Push back against "Waiting for Superman"


Lifetime Supporting Member
Since this film takes on problems in our education system, and in particular the collective bargaining power of teachers unions and how it is damaging education, I put this article here instead of the Rec room.


The director of the movie, who in the movie targets teachers unions as a major problem in the reform of our education system, is recieving push back, and apparently is moderating his post oscar tone.

From the article:

“Superman” correctly identified collective bargaining as a serious problem in public education. That’s how schools get saddled with three hundred-page contracts that are chock full of provisions about salary schedules (which reward years of employment instead of effectiveness), lavish health insurance and pension benefits, sick day pay outs, paid time off to conduct union business. . . on and on it goes.
(In Michigan and Wisconsin, the teacher unions even have it written into their collectively-bargained teacher contract that the school district will buy health insurance from a company owned by the teacher union!)

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