Unarmed Florida Teen Shot

Dude. I haven't seen everything, but I did listen to the 911 calls and read the police reports. And it's obvious you haven't.

Regarding the 911 calls. Once again, the actual record is available on one of the links I posted from the city.
Being a racist does not automatically make it not self defense. Im not saying it is or it isnt. I dont know all the facts in this case. Based on the crap posted by the news he looks guilty but having been personally condemed by the press after i shot somone and all the lies that were "reported" about me and my incident i dont normally believe what the news tells me.

Elder what point would it sever the police to cover this up? You seem convinced its some big police cover up to save zimmerman. Why would the police do that? What do they get out of the deal?
Still not looking at the video of the witness who saw the actual fight, not what zimmerman said on the phone. The father said that the person who was yelling for help was not his son. The witness who actually saw the fight said zimmerman yelled to him for help. The word "chase" is being used quite often in reporting zimmerman getting out of his car. How about followed in order to tell the police where the teenager went.

One sunday on the way to church we saw a drunk driver weaving down the road. We called 911 and followed the guy all the way to the next town, telling the 911 operator the names of the streets, and the direction we were travelling. We eventually followed the guy to an apartment complex and saw him park. We didn't get out of the car, but we did see the squad that was looking for us. We flagged him down, pointed out the car and then went to church.

Zimmerman on the tape says something to the effect that "they always get away..." my take is that when the police are called, by the time they arrive, the individual has usually left the area. He got out of the truck to keep an eye on where the teenager went because the teenager had entered the in between area of the townhouse/condo development, which everyone can see if they watch the video of the interview with the actual witness. He probably followed the kid simply to be able to tell the cops where the kid went. Then the kid turned on him and the struggle ensued.

Do you guys actually think he got out of the car to chase down this kid and execute him in cold blood? That is what is being implied in all the media coverage.

By the way, there was a claim on another site that says NPR mentioned the teen was truant at his high school. Yeah, I know, a lot of teenagers are, my point is there is still little known about the teenager.
Elder, the woman on your video didn't see anything, she claims to have heard things. The guy on my video saw the fight because it was about 20 feet from his backdoor patio, and zimmerman called out to him for help. For ease of viewing here is the video again, the account of the fight starts at the 22 second mark...

This news piece came out before zimmerman was identified by name as the shooter...the eyewitness interview starts at the 22 second mark...


this might be why the self-defense claim was believed by the prosecuter and the police...
Here is a look from the L.A. times which also reports the false number on the 911 calls being over 40 in the last year instead of over the last 11 years...


published in full on the newspaper's website. It reads in part:

"George is a Spanish speaking minority with many black family members and friends. He would be the last to discriminate for any reason whatsoever.... The media portrayal of George as a racist could not be further from the truth."

The statement goes on to suggest that the public should be outraged over the "extremely misleading" portrayal of Zimmerman, and hinted that there are key facts that have yet to be made public.

"The events of February 26 reported in the media are also totally inaccurate. Out of respect for the on-going investigation, I will not discuss specifics. However, the media reports of the events are imaginary at best. At no time did George follow or confront Mr. Martin. When the true details of the event become public, and I hope that will be soon, everyone should be outraged by the treatment of George Zimmerman in the media."

Remember Tawana Brawley and the Duke Lacrosse team...
Zimmerman isn't a policeman, and isn't registered with any formal neighborhood watch organization. He has no uniform to wear, who knows?, and no - he has no authority to mark his vehicle with.

Yes, I knew he wasn't a cop. I was just curious as to whether or not he was working for a security company, contracted to patrol the area. However, going on what you said, he's pretty much what I was thinking all along...a wanna-be hero, yahoo, who had a deep desire to be a cop, but probably could never pass, so in his own ****ed up head, decided to be the Unofficial neighborhood patrol. Guys like that need their *** kicked!
How many times have you called 911 in the last 11 years?

I have called - rather my family - three times in 15.
And I did not live in a gated community, rather a low end part of town....

40 calls to 911, not living in a war zone...to me it sounds excessive.
How many times have you called 911 in the last 11 years?

