
I had wrist damage from Jujitsu and two surgeries (one minor in-office and one major in hospital) to treat it. It took me about four months to recover then I eased back into training slowly. By six months, my wrist is as good as new, no pain.

With your ankle, it helps to see a medical specialist well versed with sports-related injuries and if necessary, a sports physical therapist for strengthening.

- Ceicei
Thanks everyone, I've got an appointment with my GP tomorrow, I'm going to ask them to refer me to a sports related knee/ankle specialist I've heard is in my area.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.

The ankle has been a little achy over the weekend and I didn't run, contrary to my husbands opinion I CAN do what I'm told when I see the sense in it ;) It's training tonight, I'll see what da boss says and maybe sit out the kicking stuff. I do have to train though, it's the start of the grading process this week.
Thanks everyone, I've got an appointment with my GP tomorrow, I'm going to ask them to refer me to a sports related knee/ankle specialist I've heard is in my area.

Excellent, Shaderon. Since it's a soft tissue problem, you might need to get an MRI done, not a big deal, but a few years ago I had to have one done for a very bad shoulder injury and the thing was bloody noisy.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.

We will!

The ankle has been a little achy over the weekend and I didn't run, contrary to my husbands opinion I CAN do what I'm told when I see the sense in it ;) It's training tonight, I'll see what da boss says and maybe sit out the kicking stuff. I do have to train though, it's the start of the grading process this week.

What techs are they going to be examining you on? Are there hand techs (wrist releases, that sort of thing) that you need to cover and can focus on while you're awaiting word on your ankle?
Thanks everyone, I've got an appointment with my GP tomorrow, I'm going to ask them to refer me to a sports related knee/ankle specialist I've heard is in my area.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.

They are crossed m'dear....

Shaderon said:
I'll see what da boss says and maybe sit out the kicking stuff. I do have to train though, it's the start of the grading process this week.

My first exam was terrible, but what I lacked in kicking techniques I made up for with hand and arm techniques..
What techs are they going to be examining you on? Are there hand techs (wrist releases, that sort of thing) that you need to cover and can focus on while you're awaiting word on your ankle?

We don't do wrist release sorts of thing until much higher up, we learn it, but it's not graded on until you are actually teaching it someone else. (In our school the higher grades teach the lower grades self defence), I know that sounds odd but the exams are long enough as it is.

It's probably easier to describe our exam process which I think may be a bit different from yours.
Well the process goes something like this:

Arrive and line up, Examiner arrives and we go through a light on the spot warm up with the senior instructor of our school. We do the two patterns of the lowest rank, then their techniques, the lowest ranks get asked their Korean terminology questions and the questions relating to thier patterns and ranks (belt colours etc), then they go sit down. We then do the patterns and techniques of the next ranks.... then their questions then it's us.

The next phase, starts with us 8th kups and belows getting up back into line, pairing up with the person next to us and doing "set sparring". Then after we've all been watched for what seems an eternity, we sit down and the 7th kups and above do thiers.

The techniques we do are blocking and kicking, we do it on our own though and no pads, just solo drills. My techniques for my grade are
-> Middle knife hand guarding block (part of pattern)
-> Lower outer forearm block (part of pattern)
-> Twin forearm block (the one that blocks the head) (part of pattern and seperate)
-> Outer forearm rising block (part of pattern)
-> Middle knife hand strike (part of pattern)
-> High forefist punch (part of pattern)
-> Middle Outer forearm inward block, followed by a middle backfist strike (seperate to pattern)
-> Wedging Block (seperate to pattern)

So for an 8th kup the techniques are really all upper body ones, but I do have to do 10th and 9th kups as well which are Front snap kick and side kick.

The final phase is sparring, 8th kup and below do no contact or light contact sparring (if both have sparring equipment) for three rounds picking a different partner for each round, after that the 7th kups and above do light contact sparring (they must have sparring equipment).

I'd be interested in what format your colour belt grading takes... I'll open another thread.
It's probably easier to describe our exam process which I think may be a bit different from yours.
Well the process goes something like this:

... ...

... So for an 8th kup the techniques are really all upper body ones, but I do have to do 10th and 9th kups as well which are Front snap kick and side kick.

