Unarmed Florida Teen Shot

That Zimmerman sought out the confrontation, even after the dispatcher said not to.
Yep that part is true.
This fact alone demolishes any claim to self-defense. You can't claim self-defense for a confrontation you start.
Not True at all. If Im following someone they dont have the right to turn and attack me and if they do I can defend myself. One step further if Im in a bar I get pissed and push you I started the confrontation and then you pull out a Knife I can still defend myself from you even if I started the fight by shoving you.

That Zimmerman had already decided that Trayvon was guilty of some offense - "these *******s always get away" - further eroding any claim that Zimmerman did not seek out the confrontation.
Still does not mean he wasnt defending himself we dont know the facts yet.
These two facts alone combined with the shooting would justify arrest and a deeper investigation,
Thats not how things work this isnt Law and order or CSI we dont arrest people first then investigate. There is a deeper investigation going on now and when the facts are laid out it will be up to the district Atty to file charges or not.
a conclusion supported by other non-involved police officers.
Non-involved officers dont have all the facts in the case. Only the investigating officers know whats going on.

"Another officer corrected a witness after she told him that she heard the teen cry for help.

The officer told the witness, a long-time teacher, it was Zimmerman who cried for help, said the witness. ABC News has spoken to the teacher and she confirmed that the officer corrected her when she said she heard the teenager shout for help." LINK
Well thats because she was wrong. Even the boys father said it wasint his son in the tape calling for help. Also the closest witness that actually saw what was going on saw Zimmerman yelling to him to help him. If he would have came out and helped maybe the boy would still be alive but he decided to just lock his door and go upstairs

"One of the witnesses who heard the crying said she called a detective repeatedly, but said he was not interested because her account differed from Zimmerman’s." LINK
Didnt differ from Zimmerman story it differed from everyone elses story. Sometimes people really want to help and they "Witness" what they think really happened and its just not what happened. They dont do it on purpose they just want to help but they are just wrong. Ive had witnesses give me descriptions of suspects that are 100% wrong. I watched Security tape on robbery once clearly I saw it was a young hispanic male. Had 2 witnesses tell me it was an black male, 1 tell me it was a white male , and one told me it was a woman. None did it to hurt the case but they really didnt witness as much as they though there minds are trying to fill in the blanks so they can help.
The actual shooting may or may not have been racially motivated. This, idiocy, however, is blatant racism:
Trayvon Martin case: New Black Panthers offer $10,000 bounty for capture of George Zimmerman

Without a government-issued warrant, the organization opens itself up to civil or criminal liability, a lawyer said.

By Arelis R. Hernandez, Orlando Sentinel Sun Sentinel.com EXCERPT:
6:28 PM EDT, March 24, 2012

SANFORD — Members of the New Black Panther Party are offering a $10,000 reward for the "capture" of George Zimmerman, the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who shot Trayvon Martin.
New Black Panther leader Mikhail Muhammad announced the reward during a protest in Sanford Saturday. And when asked whether he was inciting violence, Muhammad replied defiantly: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."
The bounty announcement came moments after members of the group called for the mobilization of 10,000 black men to capture Zimmerman, who shot Trayvon in a gated Sanford community on Feb. 26.
Muhammad said members of his group would search for Zimmerman themselves in Maitland — where the 28-year old worked before the shooting, employees there told the Orlando Sentinel. He declined to say when the group would begin their search.
Muhammad said the group's national chairman, Dr. Malik Zulu Shabaz of Washington, D.C. is receiving donations from black entertainers and athletes. They hope to collect $1 million by next week, Muhammad said.
The party said they would not release the names of donors nor would they provide documentation to support the existence of donations.
The New Black Panther Party is to black people what the KKK is to white people. A ****ing embarrassment made up of the worst dregs of society.
Here is a new idea that demonstrates what this thread is all about.

Some people wear their issues on their sleeves. It is almost the same as wearing your heart on your sleeve, but in this case it is the issue of racism that they put there. This case is about a shooting that is claimed to be in self-defense. the case needs to be looked at in those terms and both the shooter and the victim have to be looked at. It is that simple. If there was a screw up in the initial investigation, that needs to be corrected, but wearing the issue on your sleeves isn't going to get to the truth.
The actual shooting may or may not have been racially motivated. This, idiocy, however, is blatant racism:
Trayvon Martin case: New Black Panthers offer $10,000 bounty for capture of George Zimmerman

Without a government-issued warrant, the organization opens itself up to civil or criminal liability, a lawyer said.

