I stand alone?

upnorthkyosa said:
..."Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" is a popular slogan chanted on the Right. It means that if you wish to help someone you may, if you don't, then you don't. It means means if you want to protect the environment, then you may, if you don't, then you don't. It means if you want to work for peace, then you may, if you don't, then you don't....
I cannot BELIEVE that nobody on this thread busted you on this.

I mean, I find it hard to believe that this is a quote people on the Right are saying these days...
Its comes from Wicca..I believe the whole quote is "And if it harms no-one, do as thou will shall be the whole of the law." Entirely diffrent meaning than it was used there, and more liberal in intent than conservative IMHO.
Tgace said:
Its comes from Wicca..I believe the whole quote is "And if it harms no-one, do as thou will shall be the whole of the law." Entirely diffrent meaning than it was used there, and more liberal in intent than conservative IMHO.

The one you quoted is actually the right hand path. The one I quoted is the left hand path. I find the fact that they have been flip flopped in the terms of our common understanding interesting. By the way, I'm no wiccan, and wicca is just an amalgamation of other beliefs...like any other religion.

Both of these statements have roots that are far older.
I believe that many of us do act to improve the quality of our lives and the lives of others. But there are many on both sides of any spectrum that are focused on only their self. The problem I see is that to much energy, time & money is spent saying my way is the rightway rather than actually accomplishing goals.
I blame my generation for the problems of today. We baby boomers were the ones that were supposed to make a difference. We became the ME generation and bought into the whole consumerism lie. The prevelant attitudes today remind me of the fifties again. The fifties were not anything like "Happy Days". The sixties weren't much better. By the early seventies it seemed like there were genuine improvements and then everyone got their hair styled and started to make more money and social change became a distant memory. For those of us that protested segregation and the war in Vietnam and the draft, it seems like we wasted our time. I hope the next generation of kids doesn't drop the ball. We sure did.
TonyM. said:
I blame my generation for the problems of today. We baby boomers were the ones that were supposed to make a difference. We became the ME generation and bought into the whole consumerism lie. The prevelant attitudes today remind me of the fifties again. The fifties were not anything like "Happy Days". The sixties weren't much better. By the early seventies it seemed like there were genuine improvements and then everyone got their hair styled and started to make more money and social change became a distant memory. For those of us that protested segregation and the war in Vietnam and the draft, it seems like we wasted our time. I hope the next generation of kids doesn't drop the ball. We sure did.

You should pick up a nice lil' book called Boomeritis, by Ken Wilber. ;)
I don't give money, I don't help disabled people etc., although I should. The way I try to make a difference is just try to be pleasent to everyone that I talk to, and try to put a smile on their face. If I can make someone smile, or laugh, then I feel I have made a difference in their outlook for a slight moment. I beleive that is why I'm so goofy is because I like to make people laugh. If someone makes me laugh when I feel down or something is bothering me, I am free of that for that one moment. Laughter is the best medicine.



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