I have called - rather my family - three times in 15.
And I did not live in a gated community, rather a low end part of town....

In the last 11yrs? Hell, I'd say less than 6 if that.

40 calls to 911, not living in a war zone...to me it sounds excessive.

Sounds a bit excessive to me too.
If the 40 in 11 is correct thats really not that many
I wish our neighborhood watch folks would only call 3 to 4 times a year. I know a few that make that many calls a day.

How many times have you called 911 in the last 11 years?

I have called - rather my family - three times in 15.
And I did not live in a gated community, rather a low end part of town....

40 calls to 911, not living in a war zone...to me it sounds excessive.
If the 40 in 11 is correct thats really not that many
I wish our neighborhood watch folks would only call 3 to 4 times a year. I know a few that make that many calls a day.

LOL, yeah, tell me about it. Some night, I should keep track of all the 911 calls that come in, to see how many are actually legit 911 calls, or just people that're too damn lazy to dial the routine line, calling in with non emergency stuff.
If the 40 in 11 is correct thats really not that many
I wish our neighborhood watch folks would only call 3 to 4 times a year. I know a few that make that many calls a day.

LOL, yeah, tell me about it. Some night, I should keep track of all the 911 calls that come in, to see how many are actually legit 911 calls, or just people that're too damn lazy to dial the routine line, calling in with non emergency stuff.

LOL. 'No Mildret, you neighbor can open his drapes to his messy house'

But still...that's a lot of calls.
Still not looking at the video of the witness who saw the actual fight, not what zimmerman said on the phone. The father said that the person who was yelling for help was not his son. The witness who actually saw the fight said zimmerman yelled to him for help. The word "chase" is being used quite often in reporting zimmerman getting out of his car. How about followed in order to tell the police where the teenager went.

One sunday on the way to church we saw a drunk driver weaving down the road. We called 911 and followed the guy all the way to the next town, telling the 911 operator the names of the streets, and the direction we were travelling. We eventually followed the guy to an apartment complex and saw him park. We didn't get out of the car, but we did see the squad that was looking for us. We flagged him down, pointed out the car and then went to church.

Zimmerman on the tape says something to the effect that "they always get away..." my take is that when the police are called, by the time they arrive, the individual has usually left the area. He got out of the truck to keep an eye on where the teenager went because the teenager had entered the in between area of the townhouse/condo development, which everyone can see if they watch the video of the interview with the actual witness. He probably followed the kid simply to be able to tell the cops where the kid went. Then the kid turned on him and the struggle ensued.

Do you guys actually think he got out of the car to chase down this kid and execute him in cold blood? That is what is being implied in all the media coverage.

By the way, there was a claim on another site that says NPR mentioned the teen was truant at his high school. Yeah, I know, a lot of teenagers are, my point is there is still little known about the teenager.

I take alot of calls from people who're reporting possible DUIs, erratic operation, etc. I ask them where they are, if they can give me a description of the vehicle, and a plate. I then say that I'll pass it along to the officers, which I do. I DO NOT encourage anyone to follow or try to keep up with someone. Why? Because if I do, and if someone crashes because of it, its MY *** on the line, because I told them to keep going. No, I never encourage anyone to keep following someone. If they say they want to file a complaint, I tell them to pull over, tell me where they are, and I'll send a cop to talk to them. Its now out of my hands.

Regardless of whether or not the cops dont get there in time...well, a suspicious person walking down the road, isn't a high priority call. Its not this guys job to get out of his car, to follow anyone or do anything period! He's nothing more than a wanna be. He did what Charles Bronson did in Death Wish....took the law in his own hands. On a sidenote. I enjoy the DW movies with Bronson. :)

So to answer this:

"Do you guys actually think he got out of the car to chase down this kid and execute him in cold blood? That is what is being implied in all the media coverage."

Yes, I think he got out to follow intentionally, because he was tired of nothing being done. Was his intent to kill the kid? That I dont know, but if he was pissed off enough, yeah, I'd say the intent could've easily been there.

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