I am not familiar enough with Ray Comfort to know if I would agree with any of his theology or not. But the belief that no person can be considered good, in that all of us are sinners, is indeed Bible.
Ray Comfort uses the law or specifically the ten commandments as a pass/fail test.
This is something that Jesus himself did in his ministry, as well as Paul.
The law closes the mouth of the hearer, and reveals his/her state before God.
Ray then puts his person on the spot with a question.
Usually along the lines of:
"On the day of judgement, given that you admit you have broken (cites the admissions office the interviewee) these laws. How is God going to find you, innocent or guilty?"
If they answer honestly, and don't reject the existence of God out of hand, but follow along... they say: "Guilty"
He immediately follows up with "and where will he send you, Heaven or Hell?"
They usually equivacate, or hem and haw, but admit God will send them to Hell. But will usually say they don't believe there is a he'll or God.
Ray then presents the Gospel, and God's plan of salvation. How if they will repent and believe in Christ, God will offer mercy and forgive their sins.
And take them to heaven when they die.
There are a lot of his youtube videos showing Ray Comfort doing street evangelization (sp).
I bought a copy of his book "way of the master" and went page by page and searched the scriptures for a fault.
My determination is that he is biblically sound in doctrine.
During his interviews he goes through a few of the Ten commandments.
When he gets to
"Do not bear false witness, against your neighbor",
he supplements it with additional information stating that according to the Revelation, all liars will have their part in the lake of fire"
Which is in fact found in the passage, he doesn't have to include all the other types of people who will join the liars.
It is a fair exegetical quote.
Revelation 21:8King James Version (KJV)
8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
A lot of people hate God, because they think He is unfair, or unjust.
Pretty close to slander, I think.
If we accept that Christ is bodily raised ffrom the dead as an absolute fact, and that Jesus taught that man must live by every word that comes from the mouth of God (as recorded in the scriptures)
Then the many times, where God says He cannot lie, and that He is Just. And that He is merciful... need to be accepted as objectively truth by His revelation.
Humans get upset with the level of punishment exercised by God's Justice.
But they don't take into account that a criminal offense against an absolute and infinite Monarch, deserves an absolute punishment.
We humans practice enhanced punishment for the same offense depending on who the crime was perpetrated against.
I offer the tale of two bag-ladies as an example.
Lets suppose a thug in London assaults and batters a homeless bag lady, and is arrested for it
Do you think his punishment would be the same if the same man assaulted the Queen of England, outside of store while her bodyguards were dismissed on a shopping excursion?
We know he would face severe punishment in the latter case. In centuries past, he would have been killed, perhaps even tortured a bit.
It is the height of hubris, for a sinful criminal, who is but a creature to accuse the Maker of injustice.
He is the Creator, therefore He has the right to make the rules. And as the injured party, the right to select whom He offers forgiveness and mercy too.
The amazing thing is that He forgives in the first place.