess simialr in pronunciation to the word guess.
Originally posted by vincefuess

Imagine going through life with the surname FUESS. I'll send a crisp, new $10 bill to the first person (who doesn't know me) to GUESS the correct pronunciation of my last name. NO JOKE!

(Hell- even folks who'v known me my whole life get it wrong)

He gave you a clue, it will rhyme with GUESS, if I am correct the "U" is silent.

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