That's it! TKD is a Korean Martial Art! some people likes the sport side that was generated as evolution of this martial art and some people don't. The same is with Judo (olimpic sport too) and Shotokan karate Do and even Chinese Wu-Shu just to name some Martial Arts.
I think we must draw a line beetwen both things, in one side we had TaeKwonDo and in the other we have Sport TaeKwonDo (kyorugi and poomsae competitions), and yes both can coexist.
My friend Daniel once told me -Shotokan karate is a very sportive martial art too-, and in some ways it's like TKD,- it has at least too organizations the JKA end the ISKF and most of the Shotokan Karate training is aimed to competition, that's what he said to me.
I really don't like so much the WTF/Olimpic Sparring, I love to use equaly hands and feet, my idea of TKD is more than just kicks to the air or to the palchaguis, however that's my way of thinking and there will be detractores of TKD always, so I must forget the bad words that people not knowing TKD made.