Thug teachers at play...


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Well, union thuggery continues...this time it is teachers and they don't like "scabs," or as we know them, people who will do their jobs while the actual teachers complain and yell at people...some of those people the parents of their students...

What is the problem with the contract talks...

The negotiations are at a standstill over a variety of issues. The district projects a deficit of $10.8 million by 2016 if it cannot contain costs; currently, compensation packages consume nearly 90% of the district budget. The union says the district is not being truthful about the deficit. The most contentious issue is a freeze on automatic step-increases through the 2014-2015 school year. For the children, of course. Teachers are being asked to pay $200/month for the family medical plan instead of the $150 they currently pay and are being asked to pay their own share of the pension contribution — 9.3%. Currently the district is paying the teachers’ 9.3% share plus the district’s share — the 14% the state requires them to pay. Again, presumably for the children. The district even agreed to increase the teachers’ salaries so they would not see a change in their paychecks as a result of the pension adjustment.

And this is how the teachers behave...

Laura Rowley, a parent with students in the district, described her experience registering to be a substitute teacher:
I can’t put into words how these EDUCATORS behaved in front of the police station. Blocking the entrance, screaming in my face, calling me a b**tch, pounding on the doors of the building, going on and on…every other word was mother *****er, dumb piece of s**t—I swear I was walking thru [sic] death row. Really it made me sob—I’m embarrassed that these are the people that are teaching my children. We had to have police escorts to leave the building, is this [sic] beyond crazy. Honestly, I am afraid to send my kids to school tomorrow.
She added, “There were subs crying and hyperventilating, thought they were going to call an ambulance.”
One parent who drove by the scene that day told Bob Frantz on WTAM radio, “I heard the most foul language and I thought my car was going to be mobbed.”
Was that really “for the children”?

To emphasize the point that this strike was “for the children,” the Strongsville Education Association (SEA) posted pictures of the “SCABS” on their Facebook page with the title “Wall of Shame” and the caption “Here’s a visual of who the Board is hiring as replacements (SCABS) to educate OUR children!” Media Trackers Ohio captured screenshots of the pictures ; the caption “And the hiring of ‘teachers’ begins. … Looks HIGH-LY Qualified, but is he?” was next to one picture of a black substitute teacher.

One parent wrote: “Very scary. … I wouldn’t expose my children to this.”

A teacher wrote: “As a Cleveland teacher and a Strongsville resident you have my support 100%, however, I do think some of the captions under the pictures are inappropriate. I realize they are SCABS, but personally poking fun at them to a degree is bullying and we don’t want our kids to see our teachers doing that.”

Another comment: “I am a Strongsville resident and a Cleveland teacher and I fully support you but please review some of these captions, they could easily be viewed as racist and discriminatory and don’t paint the SEA in a good light.”

Eventually the SEA relented and removed the album.

Some teachers tried to frighten their students with the “Wall of Shame” pictures and captions. One mother told WTAM Radio that her daughter “was sent those pictures from her teacher to tell them ‘This was who was going to be teaching.’”

Keep in mind...some of these substitute teachers live in the neighborhood where the thug teachers will be teaching when they go back and actually do their jobs...

Neighborhoods where the substitute teachers live were blanketed with bright pink flyers announcing, “Do you know a SCAB lives in your neighborhood?” The flyers give the names, addresses, and the phone numbers of the teachers and then rattle off a few SEA talking points, giving credence to the superintendent’s assertion that the union is using Alinsky tactics. Parents were stunned to see their friends and neighbors treated like this. “Who knows what this guy will go through?” said Dan Dubecky. “I don’t know him or his circumstances, but I’m sure he’s just a guy trying to work”

See, the problem for the thug teachers is a little thing called the internet and social media...where their thuggery is being the very people they teach for...

Unlike many strikes, where public opinion almost universally sympathizes with the teachers and against the mean, evil school board, this one seems different. People are angry about the bad behavior of the teachers and are probably more than a little frightened that these people will again be entrusted with the care of their children. Many resent the sense of entitlement from the teachers when they hear words like “deserve” and “fair share” as they see their own health care costs rising and their own pay stagnating while taxes increase. Thanks to Sunshine Laws, anyone with an internet connection can see the teacher salaries in the district and the $1 million+ guaranteed pension plans many of the teachers will enjoy upon retirement at age 55 (fully funded by the taxpayers).
In the past, the unions and the mainstream media controlled the narrative. Today, Americans have the tools to access the truth for themselves and can share this information with their neighbors. This, in the end, may prove to be the demise of the big-union stranglehold on public education.
Thankfully not all teachers are like this. We have had strikes here and the teachers are polite and actually had a point in their argument.

To act like this? They should be ashamed. I for one would not entrust the care of my child to someone who acts in this manner for any reason. Protesting and striking are fine. And you are within your rights to do so. However it does also state the right to PEACEFUL assembly.
State your case and let it ride on its own merit. But acting in such a shameful manner doesn't help your cause. It is counterproduct
These subs need to whip out their cell phones and post some videos. They would suddenly find a bunch of job openings.

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