American HKD said:
That's why there was leadership troubles and bad blood lack of respect and the thing did'nt work.
Why not set up a basic standard as we've been suggesting.
Are you into it?
These are the requirements i use 7th Gueb
Demonstration 103 techniques 6-7 months
22 hand strikes
12 kicks
8 basic blocks
10 Defense against punches with counter strikes
10 defense against punches with kicks
10 same side break aways
10 cross wrist break aways
10 kicks against wrist grabs
The requirement for 6th Gueb
Demonstration 53 techniques 3 months minimum from last test
9 additional kicks
10 throws against wrist grab
18 basic joint locks against wrist grab
14 basic cross wrist grabs with joint-locks
The requirements for 5th gueb 3 months minimum form 6th gueb
demonstration 60 techniques
20 more kicks
35 defenses against clothing grabs multiple areas
5 defenses against hair grabs
The requirements for 4th Gueb 3 month s minimum from 5th gueb
Demonstration 70 techniques
20 double kicks
20 defense against punches with throws and joint-locks
10 handshake defense
5 defense against rear wrist grabs
15 intermediate level defense against clothing grabs
The requirements for 3rd gueb 3 months minimum from 4th gueb
Demonstration of 72 techniques
20 hopping or sliding kicks
17 Defense against clothing grabs from rear
15 intermediate wrist breaks
20 Defenses against body grabs from rear
The requirements for 2nd gueb 3 months minimum since 3 gueb
Demonstration of 75 techniques
20 jump double kicks
20 Defense against front body grabs
25 Defenses against Kicks
10 defense against two hands grabbing two wrists
The requirements for 1st gueb 3 months minimum since 2nd gueb
Demonstration 59 Techniques
12 Flying kicks
10 two hands grabbing one wrist
12 advanced wrist breaks
10 from the side wrist grabs
3 defense from underside wrist grab to the chest
The requirements for 1st Dan minimum 6 months since 1st gueb test
17 special kicks
36 knife defense
15 offensive techniques
10 choking techniques
For first dan test and every test you have to demonstrate all of the previous techniques as seemed necessary by the testing board Certain kicks are eliminated Do to age or physical limitations
The requirements for 2nd Dan minimum 1 since 1st dan
Demonstration of 133 techniques
20 Black Belt Level against clothing grabs
20 " " " against wrist grabs
15 " " " against punches
21 " " " against kicks
8 special kicks
11 seated defense
11 lying on back
20 combination joint locks
The requirements for 3rd Dan 2 year since 2nd dan
Demonstration of 150 techniques
16 defense against pistol
30 defense against joint locks/ counter joint locks
short stick technique
20 technique against punch
20 techniques against kick
20 against clothing/ body grabs
20 escorting/ arresting technique
20 long pole technique
The requirements for 4th Dan Master minimum 3 years since 3 Dan
Demonstration of 125 techniques
20 Cane technique against kick
20 Cane technique against punch
20 cane technique against grabs
15 sword offensive sword attack
15 defensive sword
15 defense two people grabbing wrist
15 defense two people grabbing multiple areas of body not just wrist.
these are the requirements of our Dojang all were taught by my masters in korea and many that i learned for Choi,Han Young whom i train with while stationed in texas . I also have not included Tan jon breathing , it is done every class Also falling techniques this is a given.
I also did not mention pressure points for attack or healing and body alignment for chiropractic purpose since it would cause legal problems.
I am not trying to be boastful you can contact Mike T this is what he test with.
I hope this helps in some way I have also named all of the techniques up to 2nd Dan
Hal whalen