By Arelis R. Hernandez, Orlando Sentinel Sun Sentinel.com EXCERPT:
6:28 PM EDT, March 24, 2012

SANFORD — Members of the New Black Panther Party are offering a $10,000 reward for the "capture" of George Zimmerman, the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who shot Trayvon Martin.
New Black Panther leader Mikhail Muhammad announced the reward during a protest in Sanford Saturday. And when asked whether he was inciting violence, Muhammad replied defiantly: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."
The bounty announcement came moments after members of the group called for the mobilization of 10,000 black men to capture Zimmerman, who shot Trayvon in a gated Sanford community on Feb. 26.
Muhammad said members of his group would search for Zimmerman themselves in Maitland — where the 28-year old worked before the shooting, employees there told the Orlando Sentinel. He declined to say when the group would begin their search.
Muhammad said the group's national chairman, Dr. Malik Zulu Shabaz of Washington, D.C. is receiving donations from black entertainers and athletes. They hope to collect $1 million by next week, Muhammad said.
The party said they would not release the names of donors nor would they provide documentation to support the existence of donations.

Wonderful. Just what we need...a bunch of yahoos running around, trying to do the job of others. Let the cops deal with this! I wonder...what will they do to Zimmerman if/when they find him? Shoot him?
This thread is also a classic example of what Dennis Prager, Thomas Sowell and other conservatives say about the differences between liberals and conservatives.

When a conservative disagrees with a liberal, they think the liberal is wrong. When a liberal disagrees with a conservative, they think the conservative is evil. I would add, then the insinuations, name calling and threats start, all displayed in the body of this thread.
This thread is also a classic example of what Dennis Prager, Thomas Sowell and other conservatives say about the differences between liberals and conservatives.

When a conservative disagrees with a liberal, they think the liberal is wrong. When a liberal disagrees with a conservative, they think the conservative is evil. I would add, then the insinuations, name calling and threats start, all displayed in the body of this thread.

LOL... I could produce numerous examples of conservatives calling liberals evil. Just as I can find numerous examples of liberals calling conservatives evil.

Surely, as an adult, you see this for what it is, billcihak.
This thread is also a classic example of what Dennis Prager, Thomas Sowell and other conservatives say about the differences between liberals and conservatives.

When a conservative disagrees with a liberal, they think the liberal is wrong. When a liberal disagrees with a conservative, they think the conservative is evil. I would add, then the insinuations, name calling and threats start, all displayed in the body of this thread.

You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep-Navajo proverb
This thread is also a classic example of what Dennis Prager, Thomas Sowell and other conservatives say about the differences between liberals and conservatives.

When a conservative disagrees with a liberal, they think the liberal is wrong. When a liberal disagrees with a conservative, they think the conservative is evil. I would add, then the insinuations, name calling and threats start, all displayed in the body of this thread.

Oh come on, now. Seriously? That stuff happens on both sides of the fence.

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Trayvon Maritin, is he 6' 2" tall? The picture I keep seeing makes out like he was way smaller. That's three inches taller than I am...

No, that doesn't mean he deserved to be shot, it does make him a much larger individual than the media is portraying him as...

from victor davis hanson...


The initial moblike news (in this regard, Fox News’s Shepard Smith was especially culpable in whipping up frenzy when he did not have the evidence to support his allegations) that a white, Germanic-named vigilante ran down and executed a small African-American child (at least Mr. Martin seemed so from his adolescent photos in the press) eating candy while strolling in an exclusive gated community is not quite the entire story. At least it has morphed into an account of an excitable, gun-carrying Hispanic neighborhood-watch volunteer, in a mixed community, prompting (?) a fist fight with an unarmed 17-year-old, 6’2” youth in a hoodie. Mr. Zimmerman apparently lost the struggle, and then pulled out a gun and fired — even as the narrative seemed to change with new information every day. The case is not helped by presidential editorializing that now, after the beer summit and Sandra Fluke, seems a gambit to divert attention from $4 a gallon gas and 8% plus unemployment (17% in Fresno County).
The Trayvon Martin tragedy is not over. We do not know all the facts; bad judgment, racism, and ill-intent may well have led to manslaughter or even second-degree murder or, then again, in theory, self-defense, but to speculate about any such charges without evidence is to become mob-like. My own view is that carrying a weapon requires greater forbearance, but I was not there and still have no idea what transpired. As I write this, the account will be out-of-date by tomorrow’s disclosures. What we are left with are no rules of national anguish: When ten African-Americans are murdered by other African-Americans in a single weekend, is it news or not news? When the occasional African-American murders a white person, as in a recent car-jacking, is it a sign of something the nation must note? When an Hispanic shoots an African-American, is it news to the degree he has a European name, but had he been Jorge Martinez with an Anglo mother, it would not have been news?
The role of a president is to rein in the mob, not to unleash it. The latter is what community organizers do;
I've said it before, I'll say it again....race aside, Zimmerman is a hot headed, wannabe idiot. All of this could've been avoided if he simply listened to the dispatcher. Instead of following the kid, which probably was the main factor for the kid to hit Zimmerman, if in fact that's what happened, he should've just got a description, a direction of travel, etc, and waited for the cops.

