Sr. Grandmaster
Several years ago a gentleman told me 'I have never seen a sorry Eagle Scout'
Oh well, I hope life will be kind to him and his track record stays intact.
Yesterday I delivered the certificate, etc, to the father of an Eagle Scout.
After we tripped over it last year as the scout master departed, I found it again this week, packing the current scout master and his family the stuff had been sitting at the scout hut for at least a year, closer to two....
Yes, it did throw me into all kinds of moral dilemmas!
it's a big thing to reach Eagle.
And yet, the young man did not bother to come and pick it up, not let others part take in the celebration....
And of course, there is a HUGE back story to it as well....
You see, nobody likes this family!
Everybody who has come into contact with them in any capacity just rolls their eyes!
And I did the scoutly thing, only because, well, they live across the street from me. Longer story yet, they had promised to move away, I think about 2 years ago...they are still here! <sigh>
Anyhow, Father was very pleased and thankful that I delivered the stuff, and tells me proudly that jr has his mind on other things....being a tattoo artist now, in a brand new shop on a road I could not find with mapquest....
Oh, nice, says I...
I do not think I'd be so surefire happy to tell people kiddo was inking people...but hey.
I just started to wonder, I am sure his maternal grandparents were thrilled to hear about this....or maybe not...last time I checked, tattoos were very much not considered of the polite society in Korea...
(which reminds me, I need to got pick up the kid's (mine) scout pants...I do not want to upset the Korean lady who sewed the crotch back together....)
So yeah, not having laid eyes on the kids from across the street, I guess I can still claim I have never seen a sorry Eagle Scout....
Oh well, I hope life will be kind to him and his track record stays intact.
Yesterday I delivered the certificate, etc, to the father of an Eagle Scout.
After we tripped over it last year as the scout master departed, I found it again this week, packing the current scout master and his family the stuff had been sitting at the scout hut for at least a year, closer to two....
Yes, it did throw me into all kinds of moral dilemmas!
it's a big thing to reach Eagle.
And yet, the young man did not bother to come and pick it up, not let others part take in the celebration....
And of course, there is a HUGE back story to it as well....
You see, nobody likes this family!
Everybody who has come into contact with them in any capacity just rolls their eyes!
And I did the scoutly thing, only because, well, they live across the street from me. Longer story yet, they had promised to move away, I think about 2 years ago...they are still here! <sigh>
Anyhow, Father was very pleased and thankful that I delivered the stuff, and tells me proudly that jr has his mind on other things....being a tattoo artist now, in a brand new shop on a road I could not find with mapquest....
Oh, nice, says I...
I do not think I'd be so surefire happy to tell people kiddo was inking people...but hey.
I just started to wonder, I am sure his maternal grandparents were thrilled to hear about this....or maybe not...last time I checked, tattoos were very much not considered of the polite society in Korea...
(which reminds me, I need to got pick up the kid's (mine) scout pants...I do not want to upset the Korean lady who sewed the crotch back together....)
So yeah, not having laid eyes on the kids from across the street, I guess I can still claim I have never seen a sorry Eagle Scout....