Universal Pattern

  • Thread starter Thread starter RCastillo
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But an idea cannot, and the pattern is useless to those who don't know what it is or how to use it...It can be the physical doorway to a spiritual enlightening...
In Full Respect,
Sherry Libby
Copyright expire in time, usually 25 yrs. I wold suggest contacting the IKKA and I would also look into copyright laws. it should be public record when the copyright on the Universal patterns expires if it hasn't already.
ummm actually i happen to know a little about copyright law and the current law states that a copyright is valid for 25 years after the death of the last copyright holder... and a copyright can be transfered in a will... and if it is copyrighted to a corporation such as lets say the golden archs for mcdonalds then the copyright can potentially last forever... you dont have to file for a new copyright ever so often like they used to 40 years ago... copyrights last for the life of the holder plus 25 years... and yes an idea can be copyrighted if the universal pattern was ever explained in specific terms and placed on a tangible material such as audio or video tape or paper then it is copyrightable and can be done so simply by mailing it to yourself... however a copyright becomes void if the item no longer fits the criteria for a copyright or becomes common language... by becoming common use or language i mean things like the term Xerox, or Coke, or yellow pages, those are a few recent ones that can no longer be copyrighted... yet at one time they were... yeah i know all of its a little confusing... but they tried to make it easy to copyright anything so that people were not getting screwed out of money:shrug:
Here Is A Transcript Of My Phone Call To The IKKA

Me: Hello, My name is Kirk, I'm calling about the universal pattern .. what one could do to get a license to reproduce it?

IKKA: You want to be able to use it?

Me: Yes Ma'am

IKKA: Let me put Mrs. Parker on the phone

Me: Okay

*brief wait*

Mrs. Parker: Hello?

Me: I called about the universal pattern .. what one could do to get a license to reproduce it?

Mrs. Parker: YOU WANNA REPRODUCE IT?!?!?!"

Me: Yes Ma'am

Mrs. Parker: WELL YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!

Me: well I certainly wasn't expecting to reproduce it for free


*click* - hangup


How rude was that?!??!?

Here's the first thing that came to me in my moment of HIGH shock, and the beginnings of low rage. ... I'm a potential studio owner. It's a current dream of mine to advance enough to own
my own school .. be it part time or full time.

On 1 hand there's Mr Conaster going
"hey, as soon as you're ready, and qualified, my organization will do what it can help get you started." (TO A LOWLY YELLOW BELT)

And on the other hand, there's Mrs. Parker going

Well, thanks for steering me in the right direction for when the
time comes, Ma'am! :D
Originally posted by Kirk

Here Is A Transcript Of My Phone Call To The IKKA

Me: Hello, My name is Kirk, I'm calling about the universal pattern .. what one could do to get a license to reproduce it?

IKKA: You want to be able to use it?

Me: Yes Ma'am

IKKA: Let me put Mrs. Parker on the phone

Me: Okay

*brief wait*

Mrs. Parker: Hello?

Me: I called about the universal pattern .. what one could do to get a license to reproduce it?

Mrs. Parker: YOU WANNA REPRODUCE IT?!?!?!"

Me: Yes Ma'am

Mrs. Parker: WELL YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!

Me: well I certainly wasn't expecting to reproduce it for free


*click* - hangup


How rude was that?!??!?

Here's the first thing that came to me in my moment of HIGH shock, and the beginnings of low rage. ... I'm a potential studio owner. It's a current dream of mine to advance enough to own
my own school .. be it part time or full time.

On 1 hand there's Mr Conaster going
"hey, as soon as you're ready, and qualified, my organization will do what it can help get you started." (TO A LOWLY YELLOW BELT)

And on the other hand, there's Mrs. Parker going

Well, thanks for steering me in the right direction for when the
time comes, Ma'am! :D

Wow I'm not even a kempoist and that pisses me off!
well that was really rude and narrow minded dont ya think... i mean not even willing to let you explain what you wanted to do... damn thats just messed up
Originally posted by TLH3rdDan

well that was really rude and narrow minded dont ya think... i mean not even willing to let you explain what you wanted to do... damn thats just messed up

It's on this thread, read back a little :)

I'm still in shock of this whole thing!
ummm ive been reading the thread lol i was saying it was kinda mean of her to not even listen to what you wanted to do with the pattern... kinda narrow minded and rude of her
Gee, I feel bad now for even suggesting it, and totally knocked for a loop in terms of what happened to you. I'll go out on a branch again,and suggest this, what would Ed Parker Jr. say???:(
Originally posted by RCastillo

Gee, I feel bad now for even suggesting it, and totally knocked for a loop in terms of what happened to you. I'll go out on a branch again,and suggest this, what would Ed Parker Jr. say???:(

After the experience I just had, I'm afraid to ask! We need to
put our heads together and come up with some kick *** logo, that symbolizes kenpo. ... Make it public domain.
Originally posted by Kirk

After the experience I just had, I'm afraid to ask! We need to
put our heads together and come up with some kick *** logo, that symbolizes kenpo. ... Make it public domain.

