"Thoth's Project: Unified Martial Arts & Spiritual Cultivation System (Seeking Feedback)"


White Belt

I am developing a unique training system inspired by the integration of ancient wisdom and modern techniques. The system, called the AMAH Martial Path (AMP), seeks to unify martial arts, stretching techniques (like yoga), and spiritual cultivation into a single cohesive framework.

Inspired by the teachings of ancient masters and modern science, the AMP system incorporates elements from:

Martial Arts: Traditional styles like Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi, and Kalaripayattu, blended with MMA for practical combat.
Stretching and Flexibility: Yoga flows and dynamic stretches to enhance mobility and reduce injury.
Spiritual Practices: Meditation, Qi Gong, and energy cultivation techniques for mental clarity and inner peace.
My goal is to create a holistic program that enhances physical, mental, and spiritual growth while being accessible to both beginners and advanced practitioners.

I would deeply value the community’s feedback on the following:

Does this concept resonate with martial artists and fitness enthusiasts?
Are there specific techniques, philosophies, or practices you feel should be included?
How practical or appealing would this system be for everyday training?
If you’re interested, I’d be happy to share more details or specific elements of the training framework. Your input is invaluable in shaping this project into something truly meaningful.

Thank you for your time and wisdom!

I am developing a unique training system
Training for what? Self-defense, sport, fitness, personal development? How long have you trained kung fu? Tai chi? MMA? How will you unify arts that may have opposing principles? The answers to these questions are a must if you expect any meaningful answer and not be taken as an imposter.
Thoth is the egyptian god of wisdom right? I'm not familiar with egyptian martial arts, but I'd very surprised to find there is not an Egyptian martial art you could use as a basis.
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That said, the combination of martial arts and spirituality is a pretty important topic. And sadly ignored many arts. Many either focus on spirituality (ie: tai chi, aikido) but not the martial aspect, or they focus on the martial aspect (boxing, bjj) but not the spiritual aspect.

Some do focus on both. But if you want to focus specifically involving egyptian spirituality with martial arts, there is a niche there. You just have to figure out a way to market to those specific people.
What's your background? If you seek to unify practices, you'll need to study them individually for a while first. Depending on what your already know, we could suggest how to complete your training according to your goals.
Greetings, one time poster bot!
I am developing a unique training system inspired by the integration of ancient wisdom and modern techniques.
That’s never been attempted before.
The system, called the AMAH Martial Path (AMP), seeks to unify martial arts, stretching techniques (like yoga), and spiritual cultivation into a single cohesive framework.
What a new idea.
Inspired by the teachings of ancient masters and modern science, the AMP system incorporates elements from:
Adenosine monophosphate already holds that acronym…it might confuse the public, so consider changing it.
Martial Arts: Traditional styles like Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi, and Kalaripayattu, blended with MMA for practical combat.
Sort of like taking the best from each martial art and carefully blending it into a better hybrid system <coughs Bruce Lee>
Stretching and Flexibility: Yoga flows and dynamic stretches to enhance mobility and reduce injury.
Spiritual Practices: Meditation, Qi Gong, and energy cultivation techniques for mental clarity and inner peace.
My goal is to create a holistic program that enhances physical, mental, and spiritual growth while being accessible to both beginners and advanced practitioners.
I’d suggest nearly all modern martial arts system incorporate these types of disciplines although not by those names.

The issue you’re going to have is making your system stand out from the myriad others that offer much the same things.
I would deeply value the community’s feedback on the following:

Does this concept resonate with martial artists and fitness enthusiasts?
Already done it.
Are there specific techniques, philosophies, or practices you feel should be included?
Dualistic and non-dualistic philosophies should be blended and added.
How practical or appealing would this system be for everyday training?
Already done it.
If you’re interested, I’d be happy to share more details or specific elements of the training framework.
Yes, tell us specifically what you plan. Detail and lots of it.
Thoth is the egyptian god of wisdom right? I'm not familiar with egyptian martial arts, but I'd very surprised to find there is not an Egyptian martial art you could use as a basis.

That said, the combination of martial arts and spirituality is a pretty important topic. And sadly ignored many arts. Many either focus on spirituality (ie: tai chi, aikido) but not the martial aspect, or they focus on the martial aspect (boxing, bjj) but not the spiritual aspect.

Some do focus on both. But if you want to focus specifically involving egyptian spirituality with martial arts, there is a niche there. You just have to figure out a way to market to those specific people.
The vast majority of Egyptians today are Muslim, with small minorities of Christians (e.g. Copts), Jews, Hindus, etc.

I don't think you'd find anyone still believing in the Antiquity's Egyptian pantheon (Thoth, Houston, Anubis, etc.).
The vast majority of Egyptians today are Muslim, with small minorities of Christians (e.g. Copts), Jews, Hindus, etc.

I don't think you'd find anyone still believing in the Antiquity's Egyptian pantheon (Thoth, Houston, Anubis, etc.).
If only that skepticism extended to one more deity…😉
If you want to start your own cult, great go for it. Otherwise it's an attempt to start a buisness on some scale and one rule of buisness is you can't be all things for all people. What the OP sounds like is trying to create something he wishes existed and wants to train in.(we have read similar posts like this 100s of times here) If this is what and how you want to train, great that's your own personal journey but trying to find more than one or two people who also want that will not be easy. The common Buisness approach would be to have a facility big enough to offer multiple classes in different disciplines with legit instructors, allowing people to pick and choose what they are interested in.

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