OK, well, that's encouraging anyway—sounds like you have plenty to work on just doing hand/arm techs. When you see your MD, you might consider asking her/him if demoing those two kicks for exam purposes would be OK. S/he might simply want you to tape up the joint a bit with an ace bandage or whatever and generally go easy on it for six wees, in which case, a demo kind of kick might be allowed. So as long as you stay off it, you'd be OK to actually do it in the exam, that sort of thing.

BTW, make sure your instructor is fully up to speed on your injury as well!
BTW, make sure your instructor is fully up to speed on your injury as well!

As he is my Personal Trainer as well, and I get 1/2 hour chat with him before my lesson starts, most weeks just the two of us, ... he gets tales of everything to do with my fitness and injuries lol... He's got no choice but to listen... I can talk for hours! :soapbox:

Seriously, he's a total gem, looks after me and appreciates how honest I am about this stuff so no worries there.

Thanks for the advice though. :)
As he is my Personal Trainer as well, and I get 1/2 hour chat with him before my lesson starts, most weeks just the two of us, ... he gets tales of everything to do with my fitness and injuries lol... He's got no choice but to listen... I can talk for hours! :soapbox:

Seriously, he's a total gem, looks after me and appreciates how honest I am about this stuff so no worries there.

Ah, that's prefect. As a personal trainer he knows pretty much just what is reasonable to ask of someone who's testing hurt. So no worries on that score, at least..
Last night I took off my support (If I hadn't I'd have been on my backside more than my feet through a slippy floor) and had a gentle attempt on some kicking (under the watchful eagle eyes of da boss) and, it doesn't hurt... not one little bit! I tried front turning kick to back kicks against the pad. I promised I'd stop if it even twinged but nothing! I even did jumping back kicks!!! :boing1:

I'm still not going to run until Sunday, but I must have caught it in time :) I'm still not stupid enough to assume I'm fully fighting fit and I'm still wearing the support the rest of the time, but it's working. :boing2:
Good! Sounds like restriction and rest are helping!

Good luck with your doctor's appointment today - let us know how it turns out.
Brother John,
Sorry I can understand what you are saying, but TKD is my passion

I know what you are saying, but I took a long time to find MY art, and ITF TKD is my art. It's where my heart is.

My heart seems to be in my feet.... O_o
I admire your dedication and determination then. Seriously!

All the best and good luck in your recouperation.
(Try a glider for the cardio work, better on the joints and whatnot)

Your Brother
I admire your dedication and determination then. Seriously!

All the best and good luck in your recouperation.
(Try a glider for the cardio work, better on the joints and whatnot)

Your Brother

Thanks I'll have a go, I think the gliders are called Cross Trainers here, please correct me if you know different.

Ok I went to the docs, I didn't post straight away because I wanted to try a couple of things first to see how they went. I've been told the doc disagrees with the hospital's original diagnosis. She has experience in sports related stuff and she's come across exactly my problem before.

She says as I was drunk and therefore more relaxed I probably only pulled the Achillies Tendon and had resulting tendonitis rather then snapping it, the recovery time on her computer records agree with this, but the act of going over on the side of my foot will have tore open all the muscles and ligaments, especially the Cruciate ligament and the Peroneus tertius nice picture here, and caused a lot of bruising and swelling inside the foot. I've been put on a course of anti-inflammatories and told to wear my support bandage whenever I can, I've to ice-pack it and she's writing me a referral to a physio. The physio is being asked to determine the extent of the scar tissue and to report back while trying to build up the foot strength again. If they both feel it neccessary I shall be sent for scans etc at the hospital, but that could take months and with doing TKD, I need a diagnosis faster than that.

I like my doctor, she's fantastic, she really gave me the impression she knew what she was talking about and got pictures out to show me.

Only thing is, I don't know if the ice packs are working, but they are making my foot ache the next day... I know it's them because I didn't do it on Wednesday and no aching.. I did it last night for 1/2 hour and it aches like anything now! *ouch*

Anyone have any experience of aching because of ice packs?
Been there, done that. After many years of jumping back in and trying to train before recovering from injuries it finally sank in, if you try training before you are completely healed, you get to sit out for twice as long, and that's twice as frustrating. I finally learned to listen to my body ( it took awhile, I'm not always the sharpest crayon in the box). I know it's frustrating, but take a deep breath, do what you can do, and let yourself heal.
Great point made here.....I labored with a very bad r/shoulder for close to 8 mos...just start getting better and somebody would do some technique that rotated the *&&^ out of it and I would be hurt all over again....Finally I took a month off then 2, turning out to be 9 months....went back traing last Sept and have been training hard as I ever did without the pain or injury.....I have the next 30 (if I live that long) years to train I no longer worry about being out of the Dojo a few months.........
For what that's worth.....
Anyone have any experience of aching because of ice packs?

