Jimmy page and Che


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What is the fascination of the celebrity crowd with the murdering thugs down in Cuba. This article talks about a pilgrimage,(the best way to describe it) by rock legend Jimmy Page to visit sites associated with the murdering thug Che Guevara.

THese are some of the words of the favorite of Hollywood, Che:

“We reject any peaceful approach! “declared the souvenir icon of the Concert for Peace’s honoree “Violence is inevitable! To establish Socialism rivers of blood must flow! If the nuclear missiles had remained (in Cuba) we would have fired them against the heart of the U.S. including New York City. The victory of socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims!”
“Hatred is the central element of our struggle!” raved this icon of flower-children. “Hatred that is intransigent….Hatred so violent that it propels a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him violent and cold- blooded killing machine… My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood. Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any surrendered enemy that falls in my hands! We must keep our hatred alive and fan it to paroxysm!”

Today the world’s largest image of Jimmy Page’s souvenir icon adorns Cuba’s headquarters for Cuba’s KGB-trained secret police, a gang of Communist sadists who jailed and tortured at a rate higher than Stalin’s own KGB and GRU—and many of their victims were guilty of nothing worse than listening to music by Jimmy Page.
Well, we helped make him by sponsoring the 1954 coup in Guatemala.

In the meantime, though, he became what he was because of the poverty and inequality he saw throughout Latin America. He was well educated, a good writer, military theorist and fairly successful at a few things. His perceived martyrdom in Bolivia makes him an icon to "the left," and his bloodthirsty rhetoric and the side he was on make him an object of villification to the right.

And, say what you want about him, he was committed to his ideals, such as they were, and not a hypocrite-unlike many of the popular-and equally nutty and bloodthirsty- figures on the right, like Ayn Rand.
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I would heartily suggest a proper read into the past of Dr. Guevara.

He is villified in America mainly because he helped Castro overthrow the puppet government supported by said country. That casts a long shadow, as do some detestable actions done in his name during that overthrow ... rather fewer slain there than Iraq or Afghanistan tho', which is worth bearing in mind.

The man was no saint and was a bit Hitlerian in the vociferousness of his oratory. I dont' really know whether I think he was hero or villain myself - mainly because I'm a nice, safe, Englishman whose idea of revolt is complaining about the County Councils bin collection rota :O!
What is the fascination of the celebrity crowd with the murdering thugs down in Cuba. This article talks about a pilgrimage,(the best way to describe it) by rock legend Jimmy Page to visit sites associated with the murdering thug Che Guevara.

THese are some of the words of the favorite of Hollywood, Che:

“We reject any peaceful approach! “declared the souvenir icon of the Concert for Peace’s honoree “Violence is inevitable! To establish Socialism rivers of blood must flow! If the nuclear missiles had remained (in Cuba) we would have fired them against the heart of the U.S. including New York City. The victory of socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims!”
“Hatred is the central element of our struggle!” raved this icon of flower-children. “Hatred that is intransigent….Hatred so violent that it propels a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him violent and cold- blooded killing machine… My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood. Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any surrendered enemy that falls in my hands! We must keep our hatred alive and fan it to paroxysm!”

Today the world’s largest image of Jimmy Page’s souvenir icon adorns Cuba’s headquarters for Cuba’s KGB-trained secret police, a gang of Communist sadists who jailed and tortured at a rate higher than Stalin’s own KGB and GRU—and many of their victims were guilty of nothing worse than listening to music by Jimmy Page.
Why is Jimmy Page suddenly worth worrying about?
Che Guevara morphed from a physician...

To a long-haired revolutionary that died young.

Jimmy Page came of age in the 60s. This strikes me as more of an aging-baby-boomer thing than anything else.

Jimmy Page was a phenomenal guitar player and made some of the greatest music ever, other than that I wouldn't really care about his political ideas or where he goes. Personally I find that rock n roll and politics are two things that shouldn't mix.

So if myself being such a huge fan of his music doesn't care, why should anyone else?

As for Che, I saw the Motorcycle Diaries and found it very interesting as I do much of Che's story, that isn't to say I agree with all of it. It is very interesting though how someone who was studying to be a doctor could be driven to become a revolutionary.
Some of this was influenced by the extreme poverty he saw while on his travels that the movie was based on.
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I'm sure beating people to death with baseball bats was very revolutionary.

Never said I agreed with the methods or if they were effective but I don't think you can doubt he brought change, therefore yes he was a revolutionary.
That doesn't mean it was all for the better.
The abject poverty that Guevarra once saw in Cuba is still there today.
Yes certain things are better but I would hardly call it progress.
When people call for revolutions, they want change for the better but that doesn't necessarily mean it truly is for the better.
Just look at what's currently happening in Egypt, these people want change in government, rightly so I believe but obviously the situation there is out of control and I would never say that what's happening there in terms of the riots and protests is a good thing.

As for Communism, although an attempt at something better, doesn't truly work. That isn't to say there is nothing good about it, just that as a whole there are better systems for societies to function in especially where human progress is concerned.
hey bill

since socialism is like your fave topic i thought you might enjoy this :p

Enjoy. :)
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, and not a hypocrite-unlike many of the popular-and equally nutty and bloodthirsty- figures on the right, like Ayn Rand.

What are you Talking about man? Ayn Rand was against people Parasiting off the government. Ann O'Connor was the one who took their money for medical treatment.

What are you Talking about man? Ayn Rand was against people Parasiting off the government. Ann O'Connor was the one who took their money for medical treatment.


Well, one thing about them, they were both one hell of a writer......:lol:

And human-anyone who's been deathly ill recognizes that under circumstances like that, lofty ideals go right out the window. Ironic that it was lung cancer, and they did it to themselves...Ayn and Ann, that is....:lol:
Seriously, who cares what Jimmy Page does as far as politics, he is a private citizen he can do whatever he wants. He indulges in fantasy like black magic and Aleister Crowley as well.

If I want to learn about how to write a mean guitar riff, I'll listen to Jimmy Page, on any other subject why would I bother, he doesn't seem that bright.

On the other hand I would love to talk to Jeff Beck on classic automobiles.

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