If we were in this situation, out walking at night, and someone started following us, what would we do? Keep walking? Start running? Stop, turn and ask the person what the hell they're doing? If Trayvon did in fact turn around, to confront Zimmerman, I wonder...what was Zimmermans reaction? I"d wager that he wasnt in a talking mood. If that was the case, can you blame Treyvon, if in fact he was hitting, fighting, etc, with Zimmerman?
What really bothers me about it... watching the news today, they interviewed the witnesses... finding an impartial jury is going to be tough. I mean this case WILL go to trial... won't it?
I've said it before, I'll say it again....race aside, Zimmerman is a hot headed, wannabe idiot. All of this could've been avoided if he simply listened to the dispatcher. Instead of following the kid, which probably was the main factor for the kid to hit Zimmerman, if in fact that's what happened, he should've just got a description, a direction of travel, etc, and waited for the cops.
I couldn't agree more. He seemed hell-bent on his mission and he is NOT a COP.

If we were in this situation, out walking at night, and someone started following us, what would we do? Keep walking? Start running? Stop, turn and ask the person what the hell they're doing? If Trayvon did in fact turn around, to confront Zimmerman, I wonder...what was Zimmermans reaction? I"d wager that he wasnt in a talking mood. If that was the case, can you blame Treyvon, if in fact he was hitting, fighting, etc, with Zimmerman?

I've already stated that if I were out and about in the dark in a neighborhood that was not mine and saw some big dude sans uniform with a truck tracking me, I can't say I wouldn't tell him to leave me the f**k alone, run, turn and fight when he caught up to me - hell, I might even initiate the contact.

And that's if he didn't call me a Cracker.
What really bothers me about it... watching the news today, they interviewed the witnesses... finding an impartial jury is going to be tough. I mean this case WILL go to trial... won't it?

I hope to hell so.
So this skinny little teenager turned around and chased the full grown man with a gun who supposubly decided to head back to his car and attacked him with intent to kill that he had to shout help me help me even though he had a gun??????? If that is true then we truly need to ban the sale of Skittles over the counter to all children. My wife freaked because that would have been her boy hoody and skittles all the time.

No body is saying pin anything on anybody but common sense would have let a jury decide on the facts not just shield the killer regardless of who or what he is. CNN just had one black and one white guest on and as in most cases of all white conservative commentators they do not want to hear anything that would even suggest there could have been any wrong doing on the part of Zimmerman or charges filed that would sort it out? The black anchorman even had to jump in and say stop common sense would require more than what was done by the Police. Wasn't that long ago the city police in Portland got in trouble for dumping dead oposums on certain door steps and when they got a severe repremand for killing a black at a convinience stoor by choking and compressing his chest they printed T shirts with smoke em don't choke em.

Does that condem all law enforcemetn of course not but is abuse there and happens related not only to physical action but also in attitude in how investigations are conducted YES nation wide given that a sensative knowledgalbe department would have charged Zimmerman on probable cause and left it to a jury. Anyone who thinks that would not have happened if Martin was white and Zimmerman black cannot admit to thier onw racist bias period and I and other could care less if you don't agree don't wast your time just be honest put your white sheet on and burn a cross I can respect that at least its honest.
Dan It wasnt the police departments choice not to charge him. The States Atty is the one that said not to charge him. The states atty is the highest lvl law enforcement in the local system just like eric holder is the highest lvl law enforcement offical in the federal system. If they say dont charge him then you dont charge him. There is alot more to the story then you are getting on CNN. But you keep blaming the racist cops if it makes you feel better
Oh my...a new twist to the story.

George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch crime captain who shot dead 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, originally told police in a written statement that Martin knocked him down with a punch to the nose, repeatedly slammed his head on the ground and tried to take his gun, a police source told ABC News.Zimmerman had claimed he had called police about Martin, whom he found suspicious, then went back to his car when Martin attacked him, punching him.
The new information is the most complete version yet of what Zimmerman claims happened on the night of Feb. 26 when he shot and killed the teenager.
So far my opinion is self defense. But I'm only following it marginally right now.

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