I've used ice packs and frozen gelpacks and so on for various injuries and I've noticed that the cold can make your skin and whatever's under it ache, quite apart from the original injury. That might be part of it...
I've used ice packs and frozen gelpacks and so on for various injuries and I've noticed that the cold can make your skin and whatever's under it ache, quite apart from the original injury. That might be part of it...

Funny you should bring that up. The problem is that the pain you are feeing is a form of frostbite. It is best to have a hand towel between the skin and the ice/cold pack. Just thought I would add thislittle tidbit of free info.
Searcher - thanks, I used a towel, I think I applied to ice for too long, thanks.

Anyway here's an update on the ankle thing.

Last night just before class I went to see the Physio, for my first of 10 free sessions (paid for my my employer). She manipulated it, looked at the way I stood, tested my strength and poked, prodded, questioned and near tore my foot off. Felt good! Like an intensive massage.

The theory she came up with is that I have lots of scar tissue in my Achillies tendon which is causing things to rub and pull a bit as it's quite thick, but it moves well which is why I don't have a lot of problems with it, and I have tendonitis in the tendon which joins my big toe to my bones. The sheath that the tendon goes through to seperate it from, and stop it rubbing on the Cruciate ligament (the one which goes across the foot to hold everything together) is inflammed and the rubbing the inflammation causes, increases the inflammation so it's a vicious circle.

So she's lasered my foot, sounds painful but it's not, it's to promote healing and get the blood supply flowing, apparantly the blood supply in that area is notoriously rubbish so it needs help. She also did some treatment on my achillies tendon scar tissue with an ultrasound machine... not one that gives a picture, just one that makes the tissue vibrate and knocks it around a bit so it breaks down a little and gets more flexible. Anyway the foot ached last night, especially since the boss got us doing flying kicks (I'll strangle the b****r) but since the physio said I can do anything but run 5 miles... well I did it with enthusiasm (and at one point I did a side flying kick extremely well for a first attempt *self congratulatory grin*).

Anyway I'm back at the physio tomorrow night, just before training again. She says I am to go twice a week for laser and ultrasound treatment so we can get this foot fixed. My left foot is actually over three times stronger than my right foot, which is odd since I'm right handed but makes sense of the problems I'm having breaking with the right foot. So it's obvious there's a major problem there, I've got excercises to do with a resistance band, and the foot feels funny today... a little light and more flexible than I am used to.

I've also got a tournament on Saturday, I'm excited as it's my first one, I've got butterflies already so I know darned well I'll get stage fright on Saturday morning, I'm known for it now. Someone hug me!!!! I need a hug... anyone!
Searcher - thanks, I used a towel, I think I applied to ice for too long, thanks.

Anyway here's an update on the ankle thing.

Last night just before class I went to see the Physio, for my first of 10 free sessions (paid for my my employer). She manipulated it, looked at the way I stood, tested my strength and poked, prodded, questioned and near tore my foot off. Felt good! Like an intensive massage.

The theory she came up with is that I have lots of scar tissue in my Achillies tendon which is causing things to rub and pull a bit as it's quite thick, but it moves well which is why I don't have a lot of problems with it, and I have tendonitis in the tendon which joins my big toe to my bones. The sheath that the tendon goes through to seperate it from, and stop it rubbing on the Cruciate ligament (the one which goes across the foot to hold everything together) is inflammed and the rubbing the inflammation causes, increases the inflammation so it's a vicious circle.

So she's lasered my foot, sounds painful but it's not, it's to promote healing and get the blood supply flowing, apparantly the blood supply in that area is notoriously rubbish so it needs help. She also did some treatment on my achillies tendon scar tissue with an ultrasound machine... not one that gives a picture, just one that makes the tissue vibrate and knocks it around a bit so it breaks down a little and gets more flexible. Anyway the foot ached last night, especially since the boss got us doing flying kicks (I'll strangle the b****r) but since the physio said I can do anything but run 5 miles... well I did it with enthusiasm (and at one point I did a side flying kick extremely well for a first attempt *self congratulatory grin*).

