Training with a broken ankle.


Orange Belt
I broke my ankle last night playing basketball. I landed on someones foot and my ankle just buckled. Although I managed a nice front break fall to keep the rest of me in tact it looks like I won't be back into full practice for at least a month. Any suggestions on keeping in shape in the mean time?

FYI - I hit the layup.
Sorry to hear about the ankle that can be very painful and will limit what you do practiceing for a while.
Keeping in shape is not out of the question. Pushups, blocking drills, air or bag punches, situps, the list goes on.
It is also a good time to figure out how those less physicaly gifted can protect themsleves. Look at your selfdefence moves and figure out what now works or dose not and WHY.
Ouch! Definitely be sure it heals. This could be a good time to read some of those martial arts books that are on your shelf, or watch some DVDs.
Hello, You may want to seek out breathing excerise's to keep your lungs at full used. Divers use a breathing excerise devise to keep their lungs in shape.

You may want to check out the martial art library for other breathing technique's. Our Professor is very old, but does alot of deep breaths type of breathing has lots of internal strenght.

Muscles are like an air pump, stopping pumping and it goes flat. Injuries will stop many of your physcial excerise for a while. But keeping the lungs working hard will give you no loss of oxygen in the blood. You may find this excerise will keep some of your endurance strong.......? Take-care and Aloha...Jeff
Icewater said:
I broke my ankle last night playing basketball. I landed on someones foot and my ankle just buckled. Although I managed a nice front break fall to keep the rest of me in tact it looks like I won't be back into full practice for at least a month. Any suggestions on keeping in shape in the mean time?

FYI - I hit the layup.

Make sure that you give yourself some time to rest the ankle. Just because you go to the doctor, tape it, etc. doesn't mean you should jump right back into your training. Give it a few days, and then if you feel comfortable, go ahead and do something light. Problem is, is that anything you do standing, you're risking further strain on the injury.

As hard as its going to be to sit idle, its important not to overwork the injury, otherwise you're risking further damage and a longer recovery.

If it is a cast let us know how you do the first time you go back on the floor (doing techs)
If you kick someone with it let us know how they react:whip:
Go to the gym and work the upper body. Seated lifts, hand bikes, perhaps even a speed bag. Visualize your forms. Sit in a chair in the middle of the room and go over the upper body parts of your forms.
Definately work that upper body while allowing your ankle to
heal. Besides weights you can sit in a chair and work alot
of your martial arts techniques. Use this time as a good learning
experience being injured as you are and work the physical,
mental and spiritual. Good luck and let us know how you
are progressing.

Brian R. VanCise
I can relate I just broke my foot a week ago but there are still exorcises you can do to keep in shape the your orde, first check with your Dr. first to see if your able then go to your instructor and get his permission to train with your ankle.