Training for MMA or Cage Fighting?

You can't chain punch in whatever competition this was? I assume san shou?

I did chain punch! lol! kept hitting her in the nose. It was continous sparring karate tournament. You can chain punch the head, but not the face.
It was too easy to hit her in the face. I thought I could control that, but reflexes in one and a half in training and I just COULD NOT not hit her in the nose. It was aweful!
She started bleeding after the second hit to nose. made me feel like s**t. She just kept running right INTO it! Trying to get me.
Everytime I broke the rules and hit her in the nose, they broke up the fight and made us go back to "mark" and start over again.
Then, they say "Go!" and she'd jump at me and I chainpunch her in the nose. Had to stop chainpunching so much to not get disqualified. Very hard fight.
Mook Jong man, Man you entertained me here....

Mystic Wolf what pic was you trying to Post was it this?

Yep, that's the one. Oh, well, thank GOD! Horrible pic anyways. lol!
I'd love to see some videos of that, I've been having a hard time tracking down san shou competitions with people using WC/WT/VT, what techniques do you folks deem most applicable in such a scenario? not that it's a system of techniques, but.. yeah.. :D
Now that I got a video camera, I will be posting videos of myself and students in tournament, cage, ect...

We use a combonation of WC/WT when we train and compete.

After training in WC/WT for six month or longer, I put my students in continous sparring tournaments as a blue belt or higher. If they are not sure of themselves, I will put them in with yellow or green belts. My teenagers, like competing with the black belts, because it is more of a challenge for them and they do win and end up fighting each other at the final bracket.
Now that I got a video camera, I will be posting videos of myself and students in tournament, cage, ect...

We use a combonation of WC/WT when we train and compete.

After training in WC/WT for six month or longer, I put my students in continous sparring tournaments as a blue belt or higher. If they are not sure of themselves, I will put them in with yellow or green belts. My teenagers, like competing with the black belts, because it is more of a challenge for them and they do win and end up fighting each other at the final bracket.

LOL! I remember one of my favorite teens we had as a student! That day we went to competition and we have a few colored sashes in the bag just in case... yellow to black (ya know, it's what they reconize at the tournament and as long as we put a belt on a student and "sign off" on it it's okay) anyways...
I'll call him "J",.. he didn't really want to compete at first, was a little scared.
When we got to the tournament and he saw the sparring matches and how "easy" it was, he got really hyper and was ready to go! (he was about 16).
But, he wanted to spar in the black belt ring, and so did our other 6 month student. Well, Sifu "Mystic Wolf" was wearing one black sash and was honored with being a judge at the tournament. (they were very nice Karate folks and welcomed us kung fu folks because we weren't snobby.)

So, I had one black sash left. gave it to the older larger kid, (he was 18 and a high school wrestler. not that that would help him here. lol!)
But, "J" wanted one too. I didn't have one left, so he says to me.. "look! I'll just take the strap off the gear bag LOL! (it was a big gear bag too) and tie it around my waist and call it a black belt! they won't know the difference!"
hey, he was right, we wore black uniforms so you couldn't really see the belt you wore especially when it's black too.
But, we just talked to the judges and let the two share the belt.
"J" did really well. oh, but he only had one arm. (I forgot to mention that, but if you knew him it wouldn't really matter.) Birth defect. Anyways,..
The judges didn't want him to fight. they started stuttering, "well, no he just can't spar because..."
I cut them off.. "because WHY? why not? come on and SAY IT." (ya'll know how onery I am lol!)
They couldn't "say it" so they just let him compete. (because I'm just a pain in the ****! lol!)

He got third place in his first competition ever, and our other student took second only because he couldn't stop chain punching his opponent in the nose! lol! (sound familiar?)
Not, bad for the first time.
Thought I'd share a bit of our kung fu adventures with ya'll. lol!
After that we met the Kempo guys from the very same tournament, and their master, and hubbie and student's went to spar with them often after that. We made some friends.
We had a camra and filmed everything that day, but unfortunately, one of the teenagers stole the video. bummer... figures, that's what happens sometimes. You don't always have "proof". lol!
Ack it gave me a couldn't load page error with my 400 sentence post :P
pretty much just talkin about how I can't wait to enter some form of competition.. not sure there are a whole lot in my area.. I'm almost positive my school doesn't go out and search for em.. but I could probably get consent to go on behalf of my school if I found one.. makes me want to train just thinking about it!
Ack it gave me a couldn't load page error with my 400 sentence post :P
pretty much just talkin about how I can't wait to enter some form of competition.. not sure there are a whole lot in my area.. I'm almost positive my school doesn't go out and search for em.. but I could probably get consent to go on behalf of my school if I found one.. makes me want to train just thinking about it!

hey, it's just the best kind of sparring you can get.
Sparring with fellow students in class is great. But they train what you do, and you know what they may try.
You compete, you just never know what they'll try on you.
Closer to a real "fight" so to speak, in a controlled environment. A good way to gage where you are really at in wing chun and will tell you what you need to improve on.
We used to make one sparring match competition maditory for testing for your next grade (or level).
That's how I got to be a Si-Je. lol! I got promoted after the match, represented my "school" and hubbie well. And after we went to eat at Poncho's! Took all the students to "all you can eat" mexican food! fun times!