Anyway I'm back at the physio tomorrow night, just before training again. She says I am to go twice a week for laser and ultrasound treatment so we can get this foot fixed. My left foot is actually over three times stronger than my right foot, which is odd since I'm right handed but makes sense of the problems I'm having breaking with the right foot. So it's obvious there's a major problem there, I've got excercises to do with a resistance band, and the foot feels funny today... a little light and more flexible than I am used to.

I've also got a tournament on Saturday, I'm excited as it's my first one, I've got butterflies already so I know darned well I'll get stage fright on Saturday morning, I'm known for it now. Someone hug me!!!! I need a hug... anyone!

**BIG hug**

How is it I missed this whole thing till now?

Sounds like you're on the right track with Physio, cutting back/out on running. Don't want to bring up the 'A' word, but.... (age) since you're just a kid to me, I'll risk it. :D We can't do everything in one lifetime.

And pretty sure things haven't changed bass ackwards since my Marine Medic days--used to be, ice for swelling (a few hours), then heat to jump start circulation. Constant ice, except after workouts, could actually do more harm. But since you've got medical pro's, might ask them.

Had those unltrasound and rehab exercises myself for 3 months a few years ago for crushed nerve in my neck (lots of previous damage led to bone spurs, etc., so a particularly vicious neck crank caused the nerve to go numb all the way down to my hand); first time I'd ever gone to a dr. for MA injury (and the list of such is multiple-pages :D); exercises were actually what I value most from that, in the long term. Still use them when it starts hurting--also modified my workouts (no one throws me by the neck anymore!). So, you may want to keep your injury in mind as you practice your beloved TKD (and yes, I know what it is to fall in love with an art :)).

RE: your events upcoming, remember that in physical preparation when you're hurt, less is more.

Get well, and DO NOT overdo it.

*Final hug*
Thanks KW and Morph, I'm being good and keeping off the weight training this week, I have been told not to run until Weekend so I won't do that until Sunday. I've got training tomorrow night but i am going to request going through my pattern a bit again, as there's only 4 of us going to the tourney it might be an unpopular choice but it's a quick grading this month so any practise will benefit everyone anyway.

Age? you can do that in small letters if you like but my eyesight isn't that bad YET KW...... I don't care about age, it's just numbers and I know I'm not getting any younger. I know I know I have to be careful, I'm no spring chicken anymore even if I do feel like it more than I ever have before, but I am not old enough yet to fall to pieces totally, I use my common sense, promise. If I didn't I'd expect a verbal spanking from a few people here and a few people in my class. I've only ever had one once and that is when I didn't tell about an injury I had, I just carried on. Never again.... *shiver*

Ice and heat.... gottit.... I'll ask the physio tomorrow for confirmation but it sounds right to me. (((hugs)))
Thanks KW and Morph, I'm being good and keeping off the weight training this week, I have been told not to run until Weekend so I won't do that until Sunday. I've got training tomorrow night but i am going to request going through my pattern a bit again, as there's only 4 of us going to the tourney it might be an unpopular choice but it's a quick grading this month so any practise will benefit everyone anyway.

Age? you can do that in small letters if you like but my eyesight isn't that bad YET KW...... I don't care about age, it's just numbers and I know I'm not getting any younger. I know I know I have to be careful, I'm no spring chicken anymore even if I do feel like it more than I ever have before, but I am not old enough yet to fall to pieces totally, I use my common sense, promise. If I didn't I'd expect a verbal spanking from a few people here and a few people in my class. I've only ever had one once and that is when I didn't tell about an injury I had, I just carried on. Never again.... *shiver*

Ice and heat.... gottit.... I'll ask the physio tomorrow for confirmation but it sounds right to me. (((hugs)))

Sorry to hear about your injury. I have a twisted up ankle myself at the moment so I am nursing one to. Remember RICE, rest, ice, compression and elevation. Right after an injury you want to rest the injured area and get some ice on it with compression and elevate it. After time resting the injured area up you would want to get some heat to it before practicing again and then follow the RICE forumula after your workout to keep the swelling down. This has always worked pretty good for me.

I used to teach first aid and CPR to security and law enforcement officers and have used this method through the years to great success. Just my 02.

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