How about a pic of mrs parker with a line drawn through it.

no disrespect to Gm parker intended.:D
Originally posted by Rob_Broad

I would suggest contacting the IKKA and I would also look into copyright laws.

Thanks a bunch for the suggestion Rob! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

J/K !!!!!!
Wow I'm surprised thier hasn't been more feed back about kirks phone conversation.
let this thing with Mrs. Parker alone. The whole family has enough problems, and I know that what was said and done was just an accident. Please do not take it personally.
The Universal Symbol is not copyrighted at all, just use it with respect is all anyone can ask!
Thank you for taking the time to call and ask, I am sorry it was such a bad experience for you. We all know that you were trying to do the right thing.
Thank you also for having the consideration to read this post.
Take care.
Originally posted by Roland

let this thing with Mrs. Parker alone. The whole family has enough problems, and I know that what was said and done was just an accident. Please do not take it personally.
The Universal Symbol is not copyrighted at all, just use it with respect is all anyone can ask!
Thank you for taking the time to call and ask, I am sorry it was such a bad experience for you. We all know that you were trying to do the right thing.
Thank you also for having the consideration to read this post.
Take care.

I don't understand. First off, how do you know it was an
accident? It sounded pretty intentional to me, since she started
yelling at me the second I asked about it. I don't mean to sound
harsh, but I'm curious .. how do you know?

Secondly, I haven't been able to find proof that it's not
copywritten. By using it (respect was ALWAYS intended, I'm a
kenpoist) I can put myself into pretty serious jeopardy.

Thanks for replying, and it's not my intention to sound mean at
You know I had a negative experience with mrs parker as well. I called to order a few Parker books and I was asked for My IKKA membership number. I was refused the books since I was no longer a member and with the IKKO. Go figure
I wear the pattern on every uniform I wear, not to mention the fact that I wear the IKKA patch on MOST of my uniforms. They signify my heritage. If ya wanna sue me for being proud of my MA heritage then get yo' self a lawyer and go to town. Even if you get me for all I've got, you surely spent more than you got. More power to ya!!

I'm not gonna ask for permission for what I wear on my own uniform- it's my own choice. As for what I will use in advertising what I teach- catch me, sue me, do what you will. No biggie.

If folks get their feelings hurt over such small issues then that is their problem, not mine. Life has bigger concerns.
It was NO accident. She is just reacting to what appears to be an attack on her Husbands estate and patch that he designed and used. What would you expect! Listen to others and realize that the pattern has been used several times by many sources and even if you did have a CR you would have to defend it and not let everyone use it. It for over 2o years has went unprotected and many use it today.

Originally posted by vincefuess

I wear the pattern on every uniform I wear, not to mention the fact that I wear the IKKA patch on MOST of my uniforms. They signify my heritage. If ya wanna sue me for being proud of my MA heritage then get yo' self a lawyer and go to town. Even if you get me for all I've got, you surely spent more than you got. More power to ya!!

I'm not gonna ask for permission for what I wear on my own uniform- it's my own choice. As for what I will use in advertising what I teach- catch me, sue me, do what you will. No biggie.

If folks get their feelings hurt over such small issues then that is their problem, not mine. Life has bigger concerns.

Well, I asked Mr. Conatser sometime back if I could wear the patch on my uniform, and I got slapped to the floor for it. When I asked him if I did something wrong, he caved my chest in! Ouch!
Moral of this story, be careful when you ask Mr. Conatser anyrthing:eek:
I recently designed a new line of kenpo shirts. The front has the text "got kenpo?" and the back has a logo I designed. The logo is inspired by Mr. Parker, the universal symbol, and many other sources. The key here for my peace of mind are the words "inspired by", since I did all the artwork myself. To me, if someone in the IKKA thinks they can sue me for my design efforts, I say come and get it. I didn't download the graphic from them, didn't scan or copy it from any of their material. I recreated my own version of it. The universal pattern makes up a very small portion of the overall design and of that portion, maybe only 40% of it is visable. I'd post a pic of it but don't want the kenpogods to seize my computer.

And what about using the phrase "got kenpo?", are the folks from the milk ad campaign coming after me (and everyone else who has jumped on the silly catch phrase as well I might add) too?? To steal a line from "Fletch"..."Now, any of your D.C. boys want to make something out of that, bring 'em on. Otherwise tell your commission to get the he** out of my face."

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