True martial spirit, and nobility...


<font color=blue><B>Grand UberSoke, Sith-jutsu Ryu
It is an arrogant man, who loudly proclaims his success.
It is an insecure man, who fabricates his success.
It is a dishonest man, who joins with others to create falsehood.
True virtue needs not be announced. It will just "be".
It is not found in diplomas, certificates or banners.
True nobility is found in ones bearing.

Skill is found in action, not words, not paper.
Where you came from is not as important as where you are.
Where you are can be changed by hard work and pure thought.

When the thoughts are not pure, and the action is not true, you will miss your goals.

Who trained you is not as important as what you learned.
Anyone can train under the best. It is the best who have the ability to listen and absorb.

High rank does not equal high ability.
High rank does not equal good moral character.
High rank does not equal a good teacher.

Vast experience does not a master make.
Years spent training does not equal mastery.
It is the quality of the experiences and the quality of the training that bring true mastery.

Be proud of who you are, but remember you are mortal. There will always be someone better than you, or at least luckier.
I enjoyed reading that. May I ask what book(s) they're from? (some of the sayings sound familiar)

Top of my head actually, though I have seen similar here n there.
I may do some tweaking and let Kaith put it up as a PDF or something. Would get more use here, rather than my own website (if I had one).
Very nice post...and it is so very true....

I have seen a T-shirt that says the belt isn't what you need to worry about. Shorter and less involved but to the point and accurate

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