
Injuries!!!! :xtrmshock …. Form training martial arts or other things :confused: That stops you from training :confused: Well I NEVER Heard of such a thing :uhyeah:

Unless of course you count my back injury that kept me out of MA for a couple years and I never returned to TKD (but it got me into CMA and I am EXTREMELY happy about that). Or of course the torn ligaments from training, broken ankle (same ankle X2) form training, and let’s not forget the all important tree that jumped me. And if I continue I will take up the rest of the this page of this post and all of the next.

All are frustrating but you really need to take it easy and heal… another lesson I leaned the hard way. But I think you’re on the right track with continuing patterns and arm work, just as long as it does not task Achilles tendon

When I broke my ankle I got real good at balancing on my crutches and kicking with my other foot (I do NOT recommend this however) and since at that time I was in CMA I got real good at flipping one of my crutches around like a Dao (Chinese Broadsword) I called it Shaolin Crutch style.
Be careful in your recovery. Even though modern day surgical techniques can get you functional in much quicker times than before, it still takes years to fully recover from a ligament injury. Even after you recover, it still might "bug" you once in a while.

I'm still feeling stiffness from a "turf toe" injury from many years ago. Everything has healed, but once in a while, the stiffness is still there.
Another story of commiseration...In the summer of 2005, I was demonstrating an upper body control for a visiting black belt, and he decided to try to throw me. He stepped knee to knee (instead of hip to hip) and pulled my body over the knee joint. It hasn't been the same since. It gives me trouble running, jumping and kicking (I only use that leg to kick with now, so I don't use it to support weight).

I have had to seriously change my technique focus to accomidate the injury. I hope that yours heals eventually!
Thanks for the support and advice guys. Much appreciated! It's always good to know you aren't the only one.
Be careful in your recovery. Even though modern day surgical techniques can get you functional in much quicker times than before, it still takes years to fully recover from a ligament injury. Even after you recover, it still might "bug" you once in a while.

I'm still feeling stiffness from a "turf toe" injury from many years ago. Everything has healed, but once in a while, the stiffness is still there.

Shads—this point of Grenadier's is very important: modern sports medicine can make you feel better than you actually are, in a sense—it can mitigate the pain and discomfort which are the body's normal warning sirens, so that you wind up thinking you've reached a place in your recovery that, physiologically speaking, you haven't. So you need to be very careful at this stage...

We'll keep checking up on you to make sure your nerves aren't out of control as the Big Day approaches. But you have to exercise extra caution in training... :)

I am glad to hear that you are making progress!! I am sure it feels so much better to know what is causing the problem and know what to do to help it reslove itself. Like everyone said, don't push it. You have the whole rest of your life to train. A "day" or two out won't make a difference in the long run. Good luck at the tourney! Don't stress just go to enjoy the experience!
Thanks my "Good Twin". It does make a difference to know exactly what the problem is :) And i will go easy... promise.

All these promises I'm making... I do keep them, honestly!
Last night in training I ran into a major problem.

Some years ago I fell over while drunk.... I ripped the achillies tendon in my right foot and I couldn't walk properly for a month. When I say properly I mean without pain or tenderness. I was on crutches for two weeks even though the doctor said I was to try without, as I couldn't put any weight on the leg without the ankle buckling. Two years later I twisted my ankle on a curb stone and it happened again, luckily I had my mother with me and she could take my daughter off me and get my car, my daughter was 6 months old at the time and I was carrying her so I wouldn't have managed without my mum.

Last night while doing "front turning kick to side kick" combos the ankle starting hurting on the achillies tendon. I know I've got to RICE it (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) but I also know it'll be out of commision for 2 weeks at least now. I've my seminar and grading up in two weeks...

*tears hair out* I can't bear the frustration of having to say "sorry I can't do that bit today". Luckily Da Boss is watching me to stop me doing anything stupid, I got a lecture last night about training with injuries after I tried to go on *blush* but it's so annoying!!!! :rpo:

Sorry, I just needed to tell someone who knows what it's like to be dedicated enough to hate having to stop training for a while. :wah:

I can still do patterns and arm work, as long as I don't do any high impact stuff or kicking. *sigh*

I know what you mean. I HATE not being able to train because of illness or injury. To put it bluntly, it sucks. Take care of your ankle though. Even though it's frustrating, to continue training with an injury can turn a short-term break into a long one. :asian:
I know what you mean. I HATE not being able to train because of illness or injury. To put it bluntly, it sucks. Take care of your ankle though. Even though it's frustrating, to continue training with an injury can turn a short-term break into a long one. :asian:

Yeah - what Jade said! When I was testing for IV Dan, I landed wrong after a jump kick - my knee popped so loudly it was audible across the gym (and I mean a full basketball court)... my sahbum's wife, who is a nurse practitioner, thought I ripped the ACL; luckily (if you can call any injury lucky) I only sprained it - nothing ripped - although it took an MRI to confirm it. I couldn't do much more than hobble for a couple of weeks, and had to wear a brace for 6 months during class, during which time I couldn't jump... it's been over 2 years, and I still have to wear the brace when I'm tired, or if we do a lot of jumping. Just remember, too, as much as it sucks now - reinjuries heal more slowly, and not as well, as the original injury - please be careful, and let it heal fully before you push it.
I promise I will be careful guys! How can i not be with you lot, my phisio, my Boss (TKD Boss AND work boss) and hubby all telling me to?

I can see the sense in it and although I'm bloody minded I'm not stupid :)

Thanks for caring everyone.

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