Doesn't matter if you win or lose, just that you went and sparred, competed and did it.
After match, you get your new pretty sash. lol!
And hot sause! ;)
Yeah, the whole aspect of my fellows students training the same thing is what makes me want to fight against other practioners, I wish we had manditory sparring my class! lol, I don't even know if we have sparring at all, I'm sure if I asked about it something may be able to be set up tho.. I hope :P my sifu certainly isn't worried about nailing me in the throat lip or nose, lol :) the other people I train with are so timid.. I always go full force, tho I do periodically ask if they want me to tone it down.. hehehe
I've had some dramas with my computer anyway I'm back now , great picture .
Your missus has a good stance and is a credit to Sifu Hubbie , one thing that you notice when well trained Wing Chun people spar is that they never lose the stance , unlike most other arts where sometimes the stance goes straight out the window and they just sort of end up jumping around like a kangaroo on speed . Hey Yosh did you send me a message I think I might of accidentally deleted it can you send it again please.
Yeah, the whole aspect of my fellows students training the same thing is what makes me want to fight against other practioners, I wish we had manditory sparring my class! lol, I don't even know if we have sparring at all, I'm sure if I asked about it something may be able to be set up tho.. I hope :P my sifu certainly isn't worried about nailing me in the throat lip or nose, lol :) the other people I train with are so timid.. I always go full force, tho I do periodically ask if they want me to tone it down.. hehehe

Patience grasshopper...!lol!
go slow for now, learn the techniques inside and out. They will show you how to flow from one to another laterz...
Give it a good 6 months 12 is better. You'll get light sparring in and you won't even know that's what it is, until your getting punched at full force and you just "magically" deflect it and respond.
before you know it, you'll be doing dan chi, and then chi sau...(these are light sparring, and great sensitivity training for fighting)
Our students don't usually spar in competition until 3-6 months in WC/WT training. But, it works out well because that's about when you go for your next "level" or "grade".
but, to compete any sooner and your wing chun will go "barf" in the ring, you need more time training in ANY art before you compete on any level. Get the basics and stick to them when you go in to compete in sparring AFTER 3-6 months good training with Sifu. Okay?
then you'll win.
chuckle! my stepping is getting good! I can transition from iras with circle step into fighting stance and than my "jab step" from fighting stance is pretty darn good, and I've got the long step going pretty good too! :P
I've been doing a bit of dan chi I think, Single sticky hand right? going from ton sau to bong sau and what not, my sifu pushes my arm so hard, it's like impossible for me to align my arm right lol.. oh well.. I may have a sparring partner soon.. going to end up teaching him what I've learned and try to lure him to class to get proper instruction.. I've got SNT and the basic stepping/chain punching down tho.. at least conceptually.. so I think it'll go alright.. I hope lol..
chuckle! my stepping is getting good! I can transition from iras with circle step into fighting stance and than my "jab step" from fighting stance is pretty darn good, and I've got the long step going pretty good too! :P
I've been doing a bit of dan chi I think, Single sticky hand right? going from ton sau to bong sau and what not, my sifu pushes my arm so hard, it's like impossible for me to align my arm right lol.. oh well.. I may have a sparring partner soon.. going to end up teaching him what I've learned and try to lure him to class to get proper instruction.. I've got SNT and the basic stepping/chain punching down tho.. at least conceptually.. so I think it'll go alright.. I hope lol..

Keep up the training.
thats ridiculus.. the face makes up most of the head! what are face masks for anyways, pfft pfft pfft...

I offered her a facemask, for we had a spare. She wouldn't wear it. I really wish she did, I wouldn't have felt so bad. She said that face contact wasn't allowed so she didn't need it.
I told her kicks to the groin aren't allowed either, but the guy's still wear cups.
I like my face in the shape it's in, don't need a overhaul in some silly tournament that's just supposed to be fun. :)
Besides, I'd get really pissed if I got hit in the face hard, and it would stop being a friendly competition real quick. My hood rat, gutter punk would come out with a quickness, and I try to keep that in it's proper cage. lol!
chuckle, sounds like quite the time! I wouldn't want to piss off an a well practiced wing tzun practioner! -hides under his covers-
I wanted to see the heel kick again was it to thigh or stomach?

Why did they take the picture down?

Mook Jong man, notice Si-Je doing a heel kick waist height. She was getting pressured and she heel kicked her in the center of her stomach. Which pushed her back so Si-Je could regain the center of the ring.
After this she chainpunched her in the nose a couple of times and was almost disqualified.
She took her warnings, and stopped chainpuching altogether, and just deflected the rest of the match, with tan sau, dai sau, and chit sau, and heel kick and side kick; frustrating her opponent because she couldn't get a hit in. And won 24-6 hits counted in continous sparring.
I gave her opponent 2 extra points for her opponent because si-je let her hit her in the head after she chainpunched her twice in the nose two different times. I guess si-je felt bad, she kept apologizing and didn't realize the match was continuing and the other girl got mad and punched si-je right in the facemask. Gave the other girl 2 points for the one hit, because si-je shouldn't have let her guard down! lol!