Thrown a curve

Your teacher is right. It's crap you've done a million times before. If you got scheduled for the test, you're ready. A bunch of needless worrying isn't going to make a bit or difference. But you've made a simple physical performance into something enormous and significant.

The real lesson here is not to care about a stupid scrap of cotton so much. It's making you miserable and interfering with your peace of mind. Just go through the performance - which you can probably do in your sleep - and get it out of the way.
Congratulations Mr. BB!! What is your next "end" goal in that art? (Having just reached the first "end" goal of making black belt?)
Eventually, I want to have the kind of school my Sifu does, although I can't imagine leaving him. I want the respect and love from my students that he has from all of us.
There, now, that didn't hurt too bad, did it? :lol:

Congratulations! Now keep going.....
Thanks, I will! My sifu called me this morning and told me that of all my tests, this was my best. I had thought so myself, but, was great to hear it from him.
Congratulations! Gosh; all this time I could have been saying, "What do you know? You're just a brown belt.", but now I can't go there. Curses!
Glad you had a successful test.
It sounds like your teacher knew what he was doing. If he'd given you the extra six weeks you would have just had more time to worry about it and probably wouldn't have done nearly as well.

Now that that's out of the way, what are you working on next?
Could have been worse, he could have said; "Big Don, three weeks, isn't going to change a whole lot, Get out of the car I'm going to test you NOW!!!!!." :D

You'll do fine, relax, take it easy and roll with it.
So, I was supposed to be testing for my Black Belt on May 26th (three weeks from now)
On Tuesdays, there aren't any scheduled classes, just open mat time, informal time to work out with whoever else shows up.
Last night, just as I was about to leave, to drive one of the Black Belts home, my sifu looked at me and said:"Big Don, three weeks, isn't going to change a whole lot, I'm going to test you Friday."
STRESS! My stomach has hurt all day.
Performance under pressure is what it's all about.

Take heart in the fact that your instructor thinks you are ready to test, and just go out on the floor with a smile on your face and show 'em what you got. You'll do great